Appendix B. How to Get More Information

This appendix is designed to provide you with some of the sources consulted in this book, as well as sites (or documents) that can assist you in better understanding security.

Establishment Resources

The following list of resources includes articles, papers, and tools. The majority were authored or created by individuals working in security.

Sites on the WWW

Reports and Publications



Databases and Security




Macintosh Security Tools

Password Crackers

Scanners and Related Utilities

Mail Bombers

Intrusion Detectors

Technical Reports, Government Standards, and Papers

The Rainbow Books and Related Documentation

The Rainbow Books set forth the U.S. government’s criteria for the use and certification of trusted systems. The Rainbow Books were written a long time ago, but are still used even today as references by much of the security community.

Other Governmental Security Documents and Advisories

Intrusion Detection

Mailing Lists

The BugTraq List. This list is for posting or discussing bugs in various operating systems, although Unix is the most often discussed. The information here can be quite explicit. If you are looking to learn the fine aspects (and cutting-edge news) of Unix security, this list is for you. Instructions for subscribing can be found at

Intrusion Detection Systems. This list concentrates on discussions about methods of intrusion or intrusion detection.

The NT Security List. This list is devoted to discussing all techniques of security related to the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. Individuals also discuss security aspects of other Microsoft operating systems.

The NTBugTraq List. This list is for posting or discussing bugs in Windows NT/2000.

The Secure HTTP List. This list is devoted to the discussion of S-HTTP and techniques to facilitate this new form of security for WWW transactions.

The Sneakers List. This list discusses methods of circumventing firewall and general security. This list is reserved for lawful tests and techniques.

The WWW Security List. List members discuss all techniques to maintain (or subvert) WWW security (things involving secure methods of HTML, HTTP and CGI).

  • Target:

  • Command: SUBSCRIBE www-security your_email_address (in body of message)

Underground Resources

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