Setting up the app structure

For the TripLog app, we will let the Views, ViewModels, and Models all live in the same core portable class library. In our solution, this is the project called TripLog. We have already added a Models folder in Chapter 1, Getting Started, so we just need to add a ViewModels folder and a Views folder to the project to complete the MVVM structure. In order to set up the app structure, perform the following steps:

  1. Add a new folder named ViewModels to the root of the TripLog project.
  2. Add a new folder named Views to the root of the TripLog project.


  1. Move the existing XAML pages files (MainPage.xaml, DetailPage.xaml, and NewEntryPage.xaml and their .cs code-behind files) into the Views folder that we have just created.
  2. Update the namespace of each Page from TripLog to TripLog.Views.
  3. Update the x:Class attribute of each Page's root ContentPage from TripLog.MainPage, TripLog.DetailPage, and TripLog.NewEntryPage to TripLog.Views.MainPage, TripLog.Views.DetailPage, and TripLog.Views.NewEntryPage, respectively.
  4. Update the using statements on any class that references the Pages. Currently, this should only be in the App class in App.xaml.cs, where MainPage is instantiated.

Once the MVVM structure has been added, the folder structure in the solution should look similar to the following screenshot:

In MVVM, the term View is used to describe a screen. Xamarin.Forms uses the term View to describe controls, such as buttons or labels, and uses the term Page to describe a screen. In order to avoid confusion, I will stick with the Xamarin.Forms terminology and refer to screens as Pages, and will only use the term Views in reference to screens for the folder where the Pages will live, in order to stick with the MVVM pattern.
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