
First of all, the editor would like to express his sincere gratitude and thanks to all the authors and coauthors for their time and efforts for the preparation of the chapters. The editor do greatly appreciates their efforts in completing the chapters on time as well as for other related documents. The help and support by all of his PhD students are commendable. The editor would very much like to acknowledge the encouragement, patience, and support provided by his family members, in particular to his parents Late Sri B.K. Chakraborty and Srimati Parul Chakraborty, his wife Shewli, and daughters Shreyati and Susprihaa. The editor of this book is not responsible for the statements made or opinion expressed by the authors in this book. The editor does not hold any responsibility for any omissions or typographical errors.

Finally, this editor is most appreciative to the “Wiley” team for their help and support during the preparation of this book.

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