Chapter 14. Maven and Eclipse: m2eclipse


The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the most widely used IDE for Java development today. Eclipse has a huge number of plugins (see, and innumerable organizations are developing their own software on top of it. Quite simply, Eclipse is ubiquitous. The m2Eclipse project provides support for Maven within the Eclipse IDE, and in this chapter, we will explore the features it provides to help you use Maven with Eclipse.


The m2Eclipse plugins (see provide Maven integration for Eclipse. m2Eclipse also has hooks into the features of both the Subclipse plugin (see and the Mylyn plugin (see The Subclipse plugin provides the m2eclipse plugin with the ability to interact with Subversion repositories, and the Mylyn plugin provides the m2eclipse plugin with the ability to interact with a task-focused interface that can keep track of development context. Just a few of the features m2eclipse provides include:

  • Creating and importing Maven projects

  • Dependency management and integration with the Eclipse classpath

  • Automatic dependency downloads and updates

  • Artifact Javadoc and source resolution

  • Creating projects with Maven archetypes

  • Browsing and searching remote Maven repositories

  • POM management with automatic update to dependency list

  • Materializing a project from a Maven POM

  • Checking out a Maven project from several SCM repositories

  • Adapting nested multimodule Maven projects to the Eclipse IDE

  • Integration with Web Tools Project (WTP)

  • Integration with AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT)

  • Integration with Subclipse

  • Integration with Mylyn

  • Form-based POM Editor

  • Graphical display of dependency graph

  • GUI presentation of Dependency Tree and resolved dependencies

m2eclipse has many more features beyond those listed here, and this chapter introduces some of the more impressive features that are currently available. Let’s get started by installing the m2Eclipse plugin.

Installing the m2eclipse Plugin

To install the m2Eclipse plugin, you need to install some prerequisites. You need to be running Eclipse 3.2 or higher, JDK 1.4 or higher, and you also need to make sure that Eclipse is running on a JDK, not a JRE. Once you have Eclipse and a compatible JDK, you need to install two Eclipse plugins: Subclipse and Mylyn.

Installing Prerequisites

You can install these prerequisites when you install m2eclipse; just add a new remote update site to Eclipse for each of the prerequisite components. To do so, go to HelpSoftware UpdatesFind and Install.... Selecting this menu item will load the Install/Update dialog box. Choose the “Search for new features to install” option and click Next. You will then be presented with a list of “Update sites to visit.” Click New Remote Site..., and add a new update site for each new prerequisite. Add a new remote site for each plugin, and then make sure that the remote site is selected. After you click Finish, Eclipse will ask you to select plugins components to install. Select the components you want to install, and Eclipse will download, install, and configure your plugins.

Note that if you are using a recent build of Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede; see, your plugin installation experience may be slightly different. In Ganymede, you will select HelpSoftware Updates..., which will load the “Software Updates and Add-ons” dialog. In this dialog, choose the Available Software panel and click on Add Site..., which will load the simple “Add Site” dialog. Enter the URL of the update site you wish to add, and click OK. In the “Software Updates and Add-ons” dialog, the available plugins from an update site will appear as soon as the site is added. You can then select the modules you want to install and click the Install... button. Eclipse will then resolve all the dependencies for the selected plugins and will ask you to agree to the plugin license. After Eclipse installs new plugins, it will likely ask you for permission to restart.

Installing Subclipse

To install Subclipse, use the following Eclipse plugin update site:

For other versions of Subclipse, and for more information about the Subclipse plugin, please see the Subclipse project’s web site at

Installing Mylyn

To install JIRA integration with Mylyn, add the Mylyn extras Eclipse update URL. You’ll want to do this if your organization uses Atlassian’s JIRA for issue tracking. To install Mylyn, use the following update sites:

For more information about the Mylyn project, see the project’s web site at

Installing AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT)

If you are installing the 0.9.4 release of m2eclipse, you may also want to install both the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and the AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT). To install the AJDT, use one of the following update URLs in Eclipse:

For more information about the AJDT project, see the project’s web site at

Installing the Web Tools Platform (WTP)

To install the Web Tools Platform (WTP), use one of the following update URLs in Eclipse, or just look for the Web Tools Project in the Discovery Site, which should already be in your Eclipse remote update sites list:

For more information about the Web Tools Platform project, see the project’s web site at

Installing m2eclipse

Once you’ve installed the prerequisites, you can install the m2eclipse plugin from the following Eclipse update URL:

If you would like to install the latest snapshot development version of the plugin, you should use the update-dev URL instead:

m2eclipse plugin (development snapshot)

To install m2eclipse, just add the appropriate update site for m2eclipse. Go to HelpSoftware UpdatesFind and Install.... Selecting this menu item will load the Install/Update dialog box. Choose the “Search for new features to install” option, and click Next. You will then be presented with a list of “Update sites to visit.” Click New Remote Site..., and add a new update site for m2eclipse. Add a new remote site for m2eclipse, and then make sure that the remote site is selected. After you click Finish, Eclipse will ask you to select plugins components to install. Select the components you want to install, and Eclipse will download, install, and configure m2eclipse.

If you’ve installed the plugin successfully, you should see a Maven option in the list of preferences options when you go to WindowPreferences....

Enabling the Maven Console

Before we begin to examine the features of m2eclipse, let’s first enable the Maven console. Open the Console View by going to WindowShow ViewConsole. Then, click on the little arrow on the righthand side of the Open Console icon and select Maven Console, as shown in Figure 14-1.

Enabling the Maven console in Eclipse
Figure 14-1. Enabling the Maven console in Eclipse

Maven Console shows the Maven output that normally appears on the console when running Maven from the command line. It is useful to be able to see what Maven is doing and to work with Maven debug output to diagnose issues.

Creating a Maven Project

When using Maven, project creation takes place through the use of a Maven archetype. In Eclipse, project creation takes place via the new project wizard. The new project wizard inside of Eclipse offers a plethora of templates for creating new projects. The m2eclipse plugin improves on this wizard to provide the following additional capabilities:

  • Checking out a Maven project from a SCM repository

  • Creating a Maven project using a Maven archetype

  • Creating a Maven POM file

As shown in Figure 14-2, all three of these options are important to developers using Maven. Let’s take a look at each option in the sections that follow.

Creating a new project with m2eclipse wizards
Figure 14-2. Creating a new project with m2eclipse wizards

Checking Out a Maven Project from SCM

m2eclipse provides the ability to check out a project directly from a SCM repository. Simply enter the SCM information for a project, and it will check it out for you to a location of your choice, as shown in Figure 14-3.

Checking out a new project from Subversion
Figure 14-3. Checking out a new project from Subversion

This dialog offers additional options for specifying a particular revision, either by browsing the revisions in a Subversion repository or simply by entering the revision number manually. These features reuse of some of the features in the Subclipse plugin to interact with the Subversion repository. In addition to Subversion, the m2eclipse plugin also supports the following SCM providers:

  • Bazaar

  • Clearcase

  • CVS

  • git

  • hg

  • Perforce

  • Starteam

  • Subversion

  • Synergy

  • Visual SourceSafe

Creating a Maven Project from a Maven Archetype

m2eclipse offers the ability to create a Maven project using a Maven archetype. There are many Maven archetypes provided in the list that comes with m2eclipse, as shown in Figure 14-4.

Creating a new project with a Maven archetype
Figure 14-4. Creating a new project with a Maven archetype

The list of archetypes in Figure 14-4 is generated by something called the Nexus Indexer. Nexus is a repository manager that will be introduced in Chapter 16. The Nexus Indexer is a file that contains an index of the entire Maven repository, and m2eclipse uses it to list all of the available archetypes in the entire Maven repository. At the time of this writing, m2eclipse has approximately 90 archetypes in this archetype dialog. Highlights of this list include:

And these were just the archetypes that were listed under the Nexus Indexer catalog, if you switch catalogs, you’ll see other archetypes. Though your results may vary, the following additional archetypes were available in the Internal catalog:

  • Atlassian Confluence plugin archetype under com.atlassian.maven.archetypes

  • Apache Struts archetypes under org.apache.struts

  • Apache Shale archetypes under org.apache.shale

A catalog is simply a reference to a repository index. You can manage the set of catalogs that the m2eclipse plugin knows about by clicking on the Configure... button next to the catalog drop-down. If you have your own archetypes to add to this list, you can click on Add Archetype... and add them.

Once you choose an archetype, Maven will retrieve the appropriate artifact from the Maven repository and create a new Eclipse project with the selected archetype.

Creating a Maven Module

m2eclipse provides the ability to create a Maven module, as shown in Figure 14-5. Creating a Maven module is almost identical to creating a Maven project, as it also creates a new Maven project using a Maven archetype. However, a Maven module is a subproject of another Maven project typically known as a parent project.

Creating a new Maven module
Figure 14-5. Creating a new Maven module

When creating a new Maven module you must select a parent project that already exists inside of Eclipse. Clicking the browse button displays a list of projects that already exist, as shown in Figure 14-6.

Selecting a parent project for a new Maven module
Figure 14-6. Selecting a parent project for a new Maven module

After selecting a parent project from the list, you are returned to the New Maven Module window, and the Parent Project field is populated as shown in Figure 14-5. Clicking Next will display the standard list of archetypes described earlier in the section Creating a Maven Project from a Maven Archetype” so you can choose which one should be used to create the Maven module.

Create a Maven POM File

Another important feature that m2eclipse offers is the ability to create a new Maven POM file. m2eclipse provides a wizard that helps you easily create a new POM file inside a project that is already in Eclipse. This POM creation wizard is shown in Figure 14-7.

Creating a new POM
Figure 14-7. Creating a new POM

Creating a new Maven POM is just a matter of selecting a project, entering the Group ID, Artifact ID, Version, choosing the Packaging type, and providing a Name in the fields provided by m2eclipse. Click the Next button to start adding dependencies, as shown in Figure 14-8.

Adding dependencies to a new POM
Figure 14-8. Adding dependencies to a new POM

As you can see, no dependencies are in the POM yet. Just click the Add button to query the central Maven repository for dependencies, as shown in Figure 14-9.

Querying the central repository for dependencies
Figure 14-9. Querying the central repository for dependencies

Querying for dependencies is as easy as entering the groupId for the artifact you need. Figure 14-9 shows a query for org.apache.commons with commons-vfs expanded to see which versions are available. Highlighting the 1.1-SNAPSHOT version of commons-vfs and clicking OK takes you back to the dependency selection where you can either query for more artifacts or just click finish to create the POM. When you search for dependencies, m2eclipse is making use of the same Nexus repository index that is used in the Nexus Repository Manager from Chapter 16.

Now that the you’ve seen the m2eclipse features for creating a new project, let’s look at a similar set of features for importing projects into Eclipse.

Importing Maven Projects

m2eclipse provides three options for importing a Maven project into Eclipse, including:

  • Import an existing Maven project

  • Check out a Maven project from SCM

  • Materialize a Maven project

Figure 14-10 shows the wizard for importing projects with the options for Maven provided by m2eclipse.

Importing a Maven project
Figure 14-10. Importing a Maven project

The dialog in Figure 14-10 is displayed when you use the FileImport command in Eclipse and then filter the options by entering the word “maven” in the filter field. As noted earlier, three options are available for importing a Maven project into Eclipse, including: Maven Projects, Check out Maven Project from Subversion, and Materialize Maven Projects.

Importing a Maven project from Subversion is identical to creating a Maven project from Subversion, as discussed in the previous section, so discussion of it here would be redundant. Let’s move on now to review the other two options for importing a Maven project into Eclipse.

Importing a Maven Project

m2eclipse can import a Maven project with an existing pom.xml. By pointing at the directory where a Maven project is located, m2eclipse detects all the Maven POMs in the project and provides a hierarchical list of them as shown in Figure 14-11.

Importing a multimodule Maven project
Figure 14-11. Importing a multimodule Maven project

Figure 14-11 displays the view of the project being imported. Notice that all the POMs from the project are listed in a hierarchy. This allows you to easily select which POMs (and therefore which projects) you want to be imported into Eclipse. Once you select the project you would like to import, m2eclipse will import and build the project(s) using Maven.

Materializing a Maven Project

m2eclipse also offers the ability to “materialize” a Maven project. Materialization is similar to the process of checking out a Maven project from Subversion, but instead of manually entering the URL to the project’s Subversion repository, the Subversion URL is discovered from the project’s root POM file. You can use this feature to “materialize” projects from nothing more than a POM file if the POM file has the appropriate elements to specify the location of a source repository. Using this feature, you can browse the central Maven repository for projects and materialize them into Eclipse projects. This comes in handy if your project depends on a third-party open source library and you need to get your hands on the source code. Instead of tracking down the project web site and figuring out how to check it out of Subversion, just use the m2eclipse project to magically materialize the Eclipse project.

Figure 14-12 shows the wizard after choosing to materialize Maven projects.

Materializing a Maven project
Figure 14-12. Materializing a Maven project

Notice that the dialog box for Maven artifacts in Figure 14-12 is empty. This is because no projects have been added yet. To add a project, you must click the Add button on the right side and select a dependency to add from the central Maven repository. Figure 14-13 shows how to add a project.

Selecting artifact to materialize
Figure 14-13. Selecting artifact to materialize

Upon entering a query, candidate dependencies will be located in the local Maven repository. After a few seconds of indexing the local Maven repository, the list of candidate dependencies appears. Select the dependency to add and click OK so that they are added to the list, as shown in Figure 14-14.

Materializing Apache Camel
Figure 14-14. Materializing Apache Camel

Upon adding a dependency, you have the option of telling the m2eclipse plugin to check out all projects for the artifact.

Running Maven Builds

m2eclipse modifies the Run As... and Debug As... menus to allow you to run a Maven build within Eclipse. Figure 14-15 shows the Run As... menu for an m2eclipse project. From this menu you can run one of the more common lifecycle phases such as clean, install, or package. You can also load up the Run configuration dialog window and configure a Maven build with parameters and more options.

Running an Eclipse build with Run As...
Figure 14-15. Running an Eclipse build with Run As...

If you need to configure a Maven build with more options, you can choose Run Configurations... and create a new Maven build. Figure 14-16 shows the Run dialog for configuring a Maven build.

Configuring a Maven build as a run configuration
Figure 14-16. Configuring a Maven build as a run configuration

The Run configuration dialog allows you to specify multiple goals and profiles. It exposes options such as “skip tests” and “update snapshots” and allows you to customize everything from the project to the JRE to the environment variable. You can use this dialog to support any custom Maven build that you wish to launch with m2eclipse.

Working with Maven Projects

The m2eclipse plugin also provides a set of features for working with Maven projects once they are inside Eclipse. Many features make Maven in Eclipse easier to use, so let’s dive right into them. In the previous section, I materialized a Maven project and selected a subproject from the Apache Camel project named camel-core. We’ll use that project to demonstrate these features.

By right-clicking on the camel-core project and selecting the Maven menu item, you can see the available Maven features. Figure 14-17 shows a screenshot of this.

Available Maven features
Figure 14-17. Available Maven features

Notice in Figure 14-17 the available Maven features for the camel-core project, including:

  • Adding dependencies and plugins

  • Updating dependencies, snapshots and source folders

  • Creating a Maven module

  • Downloading the source

  • Opening Project URLs such as the Project Web Page, Issue Tracker, Source Control, and Continuous Integration tool

  • Enabling/disabling workspace resolution, nested Maven modules and dependency management

These features are also big timesavers, so let’s review them briefly.

Adding and Updating Dependencies and Plugins

Let’s say we’d like to add a dependency or a plugin to the camel-core POM. For the sake of demonstration, we’re going to add commons-lang as a dependency. (Please note that the functionality for adding a dependency and a plugin is exactly the same, so we’ll demonstrate it by adding a dependency.)

m2eclipse offers two options for adding dependencies to a project. The first option is manually editing the POM file to type in the XML to add the dependency. The downside to manually editing the POM file to add a dependency is that you must already know the information about the artifact, or use the features discussed in the next section to manually locate the artifact information in the repository indexes. The upside is that after manually adding the dependency and saving the POM, the project’s Maven Dependencies container will be automatically updated to include the new dependency. Figure 14-18 shows how I added a dependency for commons-lang to the camel-console POM and the Maven Dependencies container was automatically updated to included it.

Manually adding a dependency to the project’s POM
Figure 14-18. Manually adding a dependency to the project’s POM

Manually adding a dependency works well, but it requires more work than the second approach. Upon manually adding the dependency element to the POM, the Eclipse progress in the lower righthand corner of the Eclipse workbench reflects the action, as shown in Figure 14-19.

Updating Maven dependencies
Figure 14-19. Updating Maven dependencies

The second option for adding a dependency is much easier because you don’t have to know any information about the artifact other than its groupId. Figure 14-20 shows this functionality.

Searching for a dependency
Figure 14-20. Searching for a dependency

By simply entering a groupId into the query field, m2eclipse queries the repository indexes and even shows a version of the artifact that is currently in your local Maven repository. This option is preferred because it is such a tremendous timesaver. With m2eclipse, you no longer need to hunt through the central Maven repository for an artifact version.

Creating a Maven Module

m2eclipse makes it very easy to create a series of nested projects in a multimodule Maven project. If you have a parent project, and you want to add a module to the project, just right click on the project, go the Maven menu, and choose New Maven Module Project. m2eclipse will walk you through the project creation process to create a new project, then it will update the parent project’s POM to include the module reference. Before m2eclipse came along it was very difficult to use a hierarchy of Maven projects within Eclipse. With m2eclipse, the details of the underlying relationships between parent and child projects are integrated into the development environment.

Downloading Source

If the central Maven repository contains a source artifact for a particular project, you can download the source from the repository and expose it to the Eclipse environment. When you are trying to debug a complex issue in Eclipse, nothing can be easier than being able to right-click on a third-party dependency and drill into the code in the Eclipse debugger. Select this option, and m2eclipse will attempt to download the source artifact from the Maven repository. If it is unable to retrieve this source artifact, you should ask the maintainers of the project in question to upload the appropriate Maven source bundle to the central Maven repository.

Opening Project Pages

A Maven POM contains some valuable URLs that a developer may need to consult. These are the project’s web page, the URL for the source code repository, a URL for a continuous integration system such as Hudson, and a URL for an issue tracker. If these URLs are present in a project’s POM, m2eclipse will open these project pages in a browser.

Resolving Dependencies

You can configure a project to resolve dependencies from a workspace. This has the effect of altering the way that Maven locates dependency artifacts. If a project is configured to resolve dependencies from the workspace, these artifacts do not need to be present in your local repository. Assume that project-a and project-b are both in the same Eclipse workspace, and that project-a depends on project-b. If workspace resolution is disabled, the m2eclipse Maven build for project-a will succeed only if project-b’s artifact is present in the local repository. If workspace resolution is enabled, m2eclipse will resolve the dependency via the eclipse workspace. In other words, when workspace resolution is enabled, project’s don’t have to be installed in the local repository to relate to one another.

You can also disable dependency management. This has the effect of telling m2eclipse to stop trying to manage your project’s classpath, and it will remove the Maven Dependencies classpath container from your project. If you do this, you are essentially on your own when it comes to managing your project’s classpath.

Working with Maven Repositories

m2eclipse also provides some tools to make working with Maven repositories a bit easier. These tools provide functionality for:

  • Searching for artifacts

  • Searching for Java classes

  • Indexing Maven repositories

Searching For Maven Artifacts and Java classes

m2eclipse adds a couple of items to the Eclipse navigation menu that make searching for Maven artifacts and Java classes easy work. Each option is available by clicking on the Navigate menu, as shown in Figure 14-21.

Searching for artifacts and classes
Figure 14-21. Searching for artifacts and classes

Notice the available options in Figure 14-21 under the Eclipse Navigate menu named Open Maven POM... and Open Type from Maven.... The Open Maven POM... option allows you to search the Maven repository for a given POM, as shown in Figure 14-22.

Searching for a POM
Figure 14-22. Searching for a POM

Upon selecting an artifact and clicking OK, the POM for that artifact is opened in Eclipse for browsing or editing. This is handy when you need to take a quick look at the POM for a given artifact.

The second m2eclipse option in the Navigate menu is named Open Type from Maven.... This feature allows you to search for a Java class by name in a remote repository. Upon opening this dialog, simply type “factorybean” and you’ll see many classes with the name FactoryBean in them, as shown in Figure 14-23.

Searching the repository for a class
Figure 14-23. Searching the repository for a class

This is a big timesaving feature because it means that manually searching through artifacts in a Maven repository for a particular class is a thing of the past. If you need to use a specific class, just fire up Eclipse, go to the Navigate menu, and search for the class. m2eclipse will show you the list of artifacts in which it appears.

Indexing Maven Repositories

The Maven Indexes view allows you to manually navigate to POMs in a remote repository and open them in Eclipse. To see this view, go to ViewShow ViewOther, type the word “maven” into the search box, and you should see a view named Maven Indexes, as shown in Figure 14-24.

Show Maven Indexes view
Figure 14-24. Show Maven Indexes view

Select this view, and click OK. This will show the Maven Indexes view, as shown in Figure 14-25.

Maven Indexes view
Figure 14-25. Maven Indexes view

Additionally, Figure 14-26 shows the Maven Indexes view after you manually navigate to locate a POM.

Locating a POM from the Indexes view
Figure 14-26. Locating a POM from the Indexes view

After finding the apache-camel artifact, double-clicking on it will open it in Eclipse for browsing or editing.

These features make working with remote repositories from inside of Eclipse so much easier and faster. After all the hours you may have spent doing these types of tasks by manually over the last few years—visiting repositories through a web browser, downloading artifacts, and grepping through them for classes and POMs—you’ll find that m2eclipse is a welcome improvement.

Using the Form-Based POM Editor

The latest release of the m2eclipse plugin has a form-based POM editor that allows you to edit every part of a project’s pom.xml with an easy-to-use GUI interface. To open the POM editor, click on a project’s pom.xml file. If you have customized the editors for a pom.xml file, and the POM editor is not the default editor, you may need to right-click on the file and choose Open With...Maven POM Editor. The POM editor will then display the Overview tab, as shown in Figure 14-27.

One common complaint about Maven is that it forces a developer to confront large and often overwhelming XML documents in a highly complex multimodule project build. Although the authors of this book believe this is a small price to pay for the flexibility of a tool such as Maven, the graphical POM editor is a tool that makes it possible for people to use Maven without ever having to know about the XML structure behind a Maven POM.

Overview tab of POM editor for idiom-core
Figure 14-27. Overview tab of POM editor for idiom-core

The project shown in Figure 14-27 is a project with an artifactId of idiom-core. You’ll notice that most of the fields in this idiom-core project are blank. There is no groupId or version, and there is no SCM information supplied in the POM editor. This is because idiom-core inherits most of this information from a parent project named idiom. If we open the pom.xml for the parent project in the POM editor, we’ll see the Overview tab shown in Figure 14-28.

That “open folder” icon on the various list entries throughout the POM editor indicate that the corresponding entry is present in the Eclipse workspace, and the “jar” icon indicates artifacts that are referenced from the Maven repository. You can double-click those entries to open their POMs in the POM editor. This works for modules, dependencies, plugins, and other elements that have corresponding Maven artifacts. Underlined labels in several POM editor sections represent hyperlinks that can be used to open the POM editor for corresponding Maven artifacts.

Overview tab of POM editor for idiom parent project
Figure 14-28. Overview tab of POM editor for idiom parent project

In this parent POM, we see that the groupId and version are defined and that the parent POM supplies much of the information that was missing in the idiom-core project. The POM editor will show you the contents of the POM that you are editing, and it will not show you any of the inherited values. If you want to look at the idiom-core project’s effective POM in the POM editor, you can use the Show Effective POM action in the tool bar in the upper-righthand corner of the POM editor, which shows a left bracket and an equals sign on a page with a blue M. It will load the effective POM for idiom-core in the POM editor, as shown in Figure 14-29.

Effective POM for idiom-core
Figure 14-29. Effective POM for idiom-core

This effective view of the POM merges the idiom-core POM with the ancestor POMs (the parent, the grandparent, etc.)—similar to the mvn help:effective-pom command—and displays the POM editor with the effective values. Because the POM editor displays a composite view of many different merged POMs, this effective POM editor is read-only, and you will not be able to update any of the fields in this effective POM view.

If you are looking at the POM editor for the idiom-core project as shown in Figure 14-27, you can also navigate to the parent POM using the Open Parent POM action from the POM editor tool bar in the upper-righthand corner of the POM editor.

The POM editor shows a number of tabs displaying various information from the POM. The final tab exposes the pom.xml as an XML document. The Dependencies tab, shown in Figure 14-30, exposes an easy-to-use interface for adding and editing dependencies to your project, as well as for editing the dependencyManagement section of the POM. This dependency management screen is also integrated with the artifact searching facilities in the m2eclipse plugin. You can use actions from the editor sections as well as Ctrl-Space typing assistance for the fields in the Dependency Details section.

If you need to know more about one of the artifacts, you can use Open Web Page action from the Dependency Details section tool bar to check the project web page.

Dependencies tab of the POM editor
Figure 14-30. Dependencies tab of the POM editor

The Build tab shown in Figure 14-31 provides access to the contents of the build element. From this tab you can customize source directories, add extensions, change the default goal name, and add resources directories.

Build tab of the POM editor
Figure 14-31. Build tab of the POM editor

We have shown only a small subset of the POM editor here. If you are interested in seeing the rest of the tabs, please download and install the m2eclipse plugin.

Analyzing Project Dependencies in m2eclipse

The latest release of m2eclipse contains a POM editor that provides some dependency analysis tools. These tools promise to change the way users maintain and monitor a project’s transitive dependencies. One of Maven’s main attractions is the fact that it manages a project’s dependencies. If you are writing an application that depends on the Spring Framework’s Hibernate3 integration, all you need to do is depend on the spring-hibernate3 artifact from the central Maven repository. Maven then reads this artifact’s POM and adds all of the necessary transitive dependencies. Although this is a great feature that attracts people to Maven in the first place, it can become confusing when a project depends on tens of dependencies, each with tens of transitive dependencies.

Problems begin to occur when you depend on a project with a poorly crafted POM that fails to flag dependencies as optional, or when you start encountering conflicts between transitive dependencies. If one of your requirements is to exclude a dependency such as commons-logging or the servlet-api, or if you need to find out why a certain dependency is showing up under a specific scope you will frequently need to invoke the dependency:tree and dependency:resolve goals from the command-line to track down the offending transitive dependencies.

This is where the POM editor in m2eclipse comes in handy. If you open a project with many dependencies, you can open the Dependency Tree tab and see a two-column display of dependencies, as shown in Figure 14-32. The lefthand side of the panel displays a tree of dependencies. The first level of the tree consists of direct dependencies from your project, and each subsequent level lists the dependencies of each dependency. This lefthand side is a great way to figure out how a specific dependency made its way into your project’s resolved dependencies. The righthand side of this panel displays the resolved dependencies. This is the list of effective dependencies after all conflicts and scopes have been applied, and it is the effective list of dependencies that your project will use for compilation, testing, and packaging.

Dependency Tree tab of the POM editor
Figure 14-32. Dependency Tree tab of the POM editor

The feature that makes the Dependency Tree tab so valuable is that it can be used as an investigative tool to figure out how a specific dependency made it into the list of resolved dependencies. Searching and filtering functionality available in the editor makes it really easy to search and browse through the project dependencies. You can use Search entry field from the editor tool bar and the Sort and Filter actions from the Dependency Hierarchy and Resolved Dependencies sections to navigate through dependencies. Figure 14-33 shows what happens when you click on commons-logging in the Resolved Dependencies list. When filtering is enabled in the Dependencies Hierarchy section, clicking on a resolved dependency filters the hierarchy on the lefthand side of the panel to show all of the nodes that contributed to the resolved dependency. If you are trying to get rid of a resolved dependency, you can use this tool to find out which dependencies (and which transitive dependencies) are contributing the artifact to your resolved dependencies. In other words, if you are trying to get rid of something like commons-logging from your dependency set, the Dependency Tree tab is the tool you will likely want to use.

Locating dependencies in the Dependency Tree
Figure 14-33. Locating dependencies in the Dependency Tree

m2eclipse also provides you with the ability to view your project’s dependencies as a graph. Figure 14-34 shows the dependencies of idiom-core. The topmost box is the idiom-core project, and the other dependencies are shown below it. Direct dependencies are linked from the top box, and the transitive dependencies are linked from those. You can select a specific node in the graph to highlight the linked dependencies, or you can use the Search field at the top of the page to find matching nodes.

Note that the “open folder” icon on each graph node indicates that the corresponding artifact is present in the Eclipse workspace, and the “jar” icon indicates that the node’s artifact is referenced from the Maven repository.

Viewing the dependencies of a project as a graph
Figure 14-34. Viewing the dependencies of a project as a graph

The graph presentation can be changed by right-clicking in the editor. You can choose to show artifact IDs, group IDs, versions, scopes, or whether you want to wrap node text or show icons. Figure 14-35 shows the same graph from Figure 14-34 but with a radial layout.

Radial layout of dependency graph
Figure 14-35. Radial layout of dependency graph

Maven Preferences

The ability to adjust the Maven preferences and some Maven options is an important aspect of developing with Maven, and m2eclipse offers the ability to tweak these items via the Maven preferences page inside of Eclipse. Typically, when using Maven on the command line, such preferences and options are available from files in your ~/.m2 directory and as command-line options. m2eclipse provides access to some of the most important preferences and options from the Eclipse IDE. Figure 14-36 shows the Maven preferences page in Eclipse.

Maven preferences for Eclipse
Figure 14-36. Maven preferences for Eclipse

The checkboxes in the top section of Figure 14-36 provide you with the ability to:

  • Run Maven in offline mode, disabling any downloads from remote repositories

  • Enable debug output in the Maven console

  • Download source JARs for artifacts from remote Maven repositories

  • Download Javadoc JARs for artifacts from remote Maven repositories

  • Download and update local indexes for remote repositories on startup

The next section offers a pop-up menu to select which goal you’d like to be executed when a project is imported and when the source folders for a given project are updated. The default goal is named process-resources, which copies and process the resources for the project into the destination directory to make the project ready for packaging. Customizing this list of goals can come in handy if you need to run any custom goals that process resources or generate supporting configuration.

If you need help selecting a goal, click the Select... button to see the Goals dialog. The dialog on the lefthand side ofFigure 14-37 shows the Goals dialog with a list of all the phases in the default Maven lifecycle.

Maven Goals dialogs
Figure 14-37. Maven Goals dialogs

When you see the Goals dialog for the first time, you might be overwhelmed by the number of goals it lists. There are literally hundreds of Maven plugins, for everything from generating a database to running integration tests to performing static analysis to generating web services with XFire. Over 200 plugins with selectable goals are listed in the Goals dialog. The dialog on the righthand side of Figure 14-37 shows the Goals dialog with the Tomcat Maven plugin’s goals highlighted. You can always narrow down the list of goals shown in this dialog by typing some text in the search field. As you type in text, m2eclipse reduces the list of available goals to those that contain the text in the search field.

Another Maven preference page is the Maven installations configuration page, shown in Figure 14-38.

Maven installations preference page
Figure 14-38. Maven installations preference page

This page allows you to add other Maven installations to the Eclipse environment. If you want to use a different version of Maven with the m2eclipse plugin, you can configure multiple installations of Maven from this configuration page. This is very similar to the ability to add more than one Java Virtual Machine to be run inside of Eclipse. An embedded version of the Maven known as the Maven Embedder is already specified. This is what is used to execute Maven inside of Eclipse. If you have another installation of Maven that you want to use instead of the Maven Embedder, you can add another Maven runtime by clicking on the Add... button. Figure 14-38 shows a configuration page that lists the Maven Embedder, Maven 2.0.9, and an installation of Maven 2.1-SNAPSHOT.

The installations configuration page also allows you to specify the location of the global Maven settings file. If you do not specify the location of this file on the configuration page, Maven will use the default global settings file found in conf/settings.xml of the selected Maven installation. You can also customize the location of your user settings file from the default location of ~/.m2/settings.xml, and you can customize the location of your local Maven repository from the default location of ~/.m2/repository.

Also available in the Eclipse preferences is the ability to enable a decorator called the Maven Version Decorator. This preference provides a given project’s current version on the Eclipse Package Explorer and is shown in Figure 14-39.

Enabling the Maven Version Decorator
Figure 14-39. Enabling the Maven Version Decorator

To enable this preference, simply check the Maven Version Decorator option that is highlighted in Figure 14-39. If the Maven Version Decorator is not enabled, a project will list only its name and relative path in the Package Explorer, as shown in Figure 14-40.

Package Explorer without Maven Version Decorator
Figure 14-40. Package Explorer without Maven Version Decorator

Upon enabling the Maven Version Decorator, the project name will include the current project version, as shown in Figure 14-41.

Package Explorer with Maven Version Decorator enabled
Figure 14-41. Package Explorer with Maven Version Decorator enabled

This is a helpful feature that provides you with the project version at a glance instead of requiring you to open the POM to locate the version element.


m2eclipse is more than just a simple plugin that adds Maven support to Eclipse; it is a comprehensive integration that will make everything from creating new projects to locating third-party dependencies orders of magnitude easier. m2eclipse is the first step toward an IDE that is aware of the rich semantic treasure that is the central Maven repository. As more people come to use m2eclipse, more projects are going to be releasing Maven archetypes, and more projects are going to see value in publishing source artifacts to the Maven repository. If you’ve tried to use Eclipse and Maven together without a tool that can comprehend the hierarchical project relationships that are central to any multimodule Maven project, you will know that the ability to work with nested projects is essential to smooth integration between the Eclipse IDE and Maven.

[4] Don’t use the Groovy Maven plugin in Codehaus’ Mojo project. Jason Dillon has moved the Groovy Maven integration to the Groovy project in Codehaus. For more information, see

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