Chapter 9. MSF Build Track: Building a Solution

All the plans have been formed. All detailed designs have been drafted. The environments used to incrementally develop, test, and evaluate a solution have been built. Now it is time to build the various aspects of a solution incrementally. How to approach this construction is highly dependent on the selected build methodology (e.g., MSF for Agile Software Development). As such, this chapter discusses common elements found in most methodologies.


The goal for a Build Track is to build the various aspects of a solution in accordance with Plan Track deliverables (e.g., designs, plans, schedules, requirements). This involves developing solution features and components as well as completing the deliverables and other elements of a solution. Testing performed during this track either drives or supports construction to verify that what is built is in accordance with what was specified. Other testing objectives during a Build Track include exposing issues, uncovering design flaws, and identifying unexpected behaviors. Making sure a solution meets stakeholder expectations, usability assessments, and other types of testing are covered as part of a Stabilize Track.

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