You may be wondering why the X100 needs a handbook at all—doesn’t the Owner’s Manual that comes with the camera suffice? The simple answer for me is no; otherwise, I wouldn’t have written this book.

It’s not that I find the Owner’s Manual inadequate—it’s actually pretty good. Its main focus, however, is different from that of this handbook. The Owner’s Manual thoroughly documents the technical functions of the X100 and does not include personal opinions or background information. This isn’t a failing of the instructions—you wouldn’t expect to find such information in an owner’s manual.

When I purchase a new technical device, I have a quick look at the owner’s manual right away, and then I may not consult it again until I run into a problem. On this point, purchasing this handbook won’t make the instruction manual redundant, because the handbook serves a different purpose. You could say that the Owner’s Manual provides foundational information and the handbook guides photographers with practical advice for actually creating the images they want. You’ll find instructions in the Owner’s Manual about how to change the ISO settings of the camera, for instance, but nothing about what this means in a practical sense while you’re in the field.

I can say that I’ve written the book I would have liked to have had after I purchased this camera. You may be asking, “Is it not possible to pick up everything in this book on your own or by reading Internet forums?” Of course it is, and I can’t encourage you strongly enough to do that. The discussions that you’ll pursue will be fun and will provide insight about very specific issues in ways that a book can’t. This kind of research, however, can be time-consuming and laborious. Not everyone has the time to spend three or four months acquainting him-or herself with the X100. This handbook will enable a quick entry into the practical operation of the X100 and will also answer questions that come up as you spend time taking pictures with your camera.


This handbook contains mostly personal experiences (both my own and others’), tips, and background information. Topics in this book include both those that I find interesting and those that I think are especially useful for taking pictures with this camera. The range of topics is by no means complete. This book won’t teach you how to adjust the menu color scheme or how to create a photobook with your camera. However, you will find information such as how the camera uses contrast detection technology to optimize focus. This handbook is written with the assumption that readers have some basic photographic knowledge and skill. I think it’s a safe bet that anyone who forks over $1,300 for a camera knows what an aperture is.


The X100 is a terrific camera with a slew of features that sets it apart from both established DSLRs and point-and-shoot cameras. I learned a lot while writing this book, and I hope that you’ll have the same experience while reading it. Chances are there are experienced readers who don’t need a tutorial for getting acquainted with this camera. Nevertheless, I hope the tips and collected information in this book will help even these readers to avoid mistakes and save time. Anyone who likes to exchange ideas with other photographers or who enjoys using other photographers’ experiences as inspiration should find this book fun and useful.


I never had plans to write a book. Three things came together, though, that convinced me otherwise. First, I had just gotten my hands on the camera relatively recently. Second, I was able to free up some time in my schedule over the past few months. And third, I fell in love with the camera right away and had already spent a good deal of time with it. Why not write a book? I also consider myself something of a prototype for the X100 consumer—I represent the target demographic of X100 owners. I’ve personally had questions about the information in this book and now that I’ve examined the camera inside and out, I’m ready to answer them.

I hope you enjoy the lessons in this book as well as taking pictures with the X100.

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