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activated state, of screen object, Screens and States
active state, of manual trigger, Control states
Adler, Robert (inventor)
TV remote control, The Secret History of Microinteractions
affordance (see visual affordance)
alarm app example, Example 1: Mobile AppExample 1: Mobile App
algorithms for rules, AlgorithmsAlgorithms
animation, for feedback, AnimationAnimation
Antenna Design, MetroCard Vending Machine, Triggers
audio feedback, AudioSpeech
auditory stimulus, recognition of, Making manual triggers discoverable


Boolean Logic, Algorithms
buttons, Controls


checkboxes, Controls
closed loops, Styles of Loops
code examples, permission to use, Using Code Examples
collection-controlled loops, Styles of Loops
command keys, as invisible triggers, Invisible triggers
complexity, Tesler’s Law regarding, Absorb Complexity
condition-controlled loops, Styles of Loops
contact information for this bok, How to Contact Us
controls, ControlsInvisible triggers, Controls and User InputControls and User Input
(see also screen objects)
conventions used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
Convertbot app example, Microinteractions Can Be Big
count-controlled loops, Styles of Loops


data collection
context provided by, Don’t Start from Zero, Don’t Start from Zero
contraints regarding, Constraints
privacy issues regarding, Don’t Start from Zero, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism
default state
of manual trigger, Control states
of screen object, Screens and States
default values for user options, Limited Options and Smart DefaultsLimited Options and Smart Defaults
delivery method, for feedback, Feedback Is for HumansFeedback Is for Humans
audio, AudioSpeech
haptics, HapticsHaptics
visual, VisualMessages
diagramming rules, Generating RulesVerbs and Nouns
dials, Controls
disclosure, progressive, Progressive disclosure or reduction
discoverability of manual triggers, Making manual triggers discoverableMaking manual triggers discoverable
dishwasher control panel example, Example 3: Dishwasher Control PanelExample 3: Dishwasher Control Panel


earcons, as feedback, Earcons
edge cases, Limited Options and Smart Defaults
feedback regarding, Feedback Illuminates the Rules, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism, Messages
initiating system triggers, System Triggers
preventing, Preventing Errors
quantitative data regarding, Using Quantitative Data


compared to microinteractions, Microinteractions Are Not Features ... But Still MatterMicrointeractions Are Not Features ... But Still Matter
microinteractions becoming, Turning Microinteractions into FeaturesTurning Microinteractions into Features
relationship to microinteractions, Orchestrating Microinteractions
feedback, The Structure of Microinteractions, The Structure of MicrointeractionsThe Structure of Microinteractions
alarm app example of, Example 1: Mobile App
amount of, Feedback Illuminates the RulesFeedback Illuminates the Rules, Less Is More
dishwasher control panel example of, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
for errors, Feedback Illuminates the Rules, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism, Messages
method of delivery, Feedback Is for HumansFeedback Is for Humans
audio, AudioSpeech
haptics, HapticsHaptics
visual, VisualMessages
personality conveyed by, The Structure of Microinteractions, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery MechanismFeedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism
relevance to situation, Feedback Is for Humans
rules communicated by, Designing Rules, Feedback Illuminates the RulesFeedback Illuminates the Rules
rules for, Designing Rules, Feedback RulesFeedback Rules
shared playlist example of, Example 2: Online Shared Playlist
Siri example of, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism
situations requiring, Feedback Illuminates the RulesFeedback Is for Humans
slot machine example of, FeedbackFeedback
finger motions (see gestures)
fonts used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
For loops, Styles of Loops
form fields, Controls


geons, Making manual triggers discoverable
gestures, Controls
as invisible triggers, Invisible triggers
tap state, of manual trigger, Control states
Goldberg, Adele (developer)
scrollbars, The Secret History of Microinteractions
Gypsy application example, The Secret History of Microinteractions


haptic feedback, HapticsHaptics
hover state, of manual trigger, Control states


in process state, of manual trigger, Control states
incoming data, initiating system triggers, System Triggers
infinite loops, Styles of Loops
Ingalls, Dan (developer)
scrollbars, The Secret History of Microinteractions
internal data, initiating system triggers, System Triggers
invisible manual triggers, Invisible triggersInvisible triggers, Controls and User Input
invitation state, of screen object, Screens and States
iPhone mobile app example, Example 1: Mobile AppExample 1: Mobile App


Kay, Alan (developer)
scrollbars, The Secret History of Microinteractions
keyboard shortcuts, as redundant triggers, Controls and User Input
Koomey’s Law, The Secret History of Microinteractions
Kryder’s Law, The Secret History of Microinteractions


labels, LabelsLabels, Microcopy
Law of the Conservation of Complexity, Absorb Complexity
Lean UX process, for testing, Testing Microinteractions
location, geographic, initiating system triggers, System Triggers
long loops, Long LoopsProgressive disclosure or reduction
The Long Wow, Long Loops
loops, The Structure of Microinteractions, The Structure of Microinteractions, LoopsProgressive disclosure or reduction
alarm app example of, Example 1: Mobile App
dishwasher control panel example of, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
length of, Styles of Loops
long loops, Long LoopsProgressive disclosure or reduction
Mars Spirit rover example of, Loops and Modes
rules for, Designing Rules
shared playlist example of, Example 2: Online Shared Playlist
types of, Styles of Loops


manual triggers, Manual TriggersLabels
components of, The Components of a TriggerLabels
consistent action taken by, Manual Triggers
controls for, ControlsInvisible triggers
corresponding to system triggers, System Triggers
discoverability of, Making manual triggers discoverableMaking manual triggers discoverable
information shown by, Bring the Data ForwardBring the Data Forward
invisible, Invisible triggersInvisible triggers, Controls and User Input
labels for, LabelsLabels, Microcopy
states of, Control statesControl states
visibility of, Manual Triggers, Manual Triggers
visual affordance of, Controls, Making manual triggers discoverable
Mars Spirit rover example, Loops and ModesLoops and Modes
meta rules (see loops; rules)
MetroCard example, TriggersTriggers
microcopy, MicrocopyMicrocopy
(see also labels)
microinteractions, Designing MicrointeractionsDesigning Microinteractions
becoming features, Turning Microinteractions into FeaturesTurning Microinteractions into Features
compared to features, Microinteractions Are Not Features ... But Still MatterMicrointeractions Are Not Features ... But Still Matter
feedback for (see feedback)
history of, The Secret History of MicrointeractionsThe Secret History of Microinteractions
importance of, Designing MicrointeractionsDesigning Microinteractions, Microinteractions Can Be BigMicrointeractions Can Be Big
improving, How to Fix a Dull MicrointeractionHow to Fix a Dull Microinteraction
including in product design, Microinteractions as a PhilosophyMicrointeractions as a Philosophy
loops for (see loops)
as minimum viable product, Microinteractions as a Philosophy
modes for (see modes)
relationship to features, Orchestrating Microinteractions
relationship to other microinteractions, Turning Microinteractions into Features
rules for (see rules)
scope of, Microinteractions Can Be Big, Microinteractions as a Philosophy
as Signature Moments, Microinteractions as a Philosophy, Orchestrating Microinteractions
structure of, The Structure of MicrointeractionsThe Structure of Microinteractions
testing, Testing MicrointeractionsA Process for Testing Microinteractions
process for, A Process for Testing MicrointeractionsA Process for Testing Microinteractions
qualitative data for, What to Look for During TestingWhat to Look for During Testing
quantitative data for, Using Quantitative DataUsing Quantitative Data
triggers for (see triggers)
minimum viable product, Microinteractions as a Philosophy
mobile app example, Example 1: Mobile AppExample 1: Mobile App
modes, The Structure of Microinteractions, The Structure of Microinteractions, ModesSpring-Loaded and One-off Modes
alarm app example of, Example 1: Mobile App
avoiding, reasons for, The Secret History of Microinteractions, Modes
dishwasher control panel example of, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
Mars Spirit rover example of, Loops and Modes
one-off modes, Spring-Loaded and One-off Modes
rules for, Designing Rules
separate screen for, Modes
spring-loaded modes, Spring-Loaded and One-off Modes
when to use, Modes
Moeslinger, Sigi (designer)
MetroCard Vending Machine, Triggers
Moore’s Law, The Secret History of Microinteractions
mouse movements, as invisible triggers, Invisible triggers
music service example, Example 2: Online Shared PlaylistExample 2: Online Shared Playlist
mute button example, Designing MicrointeractionsDesigning Microinteractions, The Structure of Microinteractions


nouns, for rules, Verbs and NounsVerbs and Nouns


objects (see screen objects)
on click state, of manual trigger, Control states
one-off modes, Spring-Loaded and One-off Modes
online shared playlist example, Example 2: Online Shared PlaylistExample 2: Online Shared Playlist
open loops, Styles of Loops
options (see user options)


radio buttons, Controls
reduction, progressive, Progressive disclosure or reduction
remote control example, The Secret History of Microinteractions
rollover state, of manual trigger, Control states
Roomba example, Microinteractions Can Be Big
rules, The Structure of Microinteractions, The Structure of MicrointeractionsThe Structure of Microinteractions, Designing RulesDesigning Rules
alarm app example of, Example 1: Mobile App
algorithms for, AlgorithmsAlgorithms
complexity of, Absorb ComplexityAbsorb Complexity
constraints on, ConstraintsConstraints
context for, Don’t Start from ZeroDon’t Start from Zero
controls implementing, Controls and User InputControls and User Input
diagramming, Generating RulesVerbs and Nouns
dishwasher control panel example of, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
error prevention by, Preventing Errors
feedback communicating, Designing Rules, Feedback Illuminates the RulesFeedback Illuminates the Rules
for feedback, Feedback RulesFeedback Rules
goal of, determining, Designing Rules
limited user options for, Limited Options and Smart DefaultsLimited Options and Smart Defaults
microcopy for, MicrocopyMicrocopy
mute button example of, Designing Microinteractions
nouns used in, Verbs and NounsVerbs and Nouns
Save As example of, RulesRules
screen objects affected by, Screens and StatesScreens and States
shared playlist example of, Example 2: Online Shared Playlist, Example 2: Online Shared Playlist
slot machine example of, Feedback
smart defaults for, Limited Options and Smart DefaultsLimited Options and Smart Defaults
for system triggers, System Trigger RulesSystem Trigger Rules
verbs used in, Verbs and NounsVerbs and Nouns
writing, Generating RulesVerbs and Nouns


Save As example, RulesRules
scope of microinteractions, Microinteractions Can Be Big, Microinteractions as a Philosophy
screen objects
controls, ControlsInvisible triggers, Controls and User InputControls and User Input
nouns for, Verbs and NounsVerbs and Nouns
states of, Screens and StatesScreens and States
scroll wheels, Controls
scrollbars example, The Secret History of Microinteractions
setting state, of manual trigger, Control states
mode for, Modes, Spring-Loaded and One-off Modes, Example 1: Mobile App
trigger for, Manual Triggers, System Triggers
shared playlist example, Example 2: Online Shared PlaylistExample 2: Online Shared Playlist
Shingo, Shigeo (engineer)
Poka-Yoke Principle, Preventing Errors
Signature Moments, Microinteractions as a Philosophy, Orchestrating Microinteractions
Siri example, Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism
sliders, Controls
slot machine example, FeedbackFeedback
smart defaults, for rules, Limited Options and Smart DefaultsLimited Options and Smart Defaults
social interactions, initiating system triggers, System Triggers
speech, as feedback, Speech
Spirit rover example, Loops and ModesLoops and Modes
spring-loaded modes, Spring-Loaded and One-off Modes
of manual triggers, Control statesControl states
of screen objects, Screens and StatesScreens and States
storage space, Kryder’s Law regarding, The Secret History of Microinteractions
system triggers, System TriggersSystem Trigger Rules
conditions initiating, System Triggers, System Trigger Rules
corresponding manual controls for, System Triggers
rules for, System Trigger RulesSystem Trigger Rules
user’s ability to adjust, System Triggers


tactile feedback (see haptic feedback)
tap state, of manual trigger, Control states
taps (see gestures)
TaskRabbit example, Putting It All TogetherPutting It All Together
Tesler, Larry (developer)
Gypsy application, The Secret History of Microinteractions
Law of the Conservation of Complexity, Absorb Complexity
testing microinteractions, Testing MicrointeractionsA Process for Testing Microinteractions
process for, A Process for Testing MicrointeractionsA Process for Testing Microinteractions
qualitative data for, What to Look for During TestingWhat to Look for During Testing
quantitative data for, Using Quantitative DataUsing Quantitative Data
text fields, Controls
textual feedback, Messages
toaster example, Microinteractions Can Be Big
toggle state, of manual trigger, Control states
toggle switches, Controls
touchscreen gestures (see gestures)
triggers, The Structure of MicrointeractionsThe Structure of Microinteractions
alarm app example of, Example 1: Mobile App
dishwasher control panel example of, Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
manual triggers, Manual TriggersLabels
components of, The Components of a TriggerLabels
consistent action taken by, Manual Triggers
controls for, ControlsInvisible triggers
corresponding to system triggers, System Triggers
discoverability of, Making manual triggers discoverableMaking manual triggers discoverable
information shown by, Bring the Data ForwardBring the Data Forward
invisible, Invisible triggersInvisible triggers, Controls and User Input
labels for, LabelsLabels, Microcopy
states of, Control statesControl states
visibility of, Manual Triggers, Manual Triggers
visual affordance of, Controls, Making manual triggers discoverable
MetroCard example of, TriggersTriggers
mute button example of, The Structure of Microinteractions
personality conveyed by, The Structure of Microinteractions
shared playlist example of, Example 2: Online Shared Playlist
system triggers, System TriggersSystem Trigger Rules
conditions initiating, System Triggers, System Trigger Rules
corresponding manual controls for, System Triggers
rules for, System Trigger RulesSystem Trigger Rules
user’s ability to adjust, System Triggers
TV remote control example, The Secret History of Microinteractions
Twitter example, Microinteractions Can Be Big


verbs, for rules, Verbs and NounsVerbs and Nouns
vibrations (see haptic feedback)
visibility, of manual triggers, Manual Triggers, Manual Triggers
visual affordance, of manual triggers, Controls, Making manual triggers discoverable
visual feedback, VisualMessages
visual stimulus, recognition of, Making manual triggers discoverableMaking manual triggers discoverable
voice input, as invisible trigger, Invisible triggers


website for this book, How to Contact Us
While loops, Styles of Loops
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