Working with Uncommon Charts

When you pick a type of chart or graph to present your data, you’ll probably consider pie charts, line graphs, and bar charts. Those chart types are used most often because of their familiarity and their straightforward presentation of the relationships between elements of a data series. You can use other types of charts, however, when appropriate. One of those chart types is the stock chart, which you can use to present stock market data.

Create a Stock Chart

  1. Select the stock data you want to chart. Be sure the data is formatted as shown in the figure.

  2. Click the Insert tab.

  3. Click Other Charts.

  4. Click a Stock chart subtype.

    Create a Stock Chart



    Several stock chart subtypes are available, each of which requires a different set of data columns. When you hover the mouse pointer over a chart subtype, Excel displays information about the subtype and the data it requires.

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