Logging Time by Using Timesheets

Not every minute of every day can be devoted to your project assignments. You know that you have to take time for nonproject tasks such as attending staff meetings and participating in training workshops. And then there are also vacations, holidays, and personal time off.

Project Web App has a method for tracking different categories of time—timesheets. With timesheets, you can log how you spend your time throughout the workday and a standard reporting period (for example, a week), whether it’s on project tasks, nonproject working time, or nonworking time.

Such detailed tracking is important in organizations that have specific time-reporting requirements, either for their own internal billing purposes or for working with their customers.

For example, certain organizations need to see all billable and nonbillable time, scheduled and actual time, overtime, and so on. Your project server administrator sets up the format for the timesheet as it is to be used for your organization’s needs.


If your organization does not need such exact time tracking, it might not have implemented the timesheet feature. If this is the case, you will not see it in Project Web App or it will be an empty page.

Reviewing and Submitting a Timesheet

You submit timesheets to your timesheet managers on a periodic basis, based on your organization’s reporting period. Common reporting or fiscal periods include calendar months or four-week periods. When you sign in to Project Web App, your list of reminders includes any timesheets that are coming due.

To see the timesheet for the current reporting period, on the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Timesheet. The timesheet appears, listing incomplete tasks from past periods and tasks from the current period. (See Figure 25-14.)

When you open your timesheet, you can report the status of the current tasks, independent of project and nonbillable time like vacation, sick leave, and so on.

Figure 25-14. When you open your timesheet, you can report the status of the current tasks, independent of project and nonbillable time like vacation, sick leave, and so on.

The status bar might show information about the status of the timesheet, the time reported, and the time period.

This view is very similar to the Tasks page. You can enter the actual time spent on a task, plus time spent on nonbillable activities.

From the timesheet you can also update the status of regular assignments and submit the changes in the same way that you do on the Tasks page, by clicking Tasks, Submit, Send Status. Then, on the Timesheet tab, in the Submit group, click Send Timesheet.

If you want to work on the timesheet for a different period, on the Timesheet tab, in the Period group, click Select Period. A drop-down list appears in which you can select the time period.

When you open your timesheet, you can report the status of the current tasks, independent of project and nonbillable time like vacation, sick leave, and so on.

Select Period

The table lists information about in-progress tasks and the projects they belong to. Nonbillable work is associated with the word “Administrative” in the Project Name column instead of with a project name.

The Billing Category column indicates the type of billing the task or administrative work falls under—for example, it can be Standard, Administrative, Jury Duty, Sick Time, Vacation, and so on. Your project server administrator defines additional billing types as needed.

Requesting Nonproject or Nonworking Time

If you are planning a vacation or an upcoming week of training, for example, you can account for this in your timesheet by requesting administrative time. Certain categories of administrative time are set up by your project server administrator to reflect common types of nonproject working time or nonworking time. You can specify when you plan to need administrative time, and it becomes a part of your timesheet. Some categories require management approval; others do not.

To specify administrative time, follow these steps:

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Timesheet.

  2. On the Timesheet tab, in the Tasks group, click Insert Row, and then click Insert Administrative Tasks.

    Requesting Nonproject or Nonworking Time

    Insert Row

    The Administrative Time dialog box appears.

  3. Click in the Category box, and then click the category Administrative Work, for example, Vacation.

  4. In the Description box, enter an explanation as necessary.

  5. Click OK.

    The new administrative item is added to your timesheet.

You can also request personal time in a similar way, as follows:

  1. On the Timesheet tab, in the Tasks group, click Insert Row, and then click Insert Personal Task.

    The Add New Personal Task dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the name of the new timesheet line, the classification, and comments as appropriate.

  3. Click OK.

    The item is added to your Timesheet.

Just as on the Tasks page, you can do the following on the Timesheet page:

  • Create new tasks.

  • Add existing tasks.

  • Assign yourself to a task or to a team task.

  • Reassign a task to someone else.

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