Team Focus

For a Governance Track, a team has persistent focus in some areas and changing focus in others as a project evolves from project initiation through project execution and concludes with project closeout. Table 12-1 reflects discrete activities and responsibility areas for each team advocacy group during the Governance Track. Table 12-2 reflects persistent activities for each team advocacy group throughout the track. In addition, all advocacy groups participate in various reviews and process improvement activities.

Table 12-1. Team Focal Areas During a Governance Track

Advocacy Group


Product Management

Customer acceptance

Program Management

Ramping up the team, ramping down the team


Establishing planning process


Establishing build process

User Experience

User acceptance


Establishing testing process


Establishing deployment process, operations acceptance

Table 12-2. Persistent Team Activities Throughout a Governance Track

Advocacy Group


Product Management

Customer feedback, assessment, and sign-off; requirements trade-off and reprioritization

Program Management

Project initiation, execution, and closure


Planning process improvement, architectural refinement, and realignment to changing requirements


Build process improvement, task estimate accuracy, timely task completion

User Experience

Usability assessments; user feedback, assessment, and sign-off.


Forecasting quality attainment


Defining and refining solution-related agreements, such as Service Level Agreements (SLAs) (i.e., agreements between Operations and Business Unit customers); Operational Level Agreements (OLAs) (i.e., agreements between Operations and internal suppliers); and Under-pinning Contracts (UCs) (i.e., agreements between Operations and external suppliers)

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