Appendix D. What’s on the CD-ROM

This appendix lists security tools for various platforms. Most such tools are freeware, shareware, or open source. The rest are commercial products. URLs are included so that you can check to see if there have been any updates since the book was published. If you don’t find a product listed in this appendix on the CD-ROM, you can use the provided URL to get more information on it.

  • AATools

  • Description: Network diagnostic tools that do just about everything including port scanner, proxy analysis, tracing routes, email address vertification, link analysis, network monitor, process monitoring, and a few other functions. The primary purpose is to get network status and availability information.

  • URL:

  • AckCmd

  • Description: Allows you to get command prompts on remote Windows 2000 systems. Can bypass some firewalls by communicating via ACK packets.

  • URL:

  • Active Ports

  • Description: A Windows NT/2000/XP tool to monitor TCP/IP port usage, including the applications which own the ports and the IP address connected to it. Useful to detect trojans on your system.

  • URL:

  • AdmWin

  • Description: A set of five tools that make managing Windows NT/2000/XP easier. The tools manage users, groups, active directory, events, and can perform remote management.

  • URL:

  • Advanced Security Control (ASC)

  • Description: Lets Windows administrators control the time of day that users can run certain applications.

  • URL:

  • Astaro Security Linux

  • Description: A Linux distribution with advanced security features such as firewalling, content-filtering, and VPN features.

  • URL:

  • Authentication (Windows NT Domain Controller)

  • Description: An Apache for Windows Perl module that does NT Domain Controller/password-based authentication.

  • URL:

  • Bandwidth management

  • Description: Limits bandwidth based on the number of connections.

  • Brute Force Binary Tester

  • Description: BFBTester does proactive security checks of binary programs. BFBTester will perform checks of single- and multiple-argument command-line overflows and environment variable overflows. For Solaris and BSD.

  • URL:

  • CDLock

  • Description: Allows the administrator to set rules on Windows machines regarding how users can use removable storage.

  • URL:

  • CopyPwd

  • Description: A command-line utility that allows Windows accounts to be copied from one computer to another.

  • URL:

  • DansGuardian

  • Description: A Web content filter that currently runs on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris. It filters the actual content of pages based on many methods, including phrase matching, PICS filtering, and URL filtering. It does not purely filter based on a banned list of sites like lesser commercial filters.

  • URL:

  • Dial-Up Lock Millennium Edition

  • Description: Allows the administrator to set up per-user security for RAS connections on Windows.

  • URL:

  • DNS Blocker

  • Description: Allows administrators to filter out and redirect selected inappropriate sites for Linux. This is useful to prevent employees from browsing inappropiate sites at work.

  • URL:

  • DumpSec, DumpReg, DumpEvt

  • Description: Products that dump NTFS permissions, user information, event logs, and registry information.

  • URL:

  • Firewallscript

  • Description: Parses firewall settings in a configuration file and implements them in a script.

  • URL:

  • GIPTables Firewall

  • Description: GIPTables Firewall is a free set of shell scripts that help you generate iptables rules for Linux 2.4.x and later kernels. It’s easy to configure, and at present, designed to run on hosts with one or two network cards. It doesn’t require you to install any additional components to make it work with your GNU/Linux system.

  • URL:

  • Heimdall Linuxconf Firewall

  • Description: Simple-to-use internet firewall (distributed as part of Linuxconf). Works in the background (as a daemon). Features a Net interface monitor based on a configuration in Linuxconf (done by Web, GUI, client/server or text interface). Linux.

  • URL:

  • HLFL (High Level Firewall Language)

  • Description: A general purpose firewall language that can translate rules into the format needed for various devices.

  • URL:

  • Internet Access Scheduler

  • Description: Allows a Windows administrator to control which users can access which TCP/IP ports based on the time of day.

  • URL:

  • LANguard Content Filtering & Anti-Virus

  • Description: Checks incoming data for viruses and unwanted content, blocking them without blocking other data.

  • URL:

  • libpam-sfs

  • Description: A Linux Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) that allows for the mounting of home directories from SFS-enabled (Self-certifying File System) servers.

  • URL:

  • NetBSD/i386 Firewall

  • Description: A firewall solution for permanent Internet connections.

  • URL:

  • Realm and MD5 Digest-based cookie authentication

  • Description: Security realms for document tree and fast login for users using MD5-signed cookies.

  • URL:

  • theWall

  • Description: A collection of PicoBSD configuration trees and prebuilt binaries that provide NAT and firewall services for a small network.

  • URL:

  • tini

  • Description: A simple and very small (3KB) back door for Windows, coded in assembler. It listens at TCP port 7777 and gives anybody who connects a remote command prompt.

  • URL:

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