Chapter 7. MSF Envision Track: Defining a Solution

An Envision Track addresses one of the most fundamental requirements for project success—unification of a project team behind a common vision. A team must have a clear vision of what it wants to accomplish and be able to state it in terms that motivate the entire team and the customer. Envisioning, by creating a high-level view of a project’s goals and constraints, is an early form of planning; it sets the stage for the more detailed planning process that takes place during a project’s Plan Track.

The primary activities accomplished during envisioning are the formation of the core team and the preparation and delivery of a vision/scope document. The delineation of a project vision and the identification of a project scope are distinct activities; both are required for a successful project. Vision is an unbounded view of what a solution might be. Scope identifies the part(s) of the vision to be accomplished within project constraints.

Risk management is a recurring process that continues throughout a project. During an Envision Track, a team prepares a risk document and presents the top risks along with the vision/scope document.


The goals for an Envision Track are to develop a clear understanding of what is needed within context of project constraints and to assemble the necessary team to envisage solution(s) with options and approaches that best meet those needs while optimally satisfying those constraints.

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