Example uses

Hopefully, by this stage, you will have a great understanding of how to get sound into your Prezi, and of course, what the limitations on the software might be. But how is this going to make your presentations better and more memorable? A few ways that sound can be used in your Prezi are discussed in this chapter.

Less text

One of the great benefits of using audio is that it simply frees you up to use less text on the screen. When sitting through a presentation, it's always a little disheartening to see a slide or path that is filled with text.

Now, instead of making sure everything you want to cover is written on the screen, you can add an audio element to your presentation that helps you to de-clutter the visual aspect of your presentation and appeals to the audio learners out there, as well!


If you are part of a large global organization or if you have an international customer base, you might decide to build a Prezi that can be embedded into your company website for colleagues and customers to explore.

The obvious way to use sound here would be to have some nice background music that plays throughout. Text could be displayed in one language, while a voice-over is narrated in a second language.


We've already mentioned having subject matter experts talk to your audience, but if your Prezi is part of a training program or a staff introduction, using narration at various points could be extremely powerful.

You might design a Prezi and deliver a presentation to colleagues yourself, but you could reinforce the message by using the same Prezi file and adding narration, then sending out the link for everyone to view it.

Or you might have a business critical process that needs explaining quickly to colleagues around the world. Create a Prezi with narration, share it online, and save yourself the airfare!

Using this technique, you could start to build an entire library of business processes, introductions, and training that your colleagues will be able to explore in their own time.

Creating an environment

When new members of staff join your business, they would normally spend a few days in a classroom environment receiving training. There's a projector and a whiteboard, and for the most part, they engage in good conversations with the trainer and each other, and learn a lot.

But then when they hit the retail shop floor or the sales floor of your busy call center, they feel slightly overwhelmed. This is mainly due to the fact that their training environment is very different from the real thing.

So why not use sound in your training Prezis in order to create the same kind of atmosphere? It doesn't have to be constant noise throughout, but by giving them a flavor of how their working environment will sound, you can help prepare them for the real thing.

If your training has lots of activities that involve the new staff thinking and working as a team under pressure, then giving them the same sounds that they'll hear every day will really help.


Along with introducing everyday background noise, why not give your audience sound clips of the types of customers they'll have to deal with. This is a great way to make role play much more engaging!


If you offer a product or service, let your customers speak for your brand. Include a picture or a brief snippet of a quote, and then let a recording of your customer gushing about your company play. This really reinforces the message.



Check out this example to see how powerful audio can be when you bundle it with an awesome Prezi:



This Prezi, titled agriMORE, was designed by www.mrprezident.com and can be found at http://prezi.com/-kosjanxgdev.

The Prezi combines background music with voice-overs and a strong design to create a Prezi that was awarded the title of Best Overall Design in 2014, by the designers at Mr.Prezident.

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