Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries

You’re bound to make typing mistakes when you spend a lot of time at the keyboard. In fact, slowing down doesn’t help; the more slowly you go, the more likely you are to hit the wrong keys.

Over the years, many Excel users have allowed the programming team to monitor their typing, which means that the Excel team has been able to identify the most common mistakes resulting from popular misspellings, letter transpositions, and errors that are the result of not pressing the spacebar fast enough to put a space between words. If one of the words Excel identifies as an error is actually correct (for example, you work with a client corporation named Idae, a popular misspelling of the word idea), you can delete that entry from the AutoCorrect list.

Create an AutoCorrect Entry

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button.

  2. Click Excel Options.

  3. Click Proofing.

  4. Click AutoCorrect Options.

  5. Type the text to be replaced.

  6. Type the text to replace the previous entry.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click OK to close the AutoCorrect dialog box

  9. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.

    Create an AutoCorrect Entry



    To undo an AutoCorrect correction, press Ctrl-Z.



    Many users type the same text frequently, such as "Payment is due within 30 days. If payment is made within 10 days, you may deduct 2% from the total amount due." If you often typed that text, you could create an AutoCorrect entry that replaced the phrase Net30/2 with the text describing the payment terms already listed.

Delete an AutoCorrect Entry

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button.

  2. Click Excel Options.

  3. Click Proofing.

  4. Click AutoCorrect Options.

  5. Click the entry to be removed.

  6. Click Delete.

  7. Click OK to close the AutoCorrect dialog box.

  8. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.

    Delete an AutoCorrect Entry

Control AutoFormat Rules

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button.

  2. Click Excel Options.

  3. Click Proofing.

  4. Click AutoCorrect Options.

  5. Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  6. Clear the check boxes next to the rules you want to turn off or select the check boxes next to the rules you want to turn on.

  7. Click OK to close the AutoCorrect dialog box.

  8. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.

    Control AutoFormat Rules
    Control AutoFormat Rules
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