Searching for FTP servers

You can perform a search for servers that have an FTP access with an anonymous user and can be accessed without a username and password.

If we perform the search with the "port: 21 Anonymous user logged in" string, we obtain those vulnerable FTP servers:

This script allows you to obtain a list of IP addresses in servers that allow FTP access anonymously.

You can find the following code in the file:

import shodan
import re
sites =[]
shodanKeyString = 'v4YpsPUJ3wjDxEqywwu6aF5OZKWj8kik'
shodanApi = shodan.Shodan(shodanKeyString)
results ="port: 21 Anonymous user logged in")
print "hosts number: " + str(len( results['matches']))
for match in results['matches']:
if match['ip_str'] is not None:
print match['ip_str']

With the execution of the previous script, we obtain an IP address list with servers that are vulnerable to anonymous login in ftp service:

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