List of Figures

If not indicated otherwise, all figures were created by the author.
All screenshots were captured by the author.

Figure 1 Angela Merkel looking back into the past and striding towards the future
Figure 2 Three variant forms of audiovisual figurativity
Figure 3 Cover picture of Der Spiegel (left) and extract of V. Eriksen’s “Portrait of Catherine II in front of a mirror” (right)
Figure 4 CDU election poster in Berlin during the 2013 parliamentary elections (© dpa)
Figure 5 Metonymical links giving rise to the metonymy Angela Merkel stands for the people (ANGELA MERKEL)
Figure 6 Emerging repetitive metonymical pattern and foregrounding of contiguity (ANGELA MERKEL)
Figure 7 Unfolding repetitive metonymical pattern (ANGELA MERKEL)
Figure 8 Experiencing temperateness and gravitas (ANGELA MERKEL)
Figure 9 Experiencing dominance and power (ANGELA MERKEL)
Figure 10 Emergence and unfolding of a construction scenario (PREMIER DONALD TUSK)
Figure 11 Heterogeneous topics, camera perspectives, and field sizes (PREMIER DONALD TUSK)
Figure 12 Experiencing breathless hurry and tense pressure (PREMIER DONALD TUSK)
Figure 13 Tension turning into balance and cohesion (CHCEMY POLSKI RÓWNYCH SZANS)
Figure 14 Contrasting unequal with equal chances (CHCEMY POLSKI RÓWNYCH SZANS)
Figure 15 The Germany plan as reliable answer to a problematic issue (FRANK-WALTER STEINMEIER)
Figure 16 Short-time moments of metonymical meaning (FRANK-WALTER STEINMEIER)
Figure 17 Campaign commercials as variant forms of audiovisual figurativity
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