
I’m thrilled every time I get the chance to write a book for Microsoft Learning. Thanks go to Kathleen Atkins, Juliana Aldous-Atkinson, Sandra Haynes, and Lucinda Rowley for their support, trust, and faith in my efforts.

My sincere thanks also go out to Debbie Abshier, the principal of Abshier House, and Debbie Berman, Joell Smith-Borne, Kelly Dobbs Henthorne, Joyce Nielsen, and Beverly Scherf, all of whom turned my words into a book. It’s a lot harder than it looks, and it takes a team of professionals who love what they’re doing to make it happen.

Neil Salkind, my agent, represents both myself and Studio B with aplomb. He’s represented me for ten years, and I’m continually amazed at how much he gets done every day.

I’d like to thank the folks of ComedySportz Portland, led by Pat Short. Improvisational comedy provides both an excellent preparation for and release from the pressures of writing.

Finally, I’d like to thank my family. My wife Virginia provides emotional support when I need it, demonstrates the work ethic of a former professional ballerina when I need it, and is always there when I need it. My brother Doug, father David, and mother Jane have all contributed to my success. Being able to write professionally, and make a good living doing it, means more to me than they’ll ever know.

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