Establishing a Basis for Review and Change

Envisioning activities set the stage and direction for all other activities on delivering a solution. Because envisioning is an iterative process, the deliverables generated from an Envision Track are a basis for review and change. As such, to maintain project integrity, all requirements, designs, plans, and so forth need to be clearly linked back to an Envision Track activity. Therefore, for example, if a design change is warranted, it is understood if the change is in scope or out of scope. These linkages are called traceability. Most often, a team traces back to the vision/scope document, discussed next.

Establishing Traceability

Lead Advocacy Group: Product Management

Traceability provides a means to link features to business requirements. This is a two-way benefit. It enables a team to trace their delivery activities back to the initial requirements, goals, and objectives stated during envisioning to validate in-scope decision making quickly. It also facilitates compliance with formal change control and quality management standards (as required by the customer). Figure 7-12 is a graphical depiction of tracing a solution back to business goals.


Figure 7-12. Traceability

Drafting a Vision/Scope Document (Deliverable)

Lead Advocacy Group: Product Management

A vision/scope document embodies the results of all envisioning activities. It sets the stage and direction for later tracks. It should be the first document new team members read to get an understanding of a solution, a project, and team member roles and responsibilities.

A typical vision/scope document contains the following information:

  • Problem statement

  • Vision statement

  • Assumptions

  • Project constraints

  • Objectives

    • Business objectives

    • Technical objectives

  • High-level requirements

  • Key stakeholders

  • User profiles

  • Project scope

  • Solution design strategies

    • Architectural design strategies

    • Technical design strategies

  • Risks

  • Acceptance criteria

  • Key deliverables

  • Version release strategy

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