Entering Dates and Times in Cells

Dates are extremely important in any business or personal situation, so Excel takes care to get them right. Excel understands dates no matter how you type them, so feel free to type them as needed. You can always change the formatting later.

Enter a Date

  1. Click the cell into which you want to enter a date.

  2. Type the month, day, and year, with each number separated by a slash (/) or a hyphen (-).

  3. Press Enter.

    Enter a Date

Enter a Time

  1. Click the cell into which you want to enter a time.

  2. Type the hour, a colon (:), and the minutes. Press the space bar and type a or p for A.M. or P.M.

  3. Press Enter.

    Enter a Time



    Different countries have different customs for writing dates. For example, 07/04/08 could mean July 4, 2008, or April 7, 2008, depending on where you live.

Enter a Date and Time

  1. Click the cell into which you want to enter a date and time.

  2. Type a date, press the space bar, and then type a time.

  3. Press Enter.

    Enter a Date and Time

Enter the Current Date and Time

  1. Click the cell into which you want to enter the current date and time.

  2. Type =NOW()

  3. Press Enter.

    Enter the Current Date and Time

    See Also

    See Also

    For more information about formatting cells with dates, see "Formatting Cells Containing Dates".

Entering Data Using Fills

Entering long series of data, such as days in the month, weekdays, or a series of numbers with a definite progression, is tedious. As you type or paste the data, it’s easy to forget which months have 31 days or on which day of the week the first of a month falls. Excel makes entering such series simple: With AutoFill, you can type a label or value in one cell and assign it to many other cells; type labels or values in two or more cells and have Excel extend the series based on the relationship of the two (or more) cell entries; or even extend dates by a day, a month, or a year.

Fill Data with AutoFill

  1. Type the label or value you want to appear in multiple cells.

  2. Drag the Fill handle down or across the cells you want to fill.

    Fill Data with AutoFill

Use AutoFill to Enter a Series of Values

  1. Type the first label or value for your list.

  2. Type the second label or value for your list.

  3. Select the two cells.

  4. Drag the Fill handle to the cell containing the last label or value in the series.

    Use AutoFill to Enter a Series of Values

    Try This!

    Try This!

    Type 1/1/2007 in cell A1 and drag the Fill handle across the cells you want to fill. Excel will fill your cells by increasing the day for every entry. Now click the AutoFill Options button that appears and click Fill Years.



    If you hold down the Ctrl key as you drag the Fill handle, Excel changes how it fills in your series. For example, if dragging the Fill handle would normally copy a single value into the cells you drag over, dragging while holding down the Ctrl key would cause the value to increment (for example, dragging the Fill handle of a cell that contains the value "1" would increment the value to 2, then 3, and so on).

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