
  1. Which algorithm type uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data?
  2. Which algorithm type uses two different keys, one for encryption and the other for decryption?
  3. Which package can we use in pycrypto to use an encryption algorithm such as AES?
  4. Which algorithm needs to ensure that the data is a multiple of 16 bytes in length?
  5. Which package for the cryptography module we can use symmetric encryption?

  6. Which algorithm is used to derive a cryptographic key from a password?

  7. What provides the fernet package for symmetric encryption and what is the method used for generating the key?
  8. Which class provides ciphers package symmetric encryption?
  9. Which method from stepic generates an image with hidden data, starting with an existing
    image and arbitrary data?
  10. Which package from pycrypto contains some hash functions that allow one-way encryption?

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