Using Word 2003 to Access SharePoint 2003 Sites

As users get more experienced, they may not even need to use My Network Places to access the SharePoint 2003 sites, especially when the user needs to access a document and knows where it is stored and what type of file it is.

For example, if a user knows that the Word document he is looking for resides in a specific document library, the user can access it through File, Open, and either select My Network Places and choose the appropriate Network Place, or type in the URL of the site that contains the document library (in this case and press Enter. Figure 7.9 shows the interface that the Word 2003 user sees which contains a document library, a forms library and a picture library.

Figure 7.9. Open Window from Word 2003 showing SharePoint 2003 libraries.

When the user clicks on the ProServices Shared Documents he sees the view shown in Figure 7.10. This interface defaults to the web view which shows the Word 2003 user Modified By, Modified time, and whether the file has been checked out by another user of the library. If the file has been checked out, the user will get a read-only view of the last saved version of the document.

Figure 7.10. Web view from Word 2003.

Note in Figure 7.10, as indicated by the arrow, that SharePoint 2003 sites or libraries can be added to “My Places” list on the left-hand side of the window. This is accomplished by clicking on the down-arrow on the Tools menu (circled in Figure 7.10) and selecting Add to “My Places.” The actual name of the site or library in the URL will be added, so in this case the document library was simply named Shared Documents when it was created. Note also that above Shared Documents is a link to My Site. When a user creates a personal site in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 they have the option to Set as Office default website, and if the user elects to do so, the My Site icon will be added to the My Places area in the Open window.

As users get more experienced, this will be an alternate way to access information stored on SharePoint 2003 sites and workspaces.

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