Undoing or Redoing an Action

One of the strengths of Excel is that it’s easy to change the formatting, layout, and structure of your workbooks. The problem, of course, is that you might not have made the exact change you wanted. If that’s the case, and you haven’t closed the workbook since you made the change you want to get rid of, you can easily undo your changes by clicking the Undo button in the Quick Access toolbar. Excel keeps a record of your changes, which you can see by clicking the down arrow at the right edge of the Undo button. If you reversed a change by clicking the Undo button, Excel displays the Redo button. Clicking the Redo button, as you might expect, reap-plies the last change you undid. If you have made a change but haven’t clicked the Undo button, Excel displays the Repeat button, which you can click to apply the last change to a new selection.

Undo or Redo an Action

Follow either of these steps:

  1. Click the Undo button.

  2. Click the Redo button.

    Undo or Redo an Action
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