Chapter 8. Using Projectors with Prezi

This chapter looks at some technical aspects that you should be aware of when using a projector to show off your Prezi. Although a very simple subject, there are some things to point out that are important to know for your design process.

We'll also introduce you to an exciting new concept that, with a small amount of time and investment, is sure to wow your audience and really open your eyes to a new way of delivering.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Advantages of Prezi
  • Planning your Prezi
  • Aspect ratios
  • Sharing Prezis for others to present
  • The blackout screen
  • Creating an interactive whiteboard

Advantages of Prezi

One of the main advantages of using Prezi is that it automatically adapts to unusual presenting situations. For example, my university's library features several innovative technology spaces that, among other things, allow for a full wall projection:

Advantages of Prezi

Presentation at SpeedCon in Raleigh, NC, 2014.

As you can see in the preceding image, the full wall produces a projection area that is much wider than its length. Without major modifications, most PowerPoint files would simply project a smaller slide in the middle of the wall, or two of the same slide side-by-side.

Prezi automatically adapted to this full wall projection setup and filled up the entire wall. This created a dramatic effect, especially coming after several PowerPoint presentations.

These advantages stem from the ability to relatively easily adjust Prezi's aspect ratio. The best presentations will plan ahead, but even without planning, Prezi can make you look awesome. As part of this chapter, we'll delve into aspect ratios.

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