Identifying Opportunities Within a Challenging Business Environment

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein

It seems increasingly hard to deliver solutions successfully in an ever-changing and more demanding business environment. This is good news for those organizations that have the ability and maturity to adapt. This is potentially fatal for those organizations that struggle not only to keep up with technology but also are not able to navigate adequately through challenging business environments. These challenges often are characterized by increasing customer demands, escalating business expectations, increasing business impact of technology-based solutions, increasing technology specialization leading to scarce resources, and increasing customer and organizational globalization. Cumulatively, this results in an overall increase in complexity, which makes it harder and harder for teams to deliver solutions without a means to handle challenges in an expeditious manner.

Changing organizational behavior to address challenges effectively and achieve outstanding results is possible but requires dedication, commitment, vision, trust, and leadership. To accomplish this, links need to be forged between the delivery team and the business—links of understanding, accountability, collaboration, and communication. The delivery team must take a leadership role to remove barriers to their own success. MSF was designed and built to provide a framework for this transition.

Increased challenges are often accompanied by increased opportunities. The question then remains: Are you, your project team, and your organization poised to take advantage of them?

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