Install Docker Tools

As we mentioned in Chapter 2, install Docker tools from (links for Linux and Mac OS X are also available on this page). Depending on what operating system you are using, different tools will be installed. However, they will be some form of the following:

Docker Engine: This includes the Docker client and Docker daemon. The Docker client sends commands to the daemon and the daemon executes the commands.

Docker Kitematic: An optional GUI app that, like the Docker client, is used to create and manage images and containers.

Docker Machine: A command line interface designed to simplify creating Docker hosts.

Docker Compose: A YAML-based tool to create or compose a group of Docker images.

Oracle VirtualBox: The virtualization software that includes a preconfigured Linux ISO for local Docker development.

Image Docker for Windows and Mac Beta

In March 2016, Docker announced two new client tools named “Docker for Windows” and “Docker for Mac.” Like Docker Toolbox, these tools install Docker and Docker Compose and enable you to setup and run Docker containers on your PC/Mac. While Docker Toolbox will remain an installation option for some time, it’s likely that most development teams will switch to the new Docker tools once they officially release.

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