
  1. Which module available in Python allows us to retrieve geographic information from an IP address?
  2. Which module uses Google Geocoding API v3 services to retrieve the coordinates of a specific address?
  3. What is the main class of the Pygeocoder module that allows queries to be made both from the description of a place and from a specific location?
  4. Which method allows the reverse process to recover the address of said site from the coordinates corresponding to the latitude and longitude?
  5. Which method within the pygeoip module allows us to obtain the value of the country name from the ip address passed by parameter?
  6. Which method within the pygeoip module allows us to obtain a structure in the form of a dictionary with the geographic data (country, city, area, latitude, longitude) from the ip address?
  7. Which method within the pygeoip module allows us to obtain the name of the organization from the domain name?
  8. Which Python module allows us to extract metadata from PDF documents?
  9. Which class and method can we use to obtain the information of a PDF document?
  10. Which module allows us to extract the image information from the tags in EXIF?
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