Loading the XML DOM

If you want to load existing XML into an XmlDocument, there are two very similar methods that can be used: Load and LoadXml. The Load method can load an XML document from a Stream, TextReader, or XmlReader. The LoadXml method can load the XML only from a string. Listing 11.2 shows how to use both Load methods as well as create an XmlDocument.

Listing 11.2.
// Load the document from a stream
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(new FileReader("bogus.xml", FileMode.Open));

// Load the document from a TextReader
doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(new StreamReader("bogus.xml"));

// Load the document from a XmlReader
doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(new XmlTextReader("bogus.xml");

// Load the document for an XML string
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

' Load the document from a stream
Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
doc.Load(New FileReader("bogus.xml", FileMode.Open))

' Load the document from a TextReader
doc = New XmlDocument()
doc.Load(New StreamReader("bogus.xml"))

' Load the document from a XmlReader
doc = New XmlDocument()
doc.Load(New XmlTextReader("bogus.xml")

' Load the document for an XML string
doc = New XmlDocument()

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