
  1. What is the interface for interacting with modules and executing exploits in Metasploit?
  2. What are the main steps to exploit a system with the Metasploit framework?
  3. What is the name of the interface that uses the Metasploit framework for the exchange of information between the clients and the Metasploit server instance?
  4. What is the difference between generic/shell_bind_tcp and generic/shell_reverse_tcp?
  5. Which is the command we can execute to connect with msfconsole?
  6. What is the function we need to use to interact with the framework in the same way that we can do with the msfconsole utility?
  7. What is the name of the remote-access interface that uses the Metasploit framework for the exchange of information between clients and the Metasploit server instance?
  8. How we can obtain the list of all exploits form the Metasploit server?
  9. Which are the modules in the Metasploit Framework that obtain access to the application manager in tomcat and exploit the apache tomcat server to get a session meterpreter?
  10. Which is the the payload name that establishes a meterpreter session when the exploit is executed in tomcat server?
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