Opening Project Files

Opening project files from your local computer or network drive is the same in Project 2010 as in any other Microsoft Office application. In addition, you can:

  • Quickly open a project from an extensive list of recently opened files.

  • Open a project saved in a previous version of Microsoft Project.

  • Find a project file based on your search criteria, and then open it when it’s found.


If you’re running Project Professional 2010, you can also open an enterprise project file stored in the Project Server 2010 database. For more information about checking out and opening an enterprise project file, see Logging On via Project Professional and Checking Out an Enterprise Project.

Opening a Saved Project

You typically open a saved project by browsing for it in the Open dialog box. You can also find and open a recently opened file from the list of recent projects.

Opening a Project

To open a project from your local computer or a network drive, follow these steps:

  1. On the File tab, click Open.

    Opening a Project


    The Open dialog box opens to your default file location or to your most recently used folder, as shown in Figure 32-3. Unless you explicitly change it, this default file location typically is your Documents folder.

    See your list of folders and files and open your project files by using the Open dialog box.

    Figure 32-3. See your list of folders and files and open your project files by using the Open dialog box.

  2. In the dialog box, double-click the drive or folder where the project file resides. Continue double-clicking folders until you get to the location of the project file you want to open.

  3. Double-click the project file you want to open.

Opening a Recent Project

Project 2010 can maintain a long list of recently opened project files. This can be one of the most convenient ways to open your projects. To open a recently opened project file, follow these steps:

  1. On the File tab, click Recent.

    The list of about 15 of your most recently opened project files appears. They are listed in order of access, with the most recently opened file on top.

  2. Click the name of the recent project to open it.

Opening a Recent Project

Unpinned indicator

If you want a certain project file to never cycle off the Recent Projects list, you can “pin” it. Next to its name in the Recent Projects list, click the pin icon. When you click the pin icon, the file is moved to the top of the list and the pin icon changes to indicate that it’s a pinned file.

Opening a Recent Project

Pinned indicator

You can show a number of recent projects directly on the File tab. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On the File tab, click Recent.

  2. At the bottom of the window, select the check box labeled Quickly Access This Number Of Recent Projects.

    Because the default number in the box is 4, as soon as you select the check box, the names of the four most recently opened project files appear on the File menu, as shown in Figure 32-4.

    Open recently opened files from the Recent Projects list.

    Figure 32-4. Open recently opened files from the Recent Projects list.

  3. If you want to change the number of recent project files listed on the File tab, change the number in the box labeled Quickly Access This Number Of Recent Projects.

    You can list as many as 17 files.

  4. To remove the list of recent projects from the File tab, clear the check box.

Searching for Files

Searching for a lost project file can be frustrating and time-consuming. You can use the search tool in Windows Explorer to find a lost file. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In Windows, click Start, All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to the drive or folder where you want the search to begin.

    The Search box is located in the upper-right corner and reflects the name of the current drive or folder.

    Searching for Files
  3. Click in the Search box and type a portion of the file name for which you’re searching.

    For example, if you know that your file name contains the word software or deployment, as in “Software Deployment Project,” enter one or more of these words.

    As you type, results start to appear in the window.

    If there are many results, you can change your search term to narrow the focus. You can also click in the Arrange By box and select a criterion such as Top Results or Date Modified to specify how the results should be sorted.

  4. When you find the file you’re looking for, double-click it to open it.

    Unlike for Word, Excel, or .jpg files, clicking a Project file does not show a preview in the Windows Explorer preview pane.


The same search box used in Windows Explorer also appears in the Open dialog box. You might experiment with it. However, it doesn’t seem to work as well as the Windows Explorer version.

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