Team Focus

Based on plans and designs assembled in a Plan Track, each team and subsequently each team member are focused on their respective work items, including building their portion of a solution, resolving issues, helping verify that a solution works as specified, or addressing project risk. Table 9-1 outlines these focal areas in a bit more depth for each advocacy group.

Table 9-1. Team Focal Areas During Building

Advocacy Group


Product Management

Clarifying scope, requirements, and stakeholder expectations; market channels and sales aids

Program Management

Functional specification management, project tracking, plan updating


Architectural validation, functional specification validation, clarifying design details


Solution construction, infrastructure development, configuration documentation

User Experience

Training, usability testing, graphic design, support tools and manuals


Technology/unit and limited functional testing, issues identification, documentation testing, test plan updates


Rollout checklists, rollout and pilot plans updates, site preparation checklists

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