Usage of Swagger

These are some of the important usages of the Swagger API toolkit:

  • Developing APIs: The Swagger toolkit for API development can be utilized to automatically create an Open API document related to the code. The informal word used for it would be the code-first or bottom-up development of an API. Using another tool provided by the Swagger API, called Swagger Codegen, coders can decouple the open API documentation, and the client-side and server-side code can then be directly generated from it.
  • Interaction with APIs: Swagger Codegen allows the end users to generate the SDK code exactly from the Open API Doc, and hence abate the requirement for the code for clients generated by humans. As of 2017, the Swagger Codegen project now supports more than 50 formats and languages for the code generated for the SDK Client.
  • Documentation: According to the Open API Document, this API is an open source toolkit that can be utilized to directly interact with this API through Swagger UI. Connections to the APIs are also allowed by the project directly via an HTML-based interactive user interface.

Let's see the implementation of Swagger for a REST API for the Account microservice.

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