
American-type option, 11

Bar chart, 34

Barrier option, 1112

Bear call spread strategy, 6871, 8384

Bear call spread profit and loss diagram, 84

Bear candlestick, 36, 37

Bearish option strategies, 65

bear call spread strategy, 6871

bear put spread strategy, 7174

long put options, 6568

Bear put spread strategy, 7174

Binary options, 12

charts, 3338

stochastic oscillator, 4445

trading strategies, 38

EMA 5-minute strategy using 6-, 20-, and 50-period EMAs, 4142

exponential moving average (EMA), 39

rainbow exponential moving average (EMA), 3941

relative strength index (RSI) 80/20 strategy, 4244

simple moving average (SMA), 3839

Black-filled candlestick, 38

Black Scholes Pricing Model, 34

Bond options, 20

Boundary method, 1415

Boundary USD/CHF trade, 15

Broken wing butterfly spread strategy, 8082

Bull call spread option strategy, 5962

Bull candlestick, 36

Bullish strategies, 5759

bull call spread option, 5962

bull put spread option, 6264

Bull put spread profit and loss diagram, 85

Bull put spread option trading strategy, 5962, 8486

Butterfly spread strategies, 75

broken wing, 8082

long call, 76

long put, 7779

short call, 79

short put, 79

Buying and selling stocks, 2

Call options

definition, 1

profit-and-loss diagrams, 57

Call/put method, 12

Candlestick chart, 35, 37

bear candlestick, 36, 37

black-filled candlestick, 38

bull candlestick, 36

white-filled candle, 38

Charts, 3338

Chicago Board of Options Exchange, 2

Chicago Board of Trade, 3

Commodity options, 20

Currency options, 20

Currency options, foreign, 25

long call, 2526

long put, 2627

short call, 26

short put, 2728

Currency trading, 2

Derivatives. See Options

Digital options. See Binary options

Electronic trading, 4

Equity options. See Stock options

European options, 11

Exchange-traded options, 1920

Expiration date, 1

Expiry, 89

Exponential moving average (EMA)

5-minute strategy using 6-, 20-, and 50-period EMAs, 4142

rainbow strategy, 3941

Facebook, 2123

Foreign currency options, 20, 2528

long call, 2526

long put, 2627

short call, 26

short put, 2728

Forex, 20

Fundamental indicators, 59, 68

Hedging, 8789

High/low GBP/USD trade, 13

High/low method, 1213

Index options, 20, 2830

Internet, 4

Investors trading index options, 20

Iron condor spread strategies, 83

bear call spread, 8384

bull put spread, 8485

long iron condor, 86

short iron condor, 8586

Ladder method, 1517

Line chart, 33, 34

Long call butterfly spread strategy, 76

Long iron condor, 86

Long iron condor profit and loss diagram, 86

Long put butterfly spread strategy, 7779

Long put option strategy, 6568

Long straddle option strategy, 4749

Long straddle profit-and-loss diagrams, 48

Long strangle option strategy, 5153

Long strangle profit-and-loss diagrams, 52

Moving averages, 38. See also specific moving average strategies

One touch/no touch trading method, 1314

Online trading, 4

Options. See also specific options

American, 11

barrier, 1112

binary, 12

definition, 1

European, 11

exchange-traded options, 1920

history of, 14

over-the-counter options, 2131

types, 1117

Options Clearing Corporation, 3

Over-the-counter options

foreign currency options, 2528

index options, 2830

stock options, 2124

types, 21

Profit and loss diagram

call options, 57

bear call spread, 84

bull put spread, 85

long iron condor, 86

long straddle, 48

long strangle, 52

put options, 79

short iron condor, 85

short straddle, 50

short strangle, 54

Put and Calls Brokers and Dealers Association, 3

Put options. See also specific strategies

definition, 1

profit-and-loss diagrams, 79

writer, 27

Rainbow exponential moving average (EMA) strategy, 3941

Relative strength index (RSI) 80/20 strategy, 4244

Sage, Russell, 3

Securities and Exchange Commission, 3

Short call butterfly spread strategy, 79

Short iron condor profit and loss diagram, 85

Short put butterfly spread strategy, 79

Short straddle option strategy, 4951

Short straddle profit-and-loss diagrams, 50

Short strangle option strategy, 5456

Short strangle profit-and-loss diagrams, 54

Simple moving average (SMA), 3839

Stochastic oscillator, 4445

Stock market indexes, 20

Stock options, 2024

Straddle option strategy

long, 4749

short, 4951

Strangle option strategy

long, 5153

short, 5456

Strike price, 1

Technical analysis, 33, 34


exchange-traded options (See Exchange-traded options) strategies, 38

EMA 5-minute strategy using 6-, 20-, and 50-period EMAs, 4142

exponential moving average (EMA), 39

rainbow exponential moving average (EMA), 3941

relative strength index (RSI) 80/20 strategy, 4244

simple moving average (SMA), 3839

Trigger, 11

Tulip bulb mania, 2

Up/down method, 12

Vanilla options

bearish option strategies, 65

bear call spread strategy, 6871

bear put spread strategy, 7174

long put options, 6568

bullish strategies, 5759

bull call spread option, 5962

bull put spread option, 6264

butterfly spread strategies, 75

broken wing, 8082

long call, 76

long put, 7779

short call, 79

short put, 79

hedging using, 8789

iron condor spread strategies, 83

bear call spread, 8384

bull put spread, 8486

long iron condor, 86

straddle option strategy

long, 4749

short, 4951

strangle option strategy

long, 5153

short, 5456

White-filled candle, 38

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