


1.1Audiovisual Figurativity as Product and as Process

1.2Audiovisual Figurativity as Construction of Meaning

1.3Audiovisual Figurativity as Embodied Experience

1.4Objective, Scope, and Structure of the Book

2The State of Research on Campaign Commercials and Figurativity

2.1Campaign Commercials as Simplistic and Emotionalizing Canvassing

2.2Political Metaphor as Pervasive and Persuasive Tool

2.3The Dynamic Perspective: Active Spectators and Varieties of Audiovisual Figurativity

3Cognitive-Linguistic Perspectives on Figurativity

3.1Materialized Conceptualization: Figurativity and Multimodality

3.2Enactive Conceptualization: Figurativity and Situatedness

3.3Highlighted Meaning: Activation of Figurativity

3.4Experiential Grounds: Figurativity and Embodiment


4Film-Theoretical Perspectives on Figurativity

4.1Figuration and Illocution: Figurativity and the Film Code

4.2Artistry and Cognitive Principle: Figurativity and Message Deciphering

4.3Intellectual Shock and Affective Fusion: Figurativity and Viewers’ Participation

4.4Double Vision and Cinematic Expressivity: Figurativity and Embodied Experience


5Implications of a Dynamic Approach to Audiovisual Figurativity

5.1Temporal Dynamics of Audiovisual Figurativity

5.2Attentional Dynamics of Audiovisual Figurativity

5.3Experiential Dynamics of Audiovisual Figurativity

5.4Variant Forms of Audiovisual Figurativity

6Angela Merkel, a Sovereign With Civil Roots

6.1The Image of a Monarch: Angela Merkel as Political Message

6.2‘I Am You’: Angela Merkel as Representative of the German People

6.3The Experience of Gravitas: Angela Merkel as Center of Power

6.4“We Have the Power”: Angela Merkel and a Sense of Commonality

6.5Conclusion: Metaphor and Metonymy as Interrelated Meaning-Making Processes

7Donald Tusk, a Leading Builder Under Pressure

7.1Highlighting an Ongoing Process: “Poland Under Construction”

7.2An Unfolding Construction Scenario: Donald Tusk as Leading Builder of a Future Poland

7.3Feeling the Workload: Donald Tusk as Being Overwhelmed with Duties

7.4The Pressure of Premiership: Donald Tusk and a Message of Apology

7.5Conclusion: The Interplay of Language and Audiovisual Staging as Rhetorical Design

8Jarosław Kaczyński and Frank-Walter Steinmeier: A Door Opener and a Sober Problem Solution

8.1Two Challengers, Different Foci: Self-Promotion as Opposition and as Governing Party

8.2Jarosław Kaczyński: Opening Doors and Conquering Hindrances

8.3Frank-Walter Steinmeier: Giving a Realistic Answer to Existential Questions

8.4Similarities and Differences Among Challenger and Incumbent Images

8.5Conclusion: The Intertwining of Language and Audiovisual Staging as Qualitative Criterion

9Conclusion and Prospects

9.1Variations of Audiovisual Figurative Meaning-Making

9.2Campaign Commercials as Political Symbolizations

9.3Reframing Persuasion Towards Meaning-Making and Understanding


Audiovisual Sources

List of Figures

Name Index

Subject Index

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