Chapter 23. Getting Started with VBA


  • Basic VBA syntax

  • Storing data—variables, arrays, and constants

  • VBA operators

  • Conditional and loop statements

  • Writing and calling procedures

VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, is the programming language built in to the programs in the Microsoft Office suite, including Outlook. To be able write and edit Outlook macros, you must have a decent understanding of the VBA language. Fortunately, it is a fairly easy language, having been designed from the very beginning to be accessible not just to computer geeks but also to us ordinary mortals.

This chapter provides an introduction to the VBA language, giving you an overview of the most essential language elements. It is by no means a complete treatment of VBA—that would require an entire book in itself! With the information provided in this chapter, you can start writing useful macros. As your needs and interest dictate, you can find more information on VBA in the online help, books, and other sources.

Basic VBA Syntax

A VBA program, or macro, is made up of a series of VBA statements. Each statement is an instruction that tells Outlook to perform an action such as adding two numbers or opening an email message. Each statement is on its own line in the source code, although long lines can be split with a space followed by an underscore in order to make them easier to read in the editor. Thus, the following is treated as a single line of code:

ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
    Name:="Part number", LinkToContent:=False, _
    Type:=msoPropertyTypeNumber, Value:=566

Outlook is very literal when it comes to running VBA code. It can do only what you specify in the code—it has no way of knowing what you really meant. Even the slightest misspelling or punctuation error will cause problems, so you need to be careful. Fortunately, the case of words does not matter.

Code Comments

A comment is text in your macro code that is for information only—it has no effect on how the macro operates. Comments are useful—in fact they are recommended—for describing how your code operates. Then, when you or someone else needs to edit the code sometime down the road, its operation will be clear and not a matter of guesswork.

To create a comment, start a line with either an apostrophe or REM. You can put a comment at the end of a line of code using the apostrophe but not REM:

Rem This is a comment.
' This is another comment.
Dim S As String ' This too is a comment.
Dim S As String Rem But this is not permitted.

Storing Data

Many macros need some way to store data while they are running. This is temporary storage and lasts only while the macro is running—it is not permanent such as saving something to disk. VBA gives you a full range of options for storing data.


A variable is a place where you can store a single piece of information, such as a number of a segment of text. The name "variable" comes from the fact that the information can change while the macro is executing—it is not fixed. When you create a variable, you assign it a name, and then you use that name to refer to the variable in your source code. VBA variable names must follow these rules:

  • Do not use one of VBA's keywords.

  • The maximum length is 255 characters.

  • The first character must be a letter.

  • The name cannot contain a period, space, or any of these characters: ! @ # & % $.

The case of names is irrelevant, although the VBA Editor automatically adjusts case to be the same for all instances of a given variable name. For example, if the first time you use a variable you call it Count, and the second time you type in COUNT, the second entry will be changed to Count by the editor.

You should use descriptive variable names—that is, names that describe the data the variable holds. For instance, a variable that holds an interest rate might be called IntRate or InterestRate. You could call it MickeyMouse or Q99 and VBA would not care, but descriptive names make your code a lot easier to read and debug.

It is common practice, although not required, to use a combination of upper- and lowercase letters for variable names as shown in these examples:

  • TotalOfIncome

  • AverageSize

  • RecipientEmailAddress

All variables should be declared before being used for the first time. This tells VBA about the variable, specifically its name and the kind of data it will hold. A variable declaration takes this form:

Dim varname As type

varname is the name of the variable, and type is the name of the variable's data type (as explained in the following sections). You can place multiple declarations on the same line:

Dim varname1 As type1, varname2 As type2, varname3 As type3

I say that variables should be declared, not that they must be declared. VBA gives you the option of not requiring variable declaration—you simply use new variable names as needed in your code. This may sound like a good idea, but in fact it is not. When variable declaration is required, misspelling a variable name results in an error message when you run the program, because the (misspelled) variable has not been declared, and the misspelling can be easily corrected. If variable declaration is not required, misspellings go undetected and can cause lots of problems. To make sure variable declaration is required, select Tools, Options in the VBA Editor and select the Require Variable Declaration option on the Editor tab. You can obtain the same effect by placing the Option Explicit statement at the start of every VBA module.

Numeric Variables

Numeric variables hold number data. VBA has six different numeric variable types that differ in whether they hold integer data (numbers without a decimal part such as 2, −145, and 32,190) or floating-point data (numbers with a decimal part such as −1.143, 0.0045, and 123,900.5). These six numeric variable types are summarized in Table 23.1.

Table 23.1. VBA's Numeric Data Types









0 to 255


1 byte



−32,768 to 32,767


2 bytes



−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


4 bytes


Floating point

−3.4 × 1038 to 3.4 × 1038[a]

6 digits

4 bytes


Floating point

−1.79 × 10308 to 1.79 × 10308[a]

14 digits

8 bytes


Floating point

−9.22 × 1011 to 9.22 × 1011[a]

4 digits

8 bytes

[a] Approximate values

Why have three integer types and three floating-point types? You can see that the types differ in terms of the range of values they can hold and, for the floating-point types, their precision or accuracy. They also differ in the amount of memory they consume. It's also true that certain operations, such as division, are faster with the integer types. To be honest, these memory and speed differences are rarely relevant with today's fast, memory-laden computers. Choose a numeric data type based on the range of values the variable will hold. When in doubt, it is always advisable to err on the side of caution, using a type Long rather than a type Integer, for example. If you try to store an out-of-range value in a variable, VBA generates an Overflow error.

String Variables

Strings, which is just programmer-talk for text data, represent the second main class of data that VBA programs work with. VBA provides two types of string variables. A variable-length string can hold any amount of text up to about 2 billion characters. A variable-length string expands and contracts automatically to fit the data you put in it, so you do not need to specify the size when declaring it:

Dim City As String

A fixed-length string, on the other hand, has a fixed size you specify when the variable is declared. This can range from 1 to as many as approximately 64,000 characters. The declaration syntax is as follows:

Dim FirstName As String * 15
Dim  LastName As String * 15

If you assign text that is too long to a fixed-length string variable, the extra part of the text is cut off and lost.

VBA can figure out that you mean to use s as a number even though it was declared as a string, so the division is performed properly with the result that i is equal to 8.


As its name implies, a constant is program data whose value does not change. VBA has two types of constants, literal and symbolic. A literal constant is a number or string typed directly into your code. String literals are typed in double quotation marks. Numeric literal constants are typed without special formatting. In this code, "Jackson" and 0.75 are literal constants:

Dim Ratio As Single
Dim Name As String
Max = 0.75
Name = "Jackson"

A symbolic constant has a name. To create a symbolic constant, use the Const keyword:

Const CONSTNAME As Type = value

The rules for constant names are the same as for variables. I like to use all uppercase names with underscore separators for constants, which makes them easily distinguishable from variables in the code (which are commonly written with a combination of upper- and lowercase). Thus, PRIME_RATE is easily identified as a constant, and PrimeRate is clearly a variable. The As type part of the declaration is optional and is required only if you want the constant to be stored as a specific data type. value is the constant value.

Here are two examples:

Const PRIME_RATE As Double = 0.042

Const FILE_SAVE_PATH = "c:my documentsdatabases"

A big advantage of using symbolic constants is that you can change the value of a constant throughout the program simply by editing its declaration statement. Another advantage is that the constant's name can help in making the program easier to read.

Boolean Variables

Boolean variables can hold only the two values True and False. They are widely used in all areas of programming because you'll find that you often need to store values that are true/false, yes/no, or on/off. You assign values to Boolean variables using the VBA keywords True and False. Here's an example:

Dim TaskDueToday As Boolean
TaskDueToday = True

Behind the scenes, VBA represents True and False by the values −1 and 0, respectively. When treated as a Boolean, any numeric expression will evaluate as True if its value is non-zero.

Date Variables

In VBA, the term "date" refers to the time of day as well as the calendar date. Dates are stored internally as floating-point numbers in which the part to the left of the decimal point represents the number of days since December 30, 1899, with negative numbers representing prior dates. The part to the right of the decimal point represents the time as a fraction of a day, so that .25 is 6 A.M., .5 is noon, and so on.

The Date data type is designed to hold date values. When you display a date value, the display format is determined by the system's short date format setting, and times are displayed as either 12- or 24-hour times, again in accordance with the system settings.

You write literal date values in just about any recognizable format, enclosed in # signs. Here are some examples:

Dim d1 as Date, d2 As Date, d3 As Date

d1 = #January 31, 2005#
d2 = #31 Jan 05#
d3 = #1/31/2005#

The VBA Editor will automatically convert date literals to a standard format. VBA has a wide range of tools for working with dates and times. They are beyond the scope of this chapter, but you can find detailed information on the VBA online documentation.

The Variant Type

The Variant data type is VBA's default variable type, and also its most flexible. Default means that if you declare a variable without specifying a type, it is created as a Variant. These declarations create two type Variant variables:

Dim x

Dim y As Variant

This data type's flexibility comes from its ability to hold almost any type of data (with the single exception of fixed-length strings). Thus, a type Variant can hold numbers, text, object references, user-defined types, and arrays. One common use for this data type is when data needs to be treated either as text or as a number depending on circumstances. Another use is as an argument to procedures that can take different kinds of data. You should not, however, simply use type Variant as a convenience to avoid the necessity of thinking about what data type should be used for specific variables. The Variant data type requires more memory to store, and more processor time to manipulate, than other data types.

Object Variables

Another type of variable holds a reference to an object. Objects, which represent the various parts of the Outlook program (among other things), are a central part of VBA programming. You learn more about object variables when you look at Outlook's Object Model in Chapter 24.


An array is a group of two or more variables that have the same name and are distinguished by a numeric index. VBA offers two types of arrays: static and dynamic.

Static Arrays

A static array is created with a specified number of elements and this number does not change while the program is executing. To declare a static array, use the following syntax:

Dim ArrayName(n) As type

ArrayName is the name of the array, which follows the same naming rule as regular VBA variables. n is the number of elements in the array, and type can be any of VBA's data types. Here's an example:

Dim NewArray(100) As Long

This statement creates an array of type Long variables. VBA starts array indexes at 0; this array actually contains 101 elements, at indexes 0 through 100. You access an array's elements using any expression to specify the index. For example:

NewArray(1) = 25
x = 15
NewArray(x) = 99  ' Same as NewArray(15)
NewArray(MyArray(1)) = 5  ' Same as NewArray(25)

You can also create arrays where the index does not start at 0 by using the To keyword, which lets you specify any starting index you like. The format is as follows:

Dim NewArray(start To stop)

start and stop are the starting and ending indexes for the array. Here's an example:

Dim Months(1 To 12)

The arrays you have seen so far have a single index—they are one-dimensional. VBA also supports multidimensional arrays that have two or more indexes by including the information about the additional indexes in the Dim statement. Here's an example that creates a two-dimensional array:

Dim ChessBoard(1 To 8, 1 To 8) As Integer

Dynamic Arrays

A dynamic array does not have a fixed size—it can be enlarged or shrunk while the program is running. The syntax for declaring a dynamic array is the same as for static arrays except that no indexes are specified—the parentheses are left blank:

Dim MyDynamicArray() As type

Before you can use the array, you must set its size using the ReDim statement:

ReDim MyDynamicArray(indexes)

The indexes argument specifies both the number of dimensions and the number of elements, using the same syntax as you learned about earlier for declaring static arrays. Here are some examples of declaring and sizing dynamic arrays:

Dim DynamicArray1()
Dim DynamicArray2()
Dim DynamicArray3()
' 1 dimension, 21 elements 0-20.
Redim DynamicArray1(20)
' 1 dimension, 26 elements 5-30.
Redim DynamicArray2(5 to 20)
' 2 dimensions, 40 total elements.
ReDim DynamicArray3(1 To 4, 1 to 10)

You can change the array size while the program is running as many times as needed using this syntax:

ReDim [Preserve] arrayname(indexes)

indexes specifies the new array size, as shown here. Use the optional Preserve keyword if you want the existing data in the array to be kept. If you omit Preserve, the array will be reinitialized and existing data lost when you execute ReDim. There are some limitations on the use of Preserve:

  • When you make an array smaller, the data in the part of the array that is "trimmed off" will be lost.

  • You cannot change the number of dimensions of the array.

  • For multidimensional arrays, you can change only the upper bound of the last dimension.

User-Defined Types

A user-defined type, or UDT, can be used to define your own data structures. A UDT contains two or more elements and is designed to meet specific data storage needs of your macro. To define a UDT, use the Type ... End Type statement:

Type UDTName
    Element1 As type
    Element2 As type
    Elementn As type
End Type

Each element can be any of VBA's data types: Byte, Boolean, Integer, Long, Currency, Single, Double, Date, variable-length or fixed-length String, Object, Variant, another UDT, or an object type. Each element can be a single variable or an array. The rules for naming the UDT itself and it elements are the same as the rules for naming VBA variables as described earlier in this chapter.

Once you have defined a UDT, you declare it using the Dim statement. A UDT must be declared in a module but not within any procedure. Here's a UDT definition:

Type Person
    FirstName As String
    LastName As String
    EmailAddress As String
End Type

Then declare in a variable of this type:

Dim MyBestFriend As Person

Finally, access the elements of the UDT using the VariableName.ElementName syntax:

MyBestFriend.FirstName = "Alice"
MyBestFriend.LastName = "Wilson"
MyBestFriend.EmailAddress = "[email protected]"

You can create arrays of UDTs as well:

Dim AllMyFriends(100) As Person


An enumeration is a user-defined data type that consists of a defined set of symbolic constants. You use the Enum keyword to create an enumeration as shown in this example:

Enum Flavors
End Enum

This creates an enumeration called Flavors with the constants Vanilla equal to 0, Chocolate equal to 1, and so on. If you do not want the enumeration values assigned sequentially starting at 0, you can specify the values:

Enum Flavors
    Vanilla = 2
    Chocolate = 3
    Strawberry = 5
    Banana = 10
End Enum

Enumerations can be defined only at the module level. Once an Enum is defined, it becomes available as a data type you can use to declare variables:

Dim IceCreamCone As Flavors

A variable declared as an enumerated type can only take on the set of values defined in the enumeration. A real convenience is that VBA displays autolist members for enumerated types, permitting you to select from a list of the enumeration's constants.

Using Operators

Operators are symbols that instruct VBA to manipulate data in some manner, for example multiplying two numbers. The operators available in VBA fall into several categories.

The Assignment Operator

The assignment operator (=) tells VBA to assign a value to a variable. Specifically, the value of the expression on the right side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left side of the operator. For example, the statement

x = 15

assigns the value 15 to x.

The Mathematical Operators

The mathematical operators perform the common operations such as addition and division. There are the four common arithmetic operations as follows:

+ Addition
-  Subtraction
*  Multiplication
/  Division

There are three others that are perhaps less common:

  • : Integer division without rounding. For example, 15 4 evaluates to 3.

  • ^: Exponentiation (to the power of). For example, 2 ^ 4 evaluates to 16.

  • mod: Modulus (remainder after division). For example, 33 mod 6 evaluates to 3.

For both division operators, a Divide by Zero error occurs if the divisor is 0.

The String Operator

There is one string operation called concatenation, which simply joins two strings together. The operator for this is &. For example, after this code:

Dessert = "Chocolate" & "cake"

the variable Dessert contains "Chocolate cake". There are lots of other things you can do with strings, but they involve functions rather than operators. You can find information on these functions in VBA's online documentation.

The Comparison Operators

You use comparison operators to perform comparisons between two expressions. The result of a comparison is either True or False depending on whether or not the comparison was true. The most commonly used comparison operators, which are used primarily with numeric expressions, are

  • = Is equal to?

  • > Is greater than?

  • < Is less than?

  • >= Is greater than or equal to?

  • <= Is less than or equal to?

  • <> Is not equal to?

For example, the expression

a < b

asks the question "is a less than b?" and returns either True or False depending on the values of a and b.

The Logical Operators

You use logical operators to manipulate logical (True/False) expressions. Most of the logical operators combine two logical expressions into a single logical value. The logical operators are described in Table 23.2.

Table 23.2. The Logical Operators





X And Y

True if both X and Y are True; False otherwise.


X Or Y

True if X or Y, or both of them, are True; False only if both X and Y are False.

Xor (exclusive Or)

X Xor Y

True if X and Y are different (one True and the other False); False if both are True or both are False.

Eqv (Equivalence)

X Eqv Y

True if X and Y are the same (both True or both False); False otherwise.

Imp (Implication)

X Imp Y

False only if X is True and Y is False; True otherwise.


Not X

True if X is False, False if X is True.

The logical operators are often used in conjunction with the comparison operators. For example, the following expression evaluates as True only if x is equal to 5 and y is not equal to 0:

(x = 5) And (y <> 0)

Operator Precedence and Parentheses

When an expression contains more than one operator, it may not always be clear how the expression evaluates. For example, look at this expression:

20 / 4 + 6

How should you read this?

  • If the addition is performed first, the expression evaluates to 2 (4 plus 6 is 10, 20 divided by 10 is 2)

  • If the division is performed first, the result is 11 (20 divided by 4 is 5, 5 plus 6 is 11).

Potentially ambiguous expressions such as this one are resolved by VBA's rules of operator precedence, which determine the order in which operations are performed. The precedence of VBA's operators is given in Table 23.3. Operators with lower precedence numbers are performed first.

Table 23.3. VBA Operator Precedence



Exponentiation ^


Multiplication (*), division (/)


Integer division ()


Modulus (Mod)


Addition (+), subtraction (-)


String concatenation (&)


Operators that have the same precedence level, such as multiplication and division, are executed in left-to-right order.

With this information on the precedence rules, you can see that the previous example will evaluate to 11 because the division will be performed before the addition.

You can use parentheses in an expression to modify the order of execution. Those parts of an expression enclosed in parentheses are always evaluated first regardless of operator precedence. Therefore,

20 / (4 + 6)

evaluates to 2 because the parentheses force the addition to be performed before the division. You can use as many parentheses in an expression as you like as long as they always come in pairs with each left parenthesis having a matching right parenthesis. Nested parentheses—when one set is inside another set—execute starting with the innermost set and proceed outward.

Writing Conditional and Loop Statements

An important part of VBA programming is controlling which VBA statements execute and when. VBA has several tools for this purpose, the two most important being loop statements and conditional statements.

Using Loop Statements

A loop statement is used to execute a block of VBA statements a certain number of times. There are three loop statements.


The For...Next statement executes a block of statements a prespecified number of times. It is written like this:

For index = start To stop Step step
Next index
  • index is a numeric variable that serves as the loop counter.

  • start and stop are the starting and ending values of index.

  • step is the amount that index is incremented with each repetition of the loop. If you omit the step value, the default increment of 1 is used.

When a For...Next loop is encountered, here's what happens:

  1. index is set to the value of start.

  2. index is compared to stop.

  3. If index is less than or equal to stop, the statements in the loop are executed. If not, the loop terminates.

  4. index is incremented by the value of step (or by 1 if step is not specified).

  5. Return to step 2.

This For...Next loop sets the values of the array to 0, 4, 8, ... 200:

Dim NewArray(50) As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 50
    NewArray(j) = j * 4
Next j

Code inside the loop should never change the value of the counter variable.

It is possible to use a For...Next loop to count down by making step negative. When you do this, start must be greater than stop, and the loop terminates when counter is less than stop. In this example, the For...Next loop fills the elements of the array with the values 100, 99, ... 0.

Dim NewArray(100) As Integer
Dim j As Integer

For j = 100 To 0 Step −1
    NewArray(j) = 100 - j
Next j

If you want to exit from a For...Next loop early—that is, before the index variable reaches its final value—use the Exit For statement.

VBA permits you to nest For...Next loops within each other. Each inner loop must be totally within the outer loop.

For Each...Next

You use the For Each...Next loop to execute a group of statements once for each member of a collection. It is used to go through a collection and do something to or with each member. The syntax is

For Each item in collection
Next item
  • item is the variable used to iterate through the collection and must be declared as a data type appropriate for the members of the collection. This is usually the same data type as the collection contains, although you can use type Object or Variant as well.

  • collection is the name of the collection. The statements are executed once for each element in the collection.

Here's an example that sets the Color property of all objects in the collection to Blue:

Dim o As Object
For Each o In SomeCollection
    o.Color = Blue
Next o

You'll see plenty of examples of using For Each...Next when you start looking at the Outlook Object Model.


The Do...Loop statement executes a block of statements repeatedly as long as a specified logical condition is met. Depending on how the Do...Loop statement is written and where the logical condition is placed, the statements may be executed no times, a single time, or multiple times.

This statement has several slightly different syntaxes. To execute statements repeatedly as long as a logical condition is True, use the While keyword:

Do While condition

You can also execute statements repeatedly as long as a condition is False by using the Until keyword:

Do Until condition

When program execution reaches the Do statement, condition is evaluated. If it is True (if using While) or False (if using Until), the statements are executed and then condition is evaluated again. This continues until the value of condition changes. Depending on the initial value of condition, the statements in the loop may not be executed even once.

You can also write a Do...Loop statement that tests condition at the end of the loop. As before, you can use either While or Until:

Loop While condition

Loop Until condition

When you use this syntax, the statements are executed once and then condition is evaluated. By testing condition at the end of the loop, you ensure that the statements in the loop will be executed at least once.

To exit a Do...Loop early, use the Exit Do statement.

Using Conditional Statements

VBA's conditional statements are used to execute or not execute a block of statements depending on a program condition. The statements are executed once or not at all. There are two conditional statements in VBA.


The If...Then...Else statement executes a block of statements if a specified condition is True. Optionally, a second block of statements is executed if the condition is False. The syntax is

If condition Then
End If

condition is a logical expression. If it is True, the statements in block1 are executed. If condition is False, the statements in block2 are executed. The Else keyword and the second block of statements are optional. If they are omitted, no statements are executed if condition is False.

You can test multiple conditions in an If...Then...Else statement by using the ElseIf keyword. Here's how this is written:

If condition1 Then
ElseIf condition2 Then
ElseIf condition3 Then
End If

There's no limit to the number of ElseIfs. The testing of the various conditions starts at the top and works downward. As soon as a True condition is found, the corresponding block of statements is executed and execution exits the If statement. One block of statements at most will be executed regardless of how many of the conditions are True.

When you need to test multiple conditions, it is usually easier to use the Select Case statement, covered next.

Select Case

The Select Case statement evaluates a single expression and compares the result with a series of templates. If it finds a match, the associated block of statements is executed. The syntax is

Select Case expression
    Case template-1
    Case template-2
    Case template-n
    Case Else
End Select

expression is evaluated and the result is matched against the various templates, in order from top to bottom. When a match is found, the following block of statements is executed. If no match is found, the statements following the Case Else are executed. The Case Else keyword is optional. Even if more than one template matches, only a single block of statements will be executed—the block that follows the first matching template.

Each template in a Select Case statement can contain one or more of the following elements:

  • Any expression. The test expression must match the template exactly.

  • Two expressions separated by the To keyword. The test expression must fall within the range specified by the two expressions. For example, 0 To 50.

  • The Is keyword followed by a comparison operator and an expression. For example, Is > 10.

You can use multiple elements in a template, separating them by commas. This example defines a template that would match if the test expression evaluated to 0, to any value between 5 and 10, or to any value greater than 25:

Case 0, 5 To 10, Is > 25

Writing Procedures

A procedure is a section of VBA code that is independent and has been assigned a name. In fact, every Outlook macro is a procedure, and it is the procedure names that you see listed in the Macros dialog box. However, whereas all macros are procedures, not all procedures are macros. This kind of procedure can be very useful in your VBA programming.

Say you have written a number of macros that manipulate and organize your email, tasks, and so on. Each macro, as part of its operation, needs to sort a list of items into alphabetical order. Rather than including the VBA code that performs the sort in each and every macro, you can place the code in a separate procedure and then call the procedure as needed from each macro.

Subs versus Functions

VBA supports two kinds of procedures, Subs and Functions. They are identical except for the fact that a Function returns data to the calling program, whereas a Sub does not.

To define a Sub procedure, the basic syntax is

Sub subname(argumentlist)
' Code is placed here
End Sub

The syntax to define a Function is similar:

Function functionname(argumentlist) As type
' Code is placed here
functionname = returnvalue

End Function

For both types of procedures, the name must follow VBA variable naming rules and also must be unique within the module where the procedure is located. argumentlist is an optional list of data passed to the procedure when it is called (as explained in the next section). For a function, the As type clause specifies the data type of the function's return value, and the functionname = returnvalue statement sets the value of that return value.

Passing Arguments to Procedures

Many procedures have arguments that permit data to be passed to the procedure when it is called. The argument list can include as many arguments as are needed, and has the following syntax:

argname1 As type, argname2 As type, .....

Here's an example of a function procedure that is passed three numbers and returns the largest one:

Function Largest(n1 as Double, n2 As Double, n3 As Double) _
    As Double

    Dim temp as Double
    If n1 > n2 Then
        temp = n1
        temp = n2
    End If
    If n3 > temp Then
        Largest = n3
        Largest = temp
    End If

End Function

Each argument can be any of VBA's data types, including UDTs, arrays, or enumerations. To specify an array argument, use an empty set of parentheses:

Sub ProcessArray(array() As String)
End Sub

Calling Procedures

Calling a procedure requires a different syntax for Sub and Function procedures. For Sub procedures you have two choices: You can use the Call keyword, in which case the argument list must be in parentheses:

Call ProcedureName(ArgumentList)

Or, you can omit the Call keyword and the parentheses as well:

ProcedureName ArgumentList

Because a function returns a value, it can be treated as an expression and used—that is, called—any place an expression could go. For example:

result = Largest(x, y, z)

Understanding Procedure Variables

You learned earlier in this chapter how to declare variables in your VBA programs. Most of the variables you use will in fact be declared within procedures. These are called local variables and they have some special characteristics that relate to scope.

Scope refers to the parts of a program where a variable is visible. You can use a variable only where it is in scope. In other parts of the program, it is out of scope and might as well not exist. In your VBA programs, you control a variable's scope by where the variable is declared:

  • A variable declared within a procedure is visible only within that procedure.

  • A variable declared at the module level—that is, outside any procedure—is visible in all procedures in that module.

This has implications for the programmer. You can use the same variable name in two or more procedures and they will be totally independent of each other. But what if you have a variable declared within a procedure and also use the same name for a variable declared at the module level? If a procedure contains a variable with the same name as a module-level variable, the local copy takes precedence. Otherwise, the module-level variable is visible within the procedure.

Creating a Procedure

Now that you have learned something about how to write procedures, how do you actually go about it? The VBA Editor makes it easy:

  1. In Outlook, press Alt+F11 to open the VBA Editor.

  2. If necessary, double-click Module 1 in the Project Explorer to open that module for editing.

  3. Select Procedure from the Insert menu to open the Add Procedure dialog box (see Figure 23.1).

  4. In the Type section, select either Sub or Function depending on the type of procedure you want.

  5. Type the procedure name in the Name box.

  6. Click OK. The editor creates the shell of the Sub or Function procedure, ready for you to edit.

Procedures versus Macros

What is it that differentiates a macro procedure from a non-macro procedure? The main difference is whether you intend the user to execute the procedure directly from the Macros dialog box. In order to be considered a macro by Outlook and to be listed in the Macros dialog box, a procedure must meet two criteria:

  • It must not return a value—that is, it must be a Sub procedure and not a Function procedure.

  • It must not take any arguments.

Adding a Sub or Function procedure to a VBA module.

Figure 23.1. Adding a Sub or Function procedure to a VBA module.

Suppose, however, that you wrote a Sub procedure that takes no arguments, yet you do not want it listed in the Macros dialog box. You can "hide" it by using the Private keyword:

Private MySub()
End Sub

Now your other macro code will be able to call this Sub, but the user will not be able to execute it from the Macros dialog box.

Interacting with the User

Sometimes your macro will need to get some information from the user. Perhaps it needs to prompt for a name, or to get a Yes/No answer. VBA provides two tools for this purpose, MsgBox and InputBox.

The MsgBox Function

The MsgBox function displays a dialog box with a message and one or more buttons. The function's return value indicates which of the buttons the user clicked. You use this function as follows (I have omitted a couple of optional and rarely used arguments):

MsgBox(prompt, buttons, title)
  • prompt is a string expression specifying the message to display in the dialog box.

  • buttons is an optional argument specifying what buttons and/or icons to display in the dialog box and, when there is more than one button, which one is the default (the default is the one selected if the user presses Enter). If this argument is omitted, only an OK button is displayed. The possible settings for this argument are given in Table 23.4. To combine settings, use the Or operator.

  • title is an optional argument that specifies the title displayed in the dialog box's title bar. If this argument is omitted, the application name is used as the title.

Table 23.4. Defined Constants for the MsgBox Function's buttons Argument






Display OK and Cancel buttons



Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons



Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons



Display Yes and No buttons



Display Retry and Cancel buttons



Display Critical Message icon



Display Warning Query icon



Display Warning Message icon



Display Information Message icon



Second button is default



Third button is default

As mentioned, the function's return value indicates which of the buttons the user selected. The possible return values are represented by the constants shown in Table 23.5.

Table 23.5. Defined Constants for the MsgBox Function's Return Value



Button Selected






















To use the MsgBox function, call it with the appropriate arguments and then test the return value. Here's an example, with the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 23.2:

Dim retval As Integer
retval = MsgBox("Delete file - are you sure?", vbYesNo, _
   "Confirm delete")
If retval = vbYes Then
    ' Code to delete file goes here.
End If
An example of a dialog box displayed by the MsgBox function.

Figure 23.2. An example of a dialog box displayed by the MsgBox function.

The InputBox Function

You use the InputBox function to return a string entered by the user. The syntax for this function is (I have omitted some optional and rarely used arguments):

InputBox(prompt, title, default,)
  • prompt is the text displayed as the prompt in the dialog box.

  • title is an optional argument that specifies the title displayed in the dialog box's title bar. If this argument is omitted, the application name is used as the title.

  • default is an optional string expression that specifies the default response if the user does not enter one. If this argument is omitted, the default response is an empty string.

This code uses the InputBox function to get the user's country of residence, with "United States" being the default response. The displayed dialog box is shown in Figure 23.3.

Dim Country As String
Country = InputBox("Your country of residence?",  "Country", _
    "United States")
Getting user input with the InputBox function.

Figure 23.3. Getting user input with the InputBox function.


This chapter has provided you with a quick introduction to programming macros with the VBA language. This information is sufficient to get you started writing your own macros (although you should read the next chapter before getting started). There's lots more to the VBA language, aspects that could not be covered here due to space limitations. You can further explore VBA on your own using the VBA Editor documentation, online resources, or books published on the subject.

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