Migration segmentation

Let us assume that BGP is used between all the following scaled down nodes. The spine-1 is used as an aggregation router for leaf-1 and leaf-2. Each of the leaf router is top of rack switch that advertises a /24; in this case, leaf-2 is advertising We would like to migrate leaf-2 from traditional IOS-based device to OpenFlow device with Ryu controller.

Original Topology

Of course, your network might look different than this. This topology was picked because:

  • It is an easy segmentation in your mind. You can easily point to the leaf-2 rack and think of it as an OpenFlow rack.
  • It is a clean swap and is easy to roll back. In other words, you are replacing a physical hardware for the same function. In the event of a rollback, at worst, you can always just take out the new router and put the old one back in.
  • The logical addressing is clean. You can be on high alert for any server reporting error in the block upon migration.

Regardless of your scenario, these three points would be my recommendation for picking a spot in your network as a starting point for migration. In the next step, let's see how we can mimic this scenario with Mininet, VIRL, and our virtual machine.

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