Chapter 8: Working with Nmap Scanners


  1. Which method allows us to see the machines that have been targeted for scanning?



  1. How do we invoke the scan function if we want to perform an asynchronous scan and also execute a script at the end of that scan?



  1. Which method can we use to obtain the result of the scan in dictionary format?



  1. What kind of Nmap module is used to perform scans asynchronously?

nma = nmap.PortScannerAsync()


  1. What kind of Nmap module is used to perform scans synchronously?

nma = nmap.PortScanner()


  1. How can we launch a synchronous scan on a given host, on a given port if we initialize the object with the self.nmsync = nmap.PortScanner () instruction?

self.nmsync.scan(hostname, port)


  1. Which method can we use to check whether a host is up or not in a specific network?

We can see whether a host is up or not with the state() function. Here's an example of its use:



  1. What function is it necessary to define when we perform asynchronous scans using the PortScannerAsync() class ?

When performing the scan, we can indicate an additional callback parameter where we define the return function, which would be executed at the end of the scan. Here's an example:

def callback_result(host, scan_result)

nmasync.scan(hosts=’’, arguments=’-sP’, callback=callback_result)


  1. Which script do we need to run on port 21 if we need to know whether the FTP service allows authentication anonymously without having to enter a username and password?



  1. Which script do we need to run on port 3306 if we need to know whether the MySQL service allows authentication anonymously without having to enter a username and password?


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