Comparing OpenMx to lavaan

It can be seen that lavaan has a much simpler syntax that allows to rapidly model basic SEM models. However, we were a bit unfair to OpenMx because we used a path model specification for lavaan and a matrix specification for OpenMx. The truth is that OpenMx is still probably a bit wordier than lavaan, but let's apply a path model specification in each to do a fair head-to-head comparison.

We will use the famous Holzinger-Swineford 1939 dataset here from the lavaan package to do our modeling, as follows:

hs.dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939

We will create a new dataset with a shorter name so that we don't have to keep typing HozlingerSwineford1939.

Explaining an example in lavaan

We will learn to fit the Holzinger-Swineford model in this section. We will start by specifying the SEM model using the lavaan model syntax:

hs.model.lavaan <- ' 
  visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 

  visual ~~ textual
  visual ~~ speed
  textual ~~ speed

fit.hs.lavaan <- cfa(hs.model.lavaan, data=hs.dat, = TRUE)

Here, we add the argument to the fit function, which fixes the variance of the latent variables to 1. We do this instead of constraining the first factor loading on each variable to 1.

Only the model coefficients are included for ease of viewing in this book. The result is shown in the following model:

> summary(fit.hs.lavaan)

                   Estimate  Std.err  Z-value  P(>|z|)
Latent variables:
  visual =~
    x1                0.900    0.081   11.127    0.000
    x2                0.498    0.077    6.429    0.000
    x3                0.656    0.074    8.817    0.000
  textual =~
    x4                0.990    0.057   17.474    0.000
    x5                1.102    0.063   17.576    0.000
    x6                0.917    0.054   17.082    0.000
  speed =~
    x7                0.619    0.070    8.903    0.000
    x8                0.731    0.066   11.090    0.000
    x9                0.670    0.065   10.305    0.000

  visual ~~
    textual           0.459    0.064    7.189    0.000
    speed             0.471    0.073    6.461    0.000
  textual ~~
    speed             0.283    0.069    4.117    0.000

Let's compare these results with a model fit in OpenMx using the same dataset and SEM model.

Explaining an example in OpenMx

The OpenMx syntax for path specification is substantially longer and more explicit. Let's take a look at the following model: <- mxModel("Holzinger Swineford", 
      manifestVars = names(hs.dat)[7:15],
  latentVars = c('visual', 'textual', 'speed'),
  # Create paths from latent to observed variables
        from = 'visual',
        to = c('x1', 'x2', 'x3'),
    free = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
    values = 1
        from = 'textual',
        to = c('x4', 'x5', 'x6'),
        free = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
        values = 1
    from = 'speed',
    to = c('x7', 'x8', 'x9'),
    free = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
    values = 1
  # Create covariances among latent variables
    from = 'visual',
    to = 'textual',
        from = 'visual',
        to = 'speed',
        from = 'textual',
        to = 'speed',
  #Create residual variance terms for the latent variables
    from= c('visual', 'textual', 'speed'), 
  #Here we are fixing the latent variances to 1
  #These two lines are like = TRUE in lavaan
  #Create residual variance terms
from= c('x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x9'), 
) <- mxRun( 

Here are the results of the OpenMx model fit, which look very similar to lavaan's. This gives a long output. For ease of viewing, only the most relevant parts of the output are included in the following model (the last column that R prints giving the standard error of estimates is also not shown here):

> summary(

free parameters:
                           name matrix     row     col  Estimate  Std.Error
1   Holzinger Swineford.A[1,10]      A      x1  visual 0.9011177 
2   Holzinger Swineford.A[2,10]      A      x2  visual 0.4987688 
3   Holzinger Swineford.A[3,10]      A      x3  visual 0.6572487 
4   Holzinger Swineford.A[4,11]      A      x4 textual 0.9913408 
5   Holzinger Swineford.A[5,11]      A      x5 textual 1.1034381 
6   Holzinger Swineford.A[6,11]      A      x6 textual 0.9181265 
7   Holzinger Swineford.A[7,12]      A      x7   speed 0.6205055 
8   Holzinger Swineford.A[8,12]      A      x8   speed 0.7321655 
9   Holzinger Swineford.A[9,12]      A      x9   speed 0.6710954 
10   Holzinger Swineford.S[1,1]      S      x1      x1 0.5508846 
11   Holzinger Swineford.S[2,2]      S      x2      x2 1.1376195 
12   Holzinger Swineford.S[3,3]      S      x3      x3 0.8471385 
13   Holzinger Swineford.S[4,4]      S      x4      x4 0.3724102 
14   Holzinger Swineford.S[5,5]      S      x5      x5 0.4477426 
15   Holzinger Swineford.S[6,6]      S      x6      x6 0.3573899 
16   Holzinger Swineford.S[7,7]      S      x7      x7 0.8020562 
17   Holzinger Swineford.S[8,8]      S      x8      x8 0.4893230 
18   Holzinger Swineford.S[9,9]      S      x9      x9 0.5680182 
19 Holzinger Swineford.S[10,11]      S  visual textual 0.4585093 
20 Holzinger Swineford.S[10,12]      S  visual   speed 0.4705348 
21 Holzinger Swineford.S[11,12]      S textual   speed 0.2829848 

In summary, the results agree quite closely. For example, looking at the coefficient for the path going from the latent variable visual to the observed variable x1, lavaan gives an estimate of 0.900 while OpenMx computes a value of 0.901.

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