Interacting with the nesssus server

To interact with nessus from python, we have to initialize the scanner with the ness6rest.Scanner class, passing as url parameters, username and password to access the nessus server instance:

We can use the Scanner init constructor method to initialize the connection with the server:
scanner = ness6rest.Scanner(url="https://server:8834", login="username", password="password")

By default, we are running Nessus with a self-signed certificate, but we have the ability to disable SSL certificate-checking. For that, we need to pass another parameter, insecure=True, to the scanner initializer:

scanner = ness6rest.Scanner(url="https://server:8834", login="username", password="password",insecure=True)

In the module documentation, we can see the methods to scan a specific target, and with scan_results() we can get the scan results:

To add and launch a scan, specify the target with the scan_add method:

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