Preface for the second edition
By the completion of the second edition of this book, mixing in microscale has been established as a research topic with increasing number of applications. As predicted in the first edition, about 100–150 papers on micromixers have been published annually since 2008. New mixing concepts and new interesting applications have been reported in the literature. The second edition intends to give the readers an updated state of the art of the science, technology, and applications of micromixers. As in the first edition, the main objective of the book remains providing readers with the necessary tools to further develop the field of micromixer beyond the scope of this book. Supporting this objective and following the feedback on the first edition from readers and reviewers, the second edition is extended by a chapter on computational transport phenomena for micromixers. This chapter is contributed by my colleagues and friends John Chee Kiong Chai and Yit Fatt Yap from the Petroleum Institute (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) as well as by my student (who was John's PhD student also) Jing Liu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). The chapter on micromixers based on molecular diffusion is extended by a section on concentration gradient generator, a unique device with an enormous application potential. The last chapter is extended with applications for industrial chemical synthesis and biological assays.
As you have noticed, the second edition was commissioned by Elsevier. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Elsevier team: Sally Mortimore, Matthew Deans and Frank Hellwig for their support and collaboration. In the first edition, I had promised my family not to work on a major book project again and to spend more quality time with them. With the arrival of my third child and second son Nam-An last year, even more quality time is needed. So, I hope that this second edition does not count as a major book project.
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