Using UDP Packets

As mentioned earlier in the chapter, there are two kinds of packets commonly used to transmit information on IP networks. The most common type, the TCP packet, is the right choice for nearly all cases because it ensures that the data arrives uncorrupted or else signals an error if there is a problem that cannot be corrected.

The alternative, the UDP packet, is useful for real-time streaming applications. In such applications, if a packet arrives damaged, it does not matter whether the packet could be corrected or retransmitted, because there is no time to do so. The .NET Compact Framework supports the use of UDP packets.

There are other packet types in use today, but only the most advanced network experts are likely to care about them, and they are academic to everyone else. Thus, they are beyond the nuts-and-bolts programming approach of this book.

UDP packets differ from TCP packets in that they are connectionless, whereas the TCP protocol is a connection-oriented protocol, which means we need to connect a socket to a remote computer before we can start sending or receiving data using that socket. Connectionless protocols do not require any connection to be established before trying to send or receive data. If no one is listening to the IP address and port where a UDP packet is sent, then the packet is simply lost.

The easiest way to work with UDP packets is by using the UdpClient class, which is supported in the .NET Compact Framework. The UdpClient class allows programmers to send bytes to a remote party. Also, the UdpClient lets developers receive bytes either from a specific remote party or from any party who tried to send data to the port on which the UdpClient listens. The interesting constructors and methods for using the UdpClient are as follows:

void Connect(String hostname, Int32 port) Sets up a connection to a computer whose IP address matches that specified by the hostname using the specified port number. Future calls using the Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes) method will send the data to the location specified by this connect call. This method returns void because there is no notion of a successful connection when using UDP packets. This method merely makes it easier for the programmer to set up the UdpClient for sending data to a specific IP address and port.

void Connect(IPAddress addr, Int32 port) Same as the previous method, except this one lets you specify the remote computer by passing an IPAddress and port, as with the following code:

l_UdpClient.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9981)

l_UdpClient.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9981)

void Connect(IPEndpoint endPoint) Same as the previous method, except this one lets you specify the remote computer by passing an EndPoint. You can set up the EndPoint in the same way EndPoints were set up to prepare to connect to a remote host using TCP packets (see the earlier section “Making a Connection as a Client”).

Int32 Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes, IPEndPoint endPoint) Sends bytes total bytes of the dgram buffer to a computer whose IP address and port number are specified by endPoint parameter. You can set up the endPoint parameter in the same way EndPoints were set up to prepare to connect to a remote host by using TCP packets (see the earlier section “Making a Connection as a Client”). This method returns the number of bytes sent.

Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes, String hostname, Int32 port) Sends bytes total bytes of the dgram buffer to the computer whose IP address matches hostname and the specified port, as in the following, for example:

Send(aBuffer, aBuffer.Length, "", 9981)

Send(aBuffer, aBuffer.Length, "", 9981)

This method returns the number of bytes sent.

Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes) Sends bytes total bytes of the dgram buffer to the remote host that was specified in the Connect call. To use this overload, you must first call Connect so that the UdpClient knows where to send the UDP packet. This method returns the number of bytes sent.

Receive(ref IPEndPoint remoteEP) Waits to receive data from the EndPoint specified by EP. You can create an EndPoint that refers to a specific IP address and port number, as shown in the section “Making a Connection as a Client,” or you can set up the EndPoint to receive the data from any IP address and port. The EndPoint is updated after data is received to indicate where the data came from, as shown in the following subsection, “Writing Code for UdpClient.” This method returns the number of bytes received.

Writing Code for UdpClient

This sample code comes from the sample application from the next section, “Writing for the UdpClient: Sample Application.” The code demonstrates how to set up a UdpClient that attempts to send UDP packets to a computer at IP address, port 8758. Note that although there is a call to UdpClient.Connect(), this is merely a convenience. The UdpClient now knows where to send the UDP packets when UdpClient.Send() is called, but there is no persistent connection established, as there is with TCP packets.

IPEndPoint senderIP = new

UdpClient l_UdpClient = new UdpClient();

for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)



Dim senderIP As System.Net.IPEndPoint

senderIP = New  System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.
        Parse(""), 8758))

Dim l_UdpClient As System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
l_UdpClient = New System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 20

Next i


The following snippet of code creates a loop. Each iteration of the loop blocks and listens on port 8758 until it receives a UDP packet from any IP address. Note how this differs from standard TCP connections, where a persistent connection from a specific IP address must be established before data can be received.

IPEndPoint listenerIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8758);
UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(listenerIP);

for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt16(this.txtMaxPackets.Text); i++)
    // Now receive the three datagrams from the listener
    IPEndPoint receivedIPInfo = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

    byte[] data = listener.Receive(ref receivedIPInfo);

    this.textBox1.Text += ("GOT: " +
            Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0,
            data.Length) + "  FROM: " + receivedIPInfo.ToString());

Dim listenerIP As System.Net.IPEndPoint
listenerIP = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any,

Dim listener As System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
listener = New System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient(listenerIP)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Convert.ToInt16(Me.txtMaxPackets.Text)

   ' Now receive the three datagrams from the listener
   Dim receivedIPInfo As System.Net.IPEndPoint
   receivedIPInfo = New
           System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 0)

    Dim data As Byte()
    data = listener.Receive(receivedIPInfo)
    Me.textBox1.Text += ("GOT: " +
            System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, data.Length)
            + " FROM: " + receivedIPInfo.ToString())
Next i

The same tricks for converting fundamental data types to and from byte arrays that were discussed in the section “Reading and Writing with a Connected Socket” are also useful when dealing with the UdpClient.

Writing for the UdpClient: Sample Application

The UDPHello sample application is composed of two separate programs. The first, UDPHelloServer, broadcasts simple UDP packets in a loop to a specified IP address and port. Because of the connectionless nature of UDP packets, there is no exception if no one is listening at the other end or if the packets are refused.

The second program, UDPHelloClient, listens on port 8758 for UDP packets broadcast from any source. After each UDP packet is received, the IPEndPoint named receivedIPInfo is populated with the IP address and port number of the source of the UDP packet. The contents of each packet received and the information in receivedIPInfo are painted into a TextBox.

The source code for UDPHelloClient is in SampleApplicationsChapter5UDPHelloClient_CSharp and SampleApplicationsChapter5UDPHelloClient_VB. The source code for UDPHelloServer is in SampleApplicationsChapter5UDPHellpServer_CSharp and SampleApplicationsChapter5 UDPHelloServer_VB.

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