The Paramiko overview

Let's look at a quick example using the Python 3 interactive shell:

>>> import paramiko, time
>>> connection = paramiko.SSHClient()
>>> connection.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
>>> connection.connect('', username='cisco', password='cisco', look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
>>> new_connection = connection.invoke_shell()
>>> output = new_connection.recv(5000)
>>> print(output)
b"rn**************************************************************************rn* IOSv is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration and IOS *rn* education. IOSv is provided as-is and is not supported by Cisco's *rn* Technical Advisory Center. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, *rn* of the IOSv Software or Documentation to any third party for any *rn* purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by *rn* Cisco in writing. *rn**************************************************************************rniosv-1#"
>>> new_connection.send("show version | i Vn")
>>> time.sleep(3)
>>> output = new_connection.recv(5000)
>>> print(output)
b'show version | i VrnCisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)rnProcessor board ID 9MM4BI7B0DSWK40KV1IIRrniosv-1#'
>>> new_connection.close()
The time.sleep() function inserts time delay to ensure that all the outputs were captured. This is particularly useful on a slower network connection or a busy device. This command is not required but recommended depending on your situation.

Even if you are seeing the Paramiko operation for the first time, the beauty of Python and its clear syntax means that you can make a pretty good educated guess at what the program is trying to do:

>>> import paramiko
>>> connection = paramiko.SSHClient()
>>> connection.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
>>> connection.connect('', username='cisco', password='cisco', look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)

The first four lines create an instance of the SSHClient class from Paramiko. The next line sets the policy that the client should use when the SSH server's hostname, in this case iosv-1, is not present in either the system host keys or the application's keys. In this case, we will just automatically add the key to the application's HostKeys object. At this point, if you log onto the router, you will see the additional login session from Paramiko:

Line User Host(s) Idle Location
*578 vty 0 cisco idle 00:00:00
579 vty 1 cisco idle 00:01:30
Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address

The next few lines invokes a new interactive shell from the connection and a repeatable pattern of sending a command and retrieves the output. Finally we close the connection.

Why do we need to invoke an interactive shell instead of using another method called exec_command()? Unfortunately, exec_command() on Cisco IOS only allows a single command. Consider the following example with exec_command() for the connection:

>>> connection.connect('', username='cisco', password='cisco', look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
>>> stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command('show version | i V')
b'Cisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)rnProcessor board ID 9MM4BI7B0DSWK40KV1IIRrn'

Everything works great, however, if you look at the number of sessions on the Cisco device, you will notice that the connection is dropped by the Cisco device without you closing the connection:

Line User Host(s) Idle Location
*578 vty 0 cisco idle 00:00:00
Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address

Furthermore, exec_command() will return an error of SSH session not being active:

>>> stdin, stdout, stderr = connection.exec_command('show version | i V')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 435, in exec_command
chan = self._transport.open_session(timeout=timeout)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 711, in open_session
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 795, in open_channel
raise SSHException('SSH session not active')
paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: SSH session not active
The Netmiko library by Kirk Byers is an open source Python library that simplifies SSH management to network devices. To read about it, check out the article, and the source code,

What would happen if you do not clear out the received buffer? The output will just keep on filling up the buffer and overwrite it:

>>> new_connection.send("show version | i Vn")
>>> new_connection.send("show version | i Vn")
>>> new_connection.send("show version | i Vn")
>>> new_connection.recv(5000)
b'show version | i VrnCisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)rnProcessor board ID 9MM4BI7B0DSWK40KV1IIRrniosv-1#show version | i VrnCisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)rnProcessor board ID 9MM4BI7B0DSWK40KV1IIRrniosv-1#show version | i VrnCisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)rnProcessor board ID 9MM4BI7B0DSWK40KV1IIRrniosv-1#'

For the consistency of deterministic output, we will retrieve the output from buffer each time we execute a command.

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