Local Development Settings

When you are primarily developing your microservice, there are a handful of common settings you’ll want to set to debug and diagnose your application code.

Turn on tracing and set log levels: Programming languages like Java, C#, Node, and Go all have the concept of tracing and logging. When you are first developing your app, you typically want to turn on verbose messages and set the appropriate log level to capture more information while debugging.

Fine-tune debugging and diagnostic settings using environment variables: Each programming language provides a set of runtime settings for further control of the runtime and debugging information. For example, Go developers can use the Runtime package and set the GODEBUG variable to control garbage collection settings, Java developers can similarly control the JVM by setting the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.

Don’t optimize your JavaScript: For web front-end projects, it’s best if you don’t optimize your JavaScript. It’s much easier to debug JavaScript or CSS files in their unminified and unbundled form.

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