Analyzing SSL/TLS configurations with SSLyze script 

SSLyze is a Python tool that works with python 3.6 and analyzes the SSL configuration of a server to detect issues such as bad certificates and dangerous cipher suites.

This tool is available on the pypi repository and you can install it from source code or with the pip install command:

Also it's necessary to install some dependencies, such as nassl, also available in the pypi repository:

These are the options that the script provides:

One of the options it provide is HeartbleedPlugin for detecting this vulnerability:

Also it provides another plugin for detecting OpenSSL cipher suites the server is using:

If we try to execute the script over a specific IP address, it returns a report with results:

The execution results of this analysis are available in the sslyze_72.249.130.4.txt shared file, available in the GitHub repository.

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