
  • MID(text,start_num,num_chars)

  • MIDB(text,start_num,num_bytes)

Definition. The MID() function returns characters from the middle of a text string. The length of the character string is indicated by num_chars, and the starting position for the search is start_num. Use MIDB() for double-byte characters.


  • text (required). The string from which the characters are to be extracted

  • start_num (required). The starting position for the character string to be extracted

  • num_chars/num_bytes (required). Specifies how many characters/bytes to return from text

Background. Use the MID() function to return characters from the middle of a string. You can enter letters or numbers in the text argument. The MID(), LEFT(), and RIGHT() functions are especially useful if strings have a standard format, as with ZIP Codes, locations, or ISBNs.

Note the following when working with this function:

  • MID() returns an empty string (“”) if start_num is greater than the length of the string.

  • MID() returns all characters to the end of the text if start_num is smaller than the length of the string but start_num plus num_chars exceeds the length of the string.

  • MID() returns the #VALUE! error if start_num is less than or equal to 1.

  • MID() returns the #VALUE! error if start_num is negative.

Example. You might need to extract the product group from a column containing item numbers made up of 10 digits, where:

  • The main product group is the first two digits.

  • The product group is the next three digits.

  • The product number is the remaining five digits.

So for an item number of 2301511290, you can use the MID() function to locate the product group, which starts at position 3 and is three digits long (see Figure 8-7). The formula


returns 015 as the product group.

Extracting part of the item number.

Figure 8-7. Extracting part of the item number.

Further examples:

  • =MID("intercontinentalflight",1,5) returns inter.

  • =MID("gazelle",1,4) returns gaze.

  • =MID("gazelle",4,4) returns elle.

  • =MID("Louis",2,3) returns oui.

  • =MID("Excel",1,2) returns Ex.

  • =MID("Excel",2,3) returns xce.

See Also


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