Saving Worksheets to the Web

Exchanging data with traveling colleagues presents a real challenge to all organizations. Writing the data to a Web page means that you don’t have to send the entire workbook to travelers. In fact, your colleagues don’t even need Excel on their machines! Saving workbooks as Web pages also enables you to make data available over a corporate network (an intranet). So long as your company’s network supports Web connections, you can make your data available to any authorized user.

Save a Workbook to the Web

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button.

  2. Click Save As.

  3. Click the Save As Type down arrow.

  4. Click Web Page.

  5. Navigate to the folder where you want to save your workbook.

  6. Type the file name you want.

  7. Click Save.

    Save a Workbook to the Web



    Excel saves each worksheet as a separate file. You can move from worksheet to worksheet using the representation of the sheet tabs at the bottom left of each page.

Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page

  1. Display the worksheet you want to add to an existing Web page.

  2. Click the Microsoft Office button.

  3. Click Save As.

  4. Click the Save As Type down arrow.

  5. Click Web Page.

  6. Select the Selection: Sheet option.

  7. Verify that the name of the file to which you want to add the worksheet appears in the File Name box.

  8. Click Save.

  9. In the message box that appears, click Add To File.

    Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page
    Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page



    You can change the text that appears on the title bar of the Excel document’s Web page by clicking the Change Title button in the Save As dialog box.

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