Accessing Markup from Nodes

There may be times when you need to access an element's contents in markup form. The XmlNode class provides two properties for retrieving a node's XML markup content: OuterXml and InnerXml. OuterXml returns the content of the current node, with the current node as the root element. The InnerXml property returns only the content of the current element. The XML returned from InnerXml should be considered an XML fragment. Listing 11.10 shows how to use OuterXml and InnerXml to display the markup content of the node.

Listing 11.10.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Doc.LoadXml("<Book>" +
            "<Title>Catcher in the Rye</Title>" +
            "<Price>25.98</Price>" +

MessageBox.Show("OuterXml:" + doc.DocumentElement.OuterXml);

MessageBox.Show("InnerXml:" + doc.DocmentElement.InnerXml);

Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
Doc.LoadXml("<Book>" & _
            "<Title>Catcher in the Rye</Title>" & _
            "<Price>25.98</Price>" & _

MessageBox.Show("OuterXml:" & doc.DocumentElement.OuterXml)
MessageBox.Show("InnerXml:" & doc.DocmentElement.InnerXml)

These two methods are useful when a node's XML content should be considered separately from the document. For example, consider several classes that can use XML to initialize their data. All the XML data is being stored in a single XML file. There is an object that walks through the data and hands XML fragments to the various objects for initialization.

The two classes in Listing 11.11 exemplify how this may be designed. The AppSerializer class contains a method named ReadStockQuote, which reads an XML document, finds the stock quote node, and hands the outer XML of the node to the StockQuote object for initialization. The StockQuote class has a method called ReadXml that initializes its data from the XML string.

Listing 11.11.
class AppSerializer
  StockQuote ReadStockQuote(string filename)
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    StreamReader xmlFile = new StreamReader(filename);

    // find the stock quote object
    XmlNode quoteNode = doc.DocumentElement;

    // hand outer xml to the quote object
    StockQuote quoteObj = new StockQuote();

    return quoteObj;

class StockQuote
  string Name;
  string Price;

  void ReadXml(string xmlString)
    // read the xml from the string

Public Class AppSerializer
  Public Sub StockQuote ReadStockQuote(filename As String)
    Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
    Dim xmlFile As New StreamReader(filename)

    ' find the stock quote object
    Dim quoteNode As doc.DocumentElement;

    ' hand outer xml to the quote object
    Dim quoteObj As New StockQuote()

    return quoteObj;
  End Sub
End Class

Public Class StockQuote
  Public Sub ReadXml(string xmlString)
   ' read the xml from the string
   End Sub
End Class

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