
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


acceleration, Glossary
Acquire Licenses Automatically For Protected Content privacy option, What Can You Do?
ActiveX controls, Secure Surfing in the Zone, Setting Your Security Level, Where to Go from Here?
defined, Where to Go from Here?
security, Secure Surfing in the Zone
zones, Setting Your Security Level
Add option, MusicNow, Finding the Perfect Song
Add Or Remove Programs, uninstalling unused programs, Modifying Performance Options
add-ins, Windows Messenger, Asking for Help
advanced options, Scanner and Camera Wizard, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
advanced settings, Windows Media Player Performance options, Modifying Performance Options
Advanced Tag Editor, Windows Media Library, Make the Grade, Using the Advanced Tag Editor, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
Info Center View pane, Using the Advanced Tag Editor, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
karaoke files, playing, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
overview, Make the Grade
Alarm Clock, Windows Media Player 9, Improving Performance
albums, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Sizing Things Up
covers, Sizing Things Up
of digital photographs, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
alerts, What’s in Store, Asking for Help, Glossary
.NET, What’s in Store, Glossary
Windows Messenger, Asking for Help
All Music option, Windows Media Library, Searching for Songs
analog devices, Audio Quality Options, Capturing Video from a VCR, Using a Web Cam, Restore Files
audio quality, Audio Quality Options
capturing video footage from, Capturing Video from a VCR
transferring video footage to computers, Using a Web Cam
video capture cards, Restore Files
anchor windows, Glossary
application sharing, Personalizing Messenger, Glossary
attachments, sending pictures as, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
audio and video settings, Windows Media Player 9, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings, Taking Control with Control Panel, Configuring General Options, Modifying Performance Options, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Enhancing Video Viewing, Enhancing Video Viewing, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
audio effects, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Adding Audio Effects
computer performance, Modifying Performance Options
Control Panel, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings
general options, Taking Control with Control Panel
overview, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings
performance options, Configuring General Options
Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard, Enhancing Video Viewing
video editing, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
video viewing, Enhancing Video Viewing
volume control, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch
audio clips, Setting the Stage, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Previewing Clips in Action, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Adding a Personal Touch, Glossary
defined, Glossary
dragging, Adding a Personal Touch
moving, Previewing Clips in Action
previewing, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
renaming, copying, or pasting, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
reviewing, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
viewing and modifying, Setting the Stage
audio effects, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
adding to Timeline, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
editing movies, Adding Audio Effects
Movie Maker 2 Creativity Fun Pack, Adding Audio Effects
Windows Media Player 9, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Adding Audio Effects
audio levels, movies, Adding Background Music
Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) files, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Restore Files
auto playlists, Editing the Playlist, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists, Glossary
creating, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
defined, Glossary
exploring, Editing the Playlist
auto volume leveling, Glossary
automatic backups, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
automatic on/off feature, Improving Performance, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Turn AutoComplete On or Off
Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition, Improving Performance
Automatically Check for Internet Explorer Updates option, Browsing Options
AutoMovie, Let’s Make a Movie!, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) files, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Restore Files


background music, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
backgrounds, desktop, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
backing up, Preserving Memories, Preserving Memories, License and Registration, Please!, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice, Be a Traditionalist, Creating Collection Folders
digital images, Preserving Memories
digital images to CD, Preserving Memories
licenses, License and Registration, Please!
music, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
Windows Movie Maker 2, Creating Collection Folders
WMA Lossless, Be a Traditionalist
Backup Utility., Making the Right Bit Rate Choice (see )
band performances, videoing, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
Best Quality for Playback On My Computer option, Windows Movie Maker 2, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
bit rates, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist, Use Windows Explorer
Bonus Pack., Select a Skin (see )
browsing, Set Your Default Home Page, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
buffering speed, Windows Media Player 9, Configuring General Options, Glossary
burning CDs, Camera Types, Preserving Memories, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Create Folders and Move Images, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories, Multitasking with the Taskbar, Creating the Perfect CD, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
backing up images, Preserving Memories
by group, Create Folders and Move Images
Copy From/To, Windows Media Player taskbar, Multitasking with the Taskbar
creating galleries of artwork, Making the Old New Again
improving quality, Creating the Perfect CD
photos, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories
scrapbooks, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
slide shows, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
videos, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
while traveling, Camera Types
burning DVDs, Share and Share Alike
buttons toolbar, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Show Your True Colors
Buy option, MusicNow, Finding the Perfect Song


cable TV receivers, Using an Analog Camera
cache, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Increasing Accessibility, Where to Go from Here?
AutoComplete, turning on/off, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Increasing Accessibility
defined, Where to Go from Here?
Cakewalk’s Music Creator Pro, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
cameras., Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera (see , )
cassette tapes, preserving, Preserve Your LPs, Cassette Tapes, and Eight-Track Tapes
categorizing songs., Personalize Your Titles (see )
CD burners., Preserving Memories (see )
CD devices, portable., Copying to a Portable Device (see )
CD montages, creating, Creating a Digital Recording, Setting Copy Music Options, Creating the Perfect CD
copy music options, Creating a Digital Recording
label makers, Creating the Perfect CD
perfecting, Setting Copy Music Options
CD Slide Show Generator, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
CD Writing Wizard, Use Windows Movie Maker 2
CDs, Preserving Memories, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Creating the Perfect CD
backing up images to, Preserving Memories
labeling, Creating the Perfect CD
slide shows on, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
Change Player Color, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
children., Protect the Kids (see )
Clear CD/DVD privacy option, Maintaining Your Privacy
Clear History privacy option, Maintaining Your Privacy
clips, movie, If Your DVD Won’t Play
clips., Glossary (see , )
coaching sports using video, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
codecs, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings, Taking Control with Control Panel, Manage Privacy and Security, Glossary
defined, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings, Glossary
downloading, Taking Control with Control Panel, Manage Privacy and Security
collaborating with contacts, Windows Messenger, Let’s Video!
Color Warp effect, Add Depth and Dimension
computer performance, fine-tuning, Modifying Performance Options
computers, customizing with pictures, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Customizing Your Logon Picture
desktop backgrounds, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
logon pictures, Customizing Your Logon Picture
screen savers, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
connections, digital cameras, Connection Types
contact lists, Adding Contacts, Glossary
contacts, Windows Messenger, What’s in Store, Adding Contacts, Let’s Video!, Glossary
collaborating with, Let’s Video!
defined, What’s in Store
lists, Adding Contacts, Glossary
Content Advisor, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Protect the Kids
contrast, SRS WOW Effects, Enhancing Video Viewing, Glossary
audio, SRS WOW Effects
defined, Glossary
visual, Enhancing Video Viewing
Control Panel, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
cookies, Manage Privacy and Security, Maintaining Your Privacy, Glossary, Set Your Default Home Page, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Maintain Your Privacy, Where to Go from Here?
defined, Glossary, Where to Go from Here?
enabling, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
faster Web page loading, Set Your Default Home Page
privacy options, Manage Privacy and Security, Maintaining Your Privacy
secure surfing, Maintain Your Privacy
Copy Music defaults, Windows Media Player 9, Save the Music
copy protection, Adding Music from a CD, Glossary
copyright information, Adding Music from a CD
countdowns, adding to movies, Having an Effect
Creativity Fun Pack., Having an Effect (see )
credit card safety, Secure Surfing in the Zone
credits, Having an Effect, Add Depth and Dimension
adding to movies, Having an Effect
creating, Add Depth and Dimension
critiquing music, Windows Media Library, Personalize Your Titles, Make the Grade
crossfade, Crossfade, Glossary
custom profiles, Pocket PC Viewing


dancefloor on desktop, Windows Media Player 9, Visualizing the Music, Sizing Things Up
database, What’s in Store, Pan for Gold, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Windows Media Library, What’s in Store, Pan for Gold
desktop backgrounds, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
Desktop Wallpaper Changer PowerToy, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
details view, My Pictures folder, More Customizations
device drivers., Tips for Better Scans (see )
digital cameras, Go Digital!, Go Digital!, Camera Types, Connection Types, Driver Disks, Preserving Memories, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera
backing up pictures, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera
connections, Connection Types
documenting vacation with, Camera Types
hooking up, Go Digital!
importing pictures from, Driver Disks
preserving memories with, Preserving Memories
types of, Go Digital!
Digital Device Format (DV-AVI) option, Windows Movie Maker 2, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Using the Save Movie Wizard
digital media, Glossary, If Your DVD Won’t Play
defined, Glossary
markers on, If Your DVD Won’t Play
digital photographs, Liberating Your Pictures, Driver Disks, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Preserving Memories, Preserving Memories, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera, Making the Old New Again, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Tips for Better Scans, Picturing the Possibilities, View Pictures in Windows XP, Use Image Resizer, Create a Picture Library, Create Folders and Move Images, Create Folders and Move Images, Create Folders and Move Images, More Customizations, Print and Save Pictures, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories, Creating a Photo Story, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Customizing Your Logon Picture, Import Still Pictures, Import Video Clips
adding still images to Windows Movie Maker 2, Import Still Pictures
backing up, Preserving Memories
burning onto t-shirts, Saving Your Memories
capturing still images from video footage, Import Video Clips
CD slide shows, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
creating unique gifts from, Use Image Resizer
customizing computers for, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
deleting, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
Details view in My Pictures folder, More Customizations
exporting to digital cameras, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera
galleries on computer, Making the Old New Again
HTML slide shows for Web pages, Saving Your Memories
importing from digital cameras, Driver Disks
moving single images, Create Folders and Move Images
My Pictures folder, Create Folders and Move Images
overview, Liberating Your Pictures, Picturing the Possibilities
photo stories, Creating a Photo Story
preserving memories with, Preserving Memories
printing, Print and Save Pictures
renaming images, Create a Picture Library, Create Folders and Move Images
saving images, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories
scanning prints, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
scanning slides and negatives, Tips for Better Scans
scrapbook of, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
sharing experiences with, Saving Your Memories
sharing via Internet, Customizing Your Logon Picture
viewing in Windows XP, View Pictures in Windows XP
digital scrapbooks, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
digital v. analog audio quality, Audio Quality Options
dimension, Add Depth and Dimension, Glossary
defined, Glossary
video clips, Add Depth and Dimension
Disable Script Debugging, Browsing Options
Discuss option, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Take Advantage of the Explorer Bar
Disk Cleanup, Modifying Performance Options
Disk Defragmenter, Modifying Performance Options, Give Me My Space, Glossary
Display A Notification About Every Script Error, Browsing Options
display adapters, If Your DVD Won’t Play, Glossary
DJing, Auto Volume Leveling
Do Not Run Script Commands and Rich Media Streams security option, Securing Yourself
domain names, Troubleshooting
downloading, Driver Disks, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Use Microsoft Paint, Saving Your Memories, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, What’s Happening Today?
CD Slide Show Generator, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
drivers, Driver Disks
HTML Slide Show Wizard, Saving Your Memories
music using Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), What’s Happening Today?
music using MusicNow, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options
PowerToy Image Resizer, Use Microsoft Paint
screen savers, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
skins for Windows Media Player, Select a Skin
visualizations, Visualizing the Music
Window Media Player Bonus Pack, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Contemplating Your Conversion Options
Windows Movie Maker 2, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker
drivers, What’s in Store, Connection Types, Driver Disks, Tips for Better Scans
defined, Tips for Better Scans
downloading, Driver Disks
installing, What’s in Store
manually installing from disks, Connection Types
dual monitors, If Your DVD Won’t Play
Dungeon Siege visualization, Visualizing the Music
DV cameras, Making the Connection, Making the Connection, Making the Connection, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Using a DV Camera, You Can Take It with You!, You Can Take It with You!
adding clips to Storyboard, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
capturing video footage, Making the Connection
connecting to computer, Making the Connection
live video feed to computers, Using a DV Camera
playing movies on, You Can Take It with You!
promotional videos, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
recording video back to, You Can Take It with You!
video transfers, Making the Connection
DV-AVI (Digital Device Format) option, Windows Movie Maker 2, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Using the Save Movie Wizard
DVD players, Watching DVDS
DVDs, Making the Old New Again, Watching DVDS, If Your DVD Won’t Play, If Your DVD Won’t Play
dual monitors, If Your DVD Won’t Play
picture showings on, Making the Old New Again
replaying favorite scenes, If Your DVD Won’t Play
troubleshooting, Watching DVDS


e-mailing, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Use Windows XP, E-Mailing Your Shorts, Glossary, IM Me!, Secure Surfing in the Zone
movie shorts, Use Windows XP, E-Mailing Your Shorts
safe surfing and, Secure Surfing in the Zone
scrapbooks, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
servers, Glossary
Windows Messenger, IM Me!
e-mailing pictures, Tips for Better Scans, Resizing Images, Customizing Your Logon Picture, Make a Large File Smaller, Make a Large File Smaller, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
E-Mail This File, Customizing Your Logon Picture
inserting as attachments, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
inserting into e-mails, Make a Large File Smaller
JPEG files, Tips for Better Scans
overview, Make a Large File Smaller
resizing images, Resizing Images
Easy CD, Share and Share Alike
editing movies, Crafting Compelling Movies, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Previewing Clips in Action, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Editing as Storytelling, Editing as Storytelling, Splitting Hairs, Splitting Hairs, Getting a Trim, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch, Adding a Personal Touch, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Now It’s Time to Rock and Roll!, Making the Transition, Add Depth and Dimension, Add Depth and Dimension
as storytelling, Editing as Storytelling
audio effects, Adding Audio Effects
audio levels, Adding Background Music
background music, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
collecting clips, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
combining clips, Splitting Hairs
copying, renaming, and deleting clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
credits, Add Depth and Dimension
finalizing rough cuts, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
moving clips, Previewing Clips in Action
narration, Adding a Personal Touch
overview, Crafting Compelling Movies
previewing clips, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
properties of clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
sound effects, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
splitting clips, Editing as Storytelling
Storyboard., Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward (see )
Timeline., Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects (see )
title pages, Add Depth and Dimension
transitions, Making the Transition
trimming clips, Splitting Hairs
video effects, Now It’s Time to Rock and Roll!
viewing clips, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
volume control, Adding a Personal Touch
zoom commands, Getting a Trim
effects options, Windows Media Player 9, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options
eight-track tapes, preserving, Preserve Your LPs, Cassette Tapes, and Eight-Track Tapes
Enable Install On Demand, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Browsing Options
Enable Personalized Favorites Menu, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Browsing Options
ESPN Sports, Asking for Help
Exotic Green and Exotic Red effects, Add Depth and Dimension
Explorer Bar, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Show Your True Colors
exporting pictures to digital cameras, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera


IE6 (Internet Explorer 6)., Taking a Shortcut (see )
IEEE 1394., Connection Types, Glossary, Making the Connection, Using a DV Camera, Using a Web Cam, Using a Web Cam
(see also )
analog video cameras, Using a Web Cam
connecting cameras to computers, Connection Types
defined, Glossary
video transfers, Making the Connection
Web cams, Using a DV Camera
iLink, Connection Types, Glossary
IM (instant message)., IM Me! (see )
Image Resizer, PowerToy, Resizing Images
image-editing programs, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Glossary
images., Import Still Pictures (see )
importing pictures from digital cameras, Driver Disks, Importing Pictures from Your Digital Camera, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
My Computer, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
overview, Driver Disks
Scanner and Camera Wizard, Importing Pictures from Your Digital Camera
Info Center View pane, Windows Media Library, Using the Advanced Tag Editor, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
instant messages (IMs)., What’s in Store, E-Mailing Your Shorts, Glossary, Reaching Across the Globe with a Message, IM Me!, Get it Now!
(see also )
defined, What’s in Store, Glossary
movie shorts, E-Mailing Your Shorts
overview, Reaching Across the Globe with a Message
portable devices for, Get it Now!
interfaces, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Glossary, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, IM Me!
Windows Media Player 9, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Glossary
Windows Messenger, IM Me!
Windows Movie Maker 2, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker
Internet, Customizing Your Logon Picture, A "Little" About File Size, Make a Large File Smaller, Insert a Picture as an Attachment, Protect the Kids, Setting Limits
Content Advisor, Protect the Kids
e-mailing pictures over, Make a Large File Smaller
MSN Parental Controls, Setting Limits
picture file sizes and, A "Little" About File Size
sharing pictures, Customizing Your Logon Picture
sharing pictures with Windows Messenger, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), What’s in Store, Enhance Your IE Experience, You’ve Got the Look, Show Your True Colors, Show Your True Colors, Change the Text Size, Change the Font, Adding the Media Bar, Adding the Media Bar, Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?, What’s Happening Today?, Download Music Instantly, Download Music Instantly, Hear the World Speak, Personalize the Media Bar, There’s No Place Like Home, Set Your Default Home Page, Set Your Default Home Page, Turn Off Graphics and Sound, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Turn AutoComplete On or Off, Taking a Shortcut, Taking a Shortcut, Increasing Accessibility, Give Me My Space, Clean Out Temporary Folders, Maintain Your Privacy, Protect the Kids, Setting Limits, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls
accessibility, Taking a Shortcut
AutoComplete, turning on/off, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
browsing, Set Your Default Home Page, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
buttons on toolbar, You’ve Got the Look
Content Advisor, Protect the Kids
cookies, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
customizing appearance, Enhance Your IE Experience
downloading music, What’s Happening Today?
Explorer Bar, Show Your True Colors
fonts, Change the Font
games, Clean Out Temporary Folders
home page, Personalize the Media Bar
loading pages faster, Set Your Default Home Page
Media bar, adding, Adding the Media Bar
Media bar, personalizing, Hear the World Speak
Movies section, Download Music Instantly
MSN Kids, Using MSN Parental Controls
MSN pages, There’s No Place Like Home
MSN Parental Controls, Setting Limits
music videos, Adding the Media Bar
overview, What’s in Store
performance enhancements, Increasing Accessibility
Profile Assistant, Turn AutoComplete On or Off
Radio section, Download Music Instantly
secure surfing., Maintain Your Privacy (see )
shortcuts, Taking a Shortcut
teenagers online, Using MSN Parental Controls
temporary folders, Give Me My Space
text size, Change the Text Size
Today section, What’s Happening Today?
true colors, Show Your True Colors
turning off graphics and sound, Turn Off Graphics and Sound
viewing music videos with, Adding the Media Bar
Internet radio, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
Internet service providers (ISPs), A "Little" About File Size, Glossary
intranets, Secure Surfing in the Zone, Glossary
ISPs (Internet service providers), A "Little" About File Size, Glossary


Madden, John, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
markers, favorite movie clips, If Your DVD Won’t Play
McAfee virus protection, Asking for Help
Media bar, IE6, Adding the Media Bar, Adding the Media Bar, Hear the World Speak
adding, Adding the Media Bar
personalizing, Hear the World Speak
viewing music videos, Adding the Media Bar
Media Guide, Windows Media Player taskbar, Get to Know Windows Media Player
Media Information pane, Windows Media Player 9, Sizing Things Up
Media Library., What’s in Store (see )
Media option, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Show Your True Colors
Media Player., Audio Quality Options (see )
media, fine-tuning, Fine-Tuning Your Media Experience, What’s in Store, If Your DVD Won’t Play, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Manage Privacy and Security, Send Media Player to the System Tray
audio and video settings., Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options (see )
hardware, What’s in Store, If Your DVD Won’t Play
overview, Fine-Tuning Your Media Experience
privacy and security management, Manage Privacy and Security
system tray, sending Windows Media Player to, Send Media Player to the System Tray, Personalizing Messenger
memory cards, Go Digital!, Glossary
Messenger., Don’t Get Left Behind (see )
metadata, Using the All Music Option, Glossary
Microphone Wizard, Command Media Player with Your Voice
Microsoft Digital Image Pro, Scanning Slides and Negatives
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Troubleshooting
Microsoft Paint, View Pictures in Windows XP, Use Microsoft Paint, Taking Credit
resizing images, Use Microsoft Paint
rotating images, View Pictures in Windows XP
Static Title files, personalizing, Taking Credit
Microsoft Photo Printing Wizard, Print and Save Pictures
Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition, Creating a Photo Story, Creating a Photo Story, Visualizing the Music, Sizing Things Up, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, Auto Volume Leveling, Auto Volume Leveling, Enhancing Video Viewing, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, What You’ll Need, Creating the Perfect CD, Copying to a Portable Device, Add Depth and Dimension, Add Depth and Dimension, Add Depth and Dimension, Add Depth and Dimension, Add Depth and Dimension
automatic on/off feature, Improving Performance
photo stories, Creating a Photo Story
Plus! Alarm Clock, Improving Performance
Plus! Analog Recorder, What You’ll Need
Plus! CD Label Maker, Creating the Perfect CD
Plus! Dancers, Visualizing the Music, Sizing Things Up
Plus! Desaturate effect, Add Depth and Dimension
Plus! Drain, Erode, and Evaporate transitions, Add Depth and Dimension
Plus! MP3 Audio Converter, Contemplating Your Conversion Options
Plus! Negative effect, Add Depth and Dimension
Plus! Party Mode, Auto Volume Leveling
Plus! Personal DJ, Auto Volume Leveling
Plus! Portable Audio Devices, Copying to a Portable Device
Plus! Sleep Timer, Improving Performance
Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard, Enhancing Video Viewing
Plus! Star transitions, Add Depth and Dimension
purchasing, Creating a Photo Story
video effects and transitions, Add Depth and Dimension
voice commands, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Improving Performance
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2., Having an Effect (see )
Microsoft Windows XP., Use Image Resizer (see )
MIDI (.mid) files, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
MIDI instruments, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
mini player mode, Windows Media Player 9, Controlling Playback
Mini USB cable, Connection Types, Glossary
MiniDV, Camera Types, Glossary
mobile devices, Copying to a Portable Device, You Can Take It with You!, Get it Now!
CDs., Copying to a Portable Device (see )
instant messaging, Get it Now!
movies, You Can Take It with You!
modem speed, Configuring General Options, Glossary
modes, Windows Media Player 9, Controlling Playback, Give Me Some Skin, Select a Skin
overview, Controlling Playback
skins, Give Me Some Skin
monitors, If Your DVD Won’t Play
most recently used (MRU) option, Send Media Player to the System Tray
mouse pointer, Controlling Playback
movie credits, Add Depth and Dimension
Movie Maker 2 Creativity Fun Pack., Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Having an Effect, Having an Effect, Taking Credit, Taking Credit
(see also )
audio effects, Adding Audio Effects
sounds, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
Static Titles, Taking Credit
title pages, Taking Credit
video effects, Having an Effect
movie-playing devices, portable, You Can Take It with You!, Pocket PC Viewing
DV cameras, You Can Take It with You!
pocket PCs, Pocket PC Viewing
Movies section, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Download Music Instantly
moving pictures, Capturing Moments in Time, Adding Audio Effects, Having an Effect, E-Mailing Your Shorts, Pocket PC Viewing
e-mailing with Windows Messenger, E-Mailing Your Shorts
editing., Adding Audio Effects (see )
overview, Capturing Moments in Time
sharing., Pocket PC Viewing (see )
Windows Movie Maker 2., Having an Effect (see )
MP3 files, I Want My MP3, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, Microsoft Plus! MP3 Audio Converter, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
conversion options, I Want My MP3
Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter, Microsoft Plus! MP3 Audio Converter
Microsoft Plus! MP3 Audio Converter, Contemplating Your Conversion Options
system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
Windows Media Player Bonus Pack Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE, Contemplating Your Conversion Options
MSN 8, Setting Limits
MSN Gaming Zone, Obtaining a Passport, Clean Out Temporary Folders
MSN Groups, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies
MSN Hotmail Extra Storage, E-Mailing Your Shorts
MSN Kids, Using MSN Parental Controls
MSN Messenger, Don’t Get Left Behind, Upgrade to a Newer Version
(see also )
MSN pages, There’s No Place Like Home
MSN Parental Controls, Setting Limits
MSNBC News, Asking for Help
music collections, Amassing a Multitude of Music and Videos, What’s in Store, Adding Music from a CD, Adding Music from a CD, Adding Personal Touches, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Play, Add, or Buy?, Backing Up Licenses, Searching for Songs, Using the All Music Option, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling
automatic options, Adding Personal Touches
downloading music, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options
from CDs, Adding Music from a CD
karaoke, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
licenses, Play, Add, or Buy?
overview, Amassing a Multitude of Music and Videos
personal touches, Adding Music from a CD
personalizing titles, Using the All Music Option
saved on computers, What’s in Store
searching for songs, Backing Up Licenses
sorting songs, Searching for Songs
soundtracks, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling
Music Creator Pro, Cakewalk’s, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
music files, enhancing, Making the Music Your Own, What’s in Store, I Want My MP3, Preserve Your LPs, Cassette Tapes, and Eight-Track Tapes, Creating a Digital Recording, Creating the Perfect CD, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!
CD montages, Creating a Digital Recording, Creating the Perfect CD
MP3 files, I Want My MP3
overview, Making the Music Your Own
portable CD devices, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!
preserving LPs, cassette and eight-track tapes, Preserve Your LPs, Cassette Tapes, and Eight-Track Tapes
saving better file copies, What’s in Store
music., Losing Yourself in the Music, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, What’s in Store, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Play, Add, or Buy?, Using the All Music Option, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard, Manage Privacy and Security, Send Media Player to the System Tray, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice, Audio Quality Options, I Want My MP3, Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?
(see also )
Advanced Tag Editor, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
backing up, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
downloading, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, What’s Happening Today?
falling asleep to, Improving Performance
fine-tuning., Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options (see )
hardware and software required for creating on computer, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
home studios, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
licenses, Play, Add, or Buy?
Media Player., Audio Quality Options (see )
MP3 files, I Want My MP3
overview, Losing Yourself in the Music
personalizing titles, Using the All Music Option
privacy and security management, Manage Privacy and Security
system tray, Send Media Player to the System Tray
viewing music videos with IE6, Adding the Media Bar
waking up to, Improving Performance
Windows Media Library., What’s in Store (see )
MusicNow, What’s in Store, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Getting Started, Finding the Perfect Song
downloading music with, What’s in Store
Play, Add, or Buy options, Finding the Perfect Song
searching for songs, Getting Started
starting, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options
My Computer, importing pictures from digital cameras, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
My Music folder, Save the Music, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
My Pictures folder, Making the Old New Again, Resizing Images, Create a Picture Library, Customizing the My Pictures Folder, Create Folders and Move Images, Create Folders and Move Images, Create Folders and Move Images, More Customizations, More Customizations, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Customizing Your Logon Picture
creating folders, Create Folders and Move Images
Details view, More Customizations
logon pictures, Customizing Your Logon Picture
moving single images, Create Folders and Move Images
Order Prints Online, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
overview, Customizing the My Pictures Folder
renaming groups of images, Create Folders and Move Images
renaming images, Create a Picture Library
resizing images, Resizing Images
screen savers, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
using pictures in as slide shows or screen savers, Making the Old New Again
View menu, More Customizations
My Pictures Slideshow, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change


naming movie files, Turn Your Project into a Movie
Napster, What Can You Do?
narrating movies, Adding a Personal Touch
negatives, scanning, Tips for Better Scans
network servers, Save the Music, Use Windows Explorer
Now Playing, Windows Media Player taskbar, Get to Know Windows Media Player
Null visualization option, Visualizing the Music


partitioning, Glossary
party mix, creating, Auto Volume Leveling
passport, Don’t Get Left Behind, Obtaining a Passport, Obtaining a Passport, Personalize the Media Bar
MSN pages, Personalize the Media Bar
Windows Messenger, Don’t Get Left Behind, Obtaining a Passport, Obtaining a Passport
passwords, Secure Surfing in the Zone
performance, options for improving, Modifying Performance Options
Photo Printing Wizard, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
photo stories, Creating a Photo Story
photographs., Import Still Pictures (see )
Picture and Fax Viewer., Print and Save Pictures (see )
picture libraries, Create a Picture Library
(see also , )
pictures, e-mailing., Customizing Your Logon Picture (see )
pixellation, Resizing Images
pixels, View Pictures in Windows XP, Glossary
defined, Glossary
image resolution and, View Pictures in Windows XP
play option, MusicNow, Finding the Perfect Song
playback, Windows Media Player 9, Getting Information Quickly
Player PowerToy, Copying to a Portable Device
playlists, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Glossary, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Editing the Playlist, Editing the Playlist, Editing the Playlist, Edit Auto Playlists, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists, Crossfade, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling, Auto Volume Leveling
accessing, Get to Know Windows Media Player
auto, Editing the Playlist, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
auto volume leveling, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling
creating, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
crossfade feature, Crossfade
defined, Glossary
editing, Editing the Playlist
fine-tuning, Edit Auto Playlists
party mode, Auto Volume Leveling
temporary, Editing the Playlist
Plus!., Improving Performance (see )
Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC Viewing
pocket PCs, Pocket PC Viewing, Glossary
portable audio players, Copying to a Portable Device
portable CD devices, Creating the Perfect CD, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!, Copying to a Portable Device
copying to, Copying to a Portable Device
overview, Creating the Perfect CD
types, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!
portable instant message devices, Get it Now!
portable movie-playing devices, You Can Take It with You!, Pocket PC Viewing
DV cameras, You Can Take It with You!
pocket PCs, Pocket PC Viewing
portrait format, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Glossary
PowerToys, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Use Microsoft Paint, Saving Your Memories, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Make the Grade, Copying to a Portable Device, Copying to a Portable Device
CD Slide Show Generator, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
Desktop Wallpaper Changer, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
HTML Slide Show Wizard, Saving Your Memories
Player, Copying to a Portable Device
Portable Audio Devices, Copying to a Portable Device
PowerToy Image Resizer, Use Microsoft Paint
Ratings Migration, Make the Grade
Premium Services, Windows Media Player taskbar, Multitasking with the Taskbar
printing music, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
printing pictures, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
Layout Selection page, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
ordering online, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
ordering professional prints, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
Photo Printing Wizard, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
scrapbooking digitally, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
privacy, Personalize Your Titles, Manage Privacy and Security, What Can You Do?, Securing Yourself, Glossary, Personalizing Messenger, Maintain Your Privacy
cookies, Maintain Your Privacy
overview, Manage Privacy and Security
policy, Glossary
Privacy option, Windows Media Library, Personalize Your Titles
Privacy tab, Windows Media Player 9, What Can You Do?
Security tab, Windows Media Player 9, Securing Yourself
Windows Messenger, Personalizing Messenger
Profile Assistant, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Turn AutoComplete On or Off
profiles, creating custom, Pocket PC Viewing


Quick Access Panel, Windows Media Player taskbar, Getting Information Quickly
Quiet Mode, SRS WOW Effects


radio, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
finding radio stations via Internet, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
Internet radio, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
Radio section, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Download Music Instantly
Radio Tuner, Windows Media Player 9, Multitasking with the Taskbar, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet, Collecting Your Favorite Stations
creating preset radio station lists, Collecting Your Favorite Stations
finding radio stations via Internet, Improving Performance, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
overview, Improving Performance
taskbar, Multitasking with the Taskbar
Rap Songs auto playlist option, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
rating songs, Personalize Your Titles, Make the Grade, Make the Grade
Ratings Migration PowerToy, Make the Grade
raw data, A Look at the Big Picture, Glossary,, Don’t Get Left Behind
Remote Assistance, What’s in Store, Collaborate Near or Far, Solve Problems with Remote Assistance, Solve Problems with Remote Assistance, Asking for Help, Asking for Help, Glossary
alerts, Asking for Help
choosing contacts, Solve Problems with Remote Assistance
defined, Glossary
solving problems with, Collaborate Near or Far
using, Solve Problems with Remote Assistance
using without Windows Messenger, Asking for Help
Windows Messenger, What’s in Store
resizing images, View Pictures in Windows XP
resolution, Camera Types, Glossary, View Pictures in Windows XP
defined, Glossary
DV cameras, Camera Types
pixels and, View Pictures in Windows XP
restoring music, from back up, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
Restricted Sites zone, Secure Surfing in the Zone
Retrieve Media Information For CDs and DVDs privacy option, What Can You Do?
Rewind, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
rich media streams, Securing Yourself, Glossary
right-click function, Personalize Your Titles, Make the Grade
rotating images, View Pictures in Windows XP
Roxio DVD Creator 6, Share and Share Alike
Run Script Commands When Present security option, Securing Yourself


safe messaging for kids, Obtaining a Passport
sattelite receivers, Using an Analog Camera
Save File and URL History In The Player privacy option, Maintaining Your Privacy
Save Movie Wizard, Turn Your Project into a Movie, Troubleshooting
saving music files, What’s in Store, Save the Music, Saving for the Future, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice, Be a Traditionalist, Audio Quality Options
audio quality options, Audio Quality Options
backing up, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
bit rate choices, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist
My Music folder, Save the Music
overview, What’s in Store
saving pictures, Tips for Better Scans, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories
as TIFF files, Tips for Better Scans
on CDs, Saving Your Memories, Saving Your Memories
Scanner and Camera Wizard, Importing Pictures from Your Digital Camera, Making the Old New Again
importing pictures from digital cameras, Importing Pictures from Your Digital Camera
scanning prints, Making the Old New Again
Scanners and Cameras window, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
scanning, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera, Making the Old New Again, Making the Old New Again, Making the Old New Again, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Tips for Better Scans
cleaning up and editing old pictures, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera, Making the Old New Again
connecting scanner, Making the Old New Again
pictures into My Pictures folder, Making the Old New Again
prints, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
slides and negatives, Tips for Better Scans
scrapbook, of digital photographs, Printing Pictures and Using the Layout Tool
screen savers, Making the Old New Again, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
scripts, What’s in Store, Glossary
Search From The Address Bar, Browsing Options
Search option, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Show Your True Colors
searching for songs, Getting Started, Pan for Gold
MusicNow, Getting Started
Windows Media Library, Pan for Gold
secure sites, What’s in Store, Glossary
secure surfing, Secure Surfing in the Zone, Setting Your Security Level, Setting Your Security Level, Maintain Your Privacy
cookies, Maintain Your Privacy
overview, Secure Surfing in the Zone
security levels, Setting Your Security Level
zones, Setting Your Security Level
security, Manage Privacy and Security, Securing Yourself, Secure Surfing in the Zone
ActiveX controls, Secure Surfing in the Zone
configuring Security tab, Securing Yourself
Windows Media Player 9, Manage Privacy and Security
Seek, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
Send Unique Player ID To Content Providers privacy option, Maintaining Your Privacy
Sending Player Usage Data to Microsoft privacy option, Maintaining Your Privacy
servers, Secure Surfing in the Zone, Glossary
Set Audio Levels icon, Windows Movie Maker 2, Adding Background Music
sharing HTML slide shows, Saving Your Memories
sharing movies, Coming to a Screen Near You, Turn Your Project into a Movie, Using the Save Movie Wizard, Watch Your Movie on a Computer, Share and Share Alike, Use Windows XP, E-Mailing Your Shorts, Pocket PC Viewing
custom profiles, Pocket PC Viewing
e-mailing shorts, Use Windows XP, E-Mailing Your Shorts
overview, Coming to a Screen Near You
Save Movie Wizard, Turn Your Project into a Movie
saving movies to CDs, Share and Share Alike
Smart Display, Watch Your Movie on a Computer
watching on computer, Using the Save Movie Wizard
sharing movies on the Web, Can’t Send the Movie?, Share Your Movies on the Web, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies, Troubleshooting, Pocket PC Viewing
custom profiles, Pocket PC Viewing
MSN Groups, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies
overview, Can’t Send the Movie?
troubleshooting, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies
video albums, Share Your Movies on the Web
Web sites, Troubleshooting
sharing pictures, Customizing Your Logon Picture, A "Little" About File Size, Make a Large File Smaller, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
e-mailing, Make a Large File Smaller
file size, A "Little" About File Size
overview, Customizing Your Logon Picture
Windows Messenger, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
shortcuts, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Taking a Shortcut
Show Friendly URLs, Browsing Options
single images, Create a Picture Library, Create Folders and Move Images
moving, Create Folders and Move Images
renaming, Create a Picture Library
sizing windows and panes, Windows Media Player 9, Visualizing the Music
skins, Multitasking with the Taskbar, Controlling Playback, Give Me Some Skin, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Glossary
defined, Glossary
downloading, Select a Skin
selecting, Give Me Some Skin, Select a Skin
Skin Chooser, Windows Media Player taskbar, Multitasking with the Taskbar
Switch To Skin Mode, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
Sleep Timer, Windows Media Player 9, Improving Performance
slide shows, Making the Old New Again, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
creating, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
of memorable occasions, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
pictures into My Pictures folder, Making the Old New Again
screen savers, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
viewing, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
slides, scanning, Tips for Better Scans
Smart Display, Watch Your Movie on a Computer, Glossary
Smartphone, Get it Now!, Glossary
software, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
karaoke, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
required for creating music, The Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard
songs., Getting Started, Pan for Gold, Searching for Songs, Using the All Music Option, Personalize Your Titles, Make the Grade, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
(see also )
auto playlist options, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
personalizing titles, Using the All Music Option
rating, Personalize Your Titles, Make the Grade
searching for, MusicNow, Getting Started
searching for, Windows Media Library, Pan for Gold
sorting, Searching for Songs
Sonic MyDVD Plus 4, Share and Share Alike
Sony iLink, Connection Types
Sounddogs, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
Sounds and Audio Devices, in Control Panel, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
sounds., Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
(see also )
creating system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
in Movie Maker 2 Creativity Fun Pack, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
soundtracks, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Editing the Playlist, Editing the Playlist, Editing the Playlist, Edit Auto Playlists, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling
auto playlists, Editing the Playlist
creating playlists, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
editing playlists, Editing the Playlist
fine-tuning playlists, Edit Auto Playlists, Crossfade, Auto Volume Leveling
overview, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
temporary playlists, Editing the Playlist
special effects, movies, Having an Effect
speeds, playing music at variable, Sizing Things Up, Configuring General Options
spyware, Glossary, Secure Surfing in the Zone
SRS WOW Effects, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options
static lyrics, Personalize Your Titles, Glossary
Static Title files, Taking Credit
Static Titles, Taking Credit
Storyboard, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Glossary, Setting the Stage, Setting the Stage, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Previewing Clips in Action, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Splitting Hairs, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch, Add Depth and Dimension
adding background music, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
adding clips, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
adding video effects, Add Depth and Dimension
combining clips, Splitting Hairs
defined, Glossary
moving clips, Previewing Clips in Action
overview, Setting the Stage
previewing clips, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
renaming, copying, or pasting clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
reviewing clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
Set Audio Levels, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch
viewing and modifying audio clips, Setting the Stage
storytelling with movie edits, Editing as Storytelling, Editing as Storytelling, Splitting Hairs, Splitting Hairs, Getting a Trim, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
combining clips, Splitting Hairs
finalizing rough cuts, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
overview, Editing as Storytelling
splitting clips, Editing as Storytelling
trimming clips, Splitting Hairs
zoom commands, Getting a Trim
storytelling with photos, Creating a Photo Story
streaming media, Sizing Things Up, Glossary
streaming radio stations, Get to Know Windows Media Player
surfing, Obtaining a Passport, Secure Surfing in the Zone, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls
kids growing up online, Using MSN Parental Controls
online safety for children, Obtaining a Passport
safety, Secure Surfing in the Zone
teenagers online, Using MSN Parental Controls
surround sound speaker system, Glossary
Switch To Skin Mode, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
synchronized lyrics, Glossary
system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
system trays, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Glossary, Send Media Player to the System Tray
defined, Glossary
voice commands, Command Media Player with Your Voice
Windows Media Player 9, Send Media Player to the System Tray


t-shirts, burning images onto, Saving Your Memories
taskbar, Windows Media Player 9, Get to Know Windows Media Player
teenagers online, Using MSN Parental Controls
temporary files, What’s in Store, Glossary
temporary folders, Give Me My Space
text size, Change the Text Size
Texture effects, Add Depth and Dimension
thumbnails, Glossary
thumbnails, of digital photographs, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard
TIFF files, Tips for Better Scans, Glossary
time expansion, Playing Files at Variable Speeds, Glossary
Timeline, Import Still Pictures, Glossary, Setting the Stage, Setting the Stage, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Previewing Clips in Action, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Splitting Hairs, Getting a Trim, Getting a Trim, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch, Adding a Personal Touch, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
adding audio effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
adding background music, Finalizing the Rough Cut and Moving Forward
defined, Glossary
dragging audio clips, Adding a Personal Touch
moving clips, Previewing Clips in Action
overview, Setting the Stage
playing imported pictures, Import Still Pictures
previewing clips, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
renaming, copying, or pasting clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
reviewing clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
Set Audio Levels, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch
splitting clips, Splitting Hairs
trimming clips, Getting a Trim
viewing and modifying audio clips, Setting the Stage
zooming in/out, Getting a Trim
Tip of the Day option, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Take Advantage of the Explorer Bar
titles, Having an Effect, Add Depth and Dimension, Taking Credit
adding to movies, Having an Effect
personalizing title pages, Taking Credit
title pages, Add Depth and Dimension
Today section, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?
transitions, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Glossary, A Look at the Big Picture, Glossary, Editing as Storytelling
defined, Glossary, Glossary
screen savers, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change
video, A Look at the Big Picture, Editing as Storytelling
Trilogy visualization, Visualizing the Music
true colors, Collaborate Near or Far, Glossary, Show Your True Colors
defined, Glossary
sharing, Collaborate Near or Far
showing, Show Your True Colors
Trusted Sites zone, Secure Surfing in the Zone
Turn Shuffle On, Windows Media Player playback option, Controlling Playback
TV sets, Using an Analog Camera


unique player ID, Glossary
universal serial bus (USB) cables, Go Digital!, Making the Old New Again, Glossary
Update My Music Files privacy option, What Can You Do?
uploading images, Exporting Pictures to Your Digital Camera
USB (universal serial bus) cables, Go Digital!, Making the Old New Again, Glossary


vacation, documenting with digital camera, Camera Types
VCDs, What’s in Store, Glossary
VCRs, Making the Connection, Capturing Video from a VCR
video clips, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Import Still Pictures, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Clips Are the Key Ingredient, Previewing Clips in Action, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips, Editing as Storytelling, Splitting Hairs, Splitting Hairs, Getting a Trim, Now It’s Time to Rock and Roll!, Making the Transition, Add Depth and Dimension
collecting, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
combining, Splitting Hairs
copying, renaming, and deleting, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
creating still photos from, Import Still Pictures
depth and dimension, adding, Add Depth and Dimension
effects, adding, Now It’s Time to Rock and Roll!
moving, Previewing Clips in Action
previewing, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
properties of, Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Clips
splitting, Editing as Storytelling
Storyboard, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
transitions, Making the Transition
trimming clips, Splitting Hairs
viewing, Clips Are the Key Ingredient
zoom commands, Getting a Trim
video settings, Windows Media Player 9., Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options (see )
videos, Modifying Performance Options, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Making the Connection, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Adding Audio Effects, Having an Effect, Glossary, Share Experiences in Real Time, Add Voice and Video to Messenger, Adding the Media Bar
acceleration settings, Modifying Performance Options
adding to Windows Messenger, Share Experiences in Real Time
capturing footage, Making the Connection
editing., Adding Audio Effects (see )
effects, Glossary
fine-tuning settings., Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options (see )
Movie Maker 2., Having an Effect (see )
Video Capture Wizard, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
videoconferencing requirements, Add Voice and Video to Messenger
viewing music videos with IE6, Adding the Media Bar
View menu, My Pictures folder, More Customizations
virus protection, Securing Yourself, Asking for Help, Secure Surfing in the Zone
visual media., Losing Yourself in the Music, What’s in Store, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Play, Add, or Buy?, Using the All Music Option, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Manage Privacy and Security, Send Media Player to the System Tray, Audio Quality Options, Import Still Pictures, Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?
(see also )
Advanced Tag Editor, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
downloading, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, What’s Happening Today?
fine-tuning., Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options (see )
licenses, Play, Add, or Buy?
Media Player., Audio Quality Options (see )
overview, Losing Yourself in the Music
personalizing titles, Using the All Music Option
privacy and security management, Manage Privacy and Security
system tray, Send Media Player to the System Tray
watching videos, Adding the Media Bar
Windows Media Library., What’s in Store (see )
visualizations, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Glossary
downloading, Visualizing the Music
Windows Media Player 9, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music
voice commands, Windows Media Player 9, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Getting Ready to Voice Your Commands, Using the Voice Command, Improving Performance
improving performance, Using the Voice Command, Improving Performance
setup process, Command Media Player with Your Voice
using, Getting Ready to Voice Your Commands
volume control, Auto Volume Leveling, Glossary, Adding Background Music, Adding a Personal Touch
audio and video settings, Windows Media Player 9, Adding Background Music
auto volume leveling, Glossary
movies, Adding a Personal Touch
playlists, Auto Volume Leveling


wallpaper, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Glossary
watching movies on computers, Using the Save Movie Wizard
waveform (WAV) files, I Want My MP3, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter, Use Windows Explorer
converting to MP3, I Want My MP3
creating system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
defined, Use Windows Explorer
system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
Web cams, What’s in Store, Making the Connection, Using a DV Camera, Glossary, Add Voice and Video to Messenger
adding video to Windows Messenger, Add Voice and Video to Messenger
connecting cameras to computers, What’s in Store
defined, Glossary
feeding live video footage to computer, Using a DV Camera
video transfers, Making the Connection
Web hosting providers, Troubleshooting
Web interactions, Reaching Across the Globe with a Message
Web pages, HTML slide shows, Saving Your Memories
Web site resources, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Use Microsoft Paint, Saving Your Memories, Creating a Photo Story, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Sending a Picture Using Windows Messenger, What’s in Store, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Adding Music from a CD, Make the Grade, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Auto Volume Leveling, Express Yourself Through Hardware, What Can You Do?, Be a Traditionalist, I Want My MP3, I Want My MP3, I Want My MP3, I Want My MP3, I Want My MP3, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!, Copying to a Portable Device, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, Capturing Video from a VCR, Capturing Video from a VCR, Adding Audio Effects, Share and Share Alike, Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting, Pocket PC Viewing, Sending E-Mail, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Asking for Help, Adding the Media Bar, Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?, Personalize the Media Bar, Taking a Shortcut, Clean Out Temporary Folders, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Using MSN Parental Controls, Select a Skin, Using MSN Parental Controls, I Want My MP3, I Want My MP3, Using MSN Parental Controls, Visualizing the Music, Using MSN Parental Controls, Troubleshooting, What Can You Do?, Using MSN Parental Controls, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, I Want My MP3, Troubleshooting, Taking a Shortcut, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Auto Volume Leveling, Copying to a Portable Device, Creating a Photo Story, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Contemplating Your Conversion Options, Take Your Music with You–Anywhere!, Pocket PC Viewing, Capturing Video from a VCR, Customize Your Computer with Pictures, Create Custom Backgrounds that Change, Sending a Picture Using Windows Messenger, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Adding Audio Effects,, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, Using the Scanner and Camera Wizard, Use Microsoft Paint, Saving Your Memories, What’s in Store, Adding Music from a CD, Share and Share Alike, I Want My MP3, Asking for Help, Personalize the Media Bar, Using MSN Parental Controls, Troubleshooting, Capturing Video from a VCR, I Want My MP3, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Select a Skin, Express Yourself Through Hardware, Adding the Media Bar, Adding the Media Bar, What’s Happening Today?, Be a Traditionalist, Select a Skin, Sending E-Mail, Visualizing the Music, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Make the Grade, Using MSN Parental Controls, Clean Out Temporary Folders
Web sites, What Can You Do?, Securing Yourself, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies, Troubleshooting, Customize the Standard Buttons Toolbar, Secure Surfing in the Zone
creating family Web site, Troubleshooting
HTML code, Customize the Standard Buttons Toolbar
MSN Groups, Using MSN Groups to Share Your Movies
privacy policies, What Can You Do?
rich media streams embedded in, Securing Yourself
security and, Secure Surfing in the Zone
videos on, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
Welcome To The Found New Hardware Wizard, Connection Types
whiteboards, defined, Glossary
Windows Backup Utility, Save the Music, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice, Use Windows Explorer
automatic backups, Making the Right Bit Rate Choice
defined, Use Windows Explorer
My Music folder, default backup, Save the Music
Windows Catalog, Express Yourself Through Hardware
Windows Explorer, Use Windows Explorer
Windows Media Audio (WMA) files., Saving for the Future (see )
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series, Pocket PC Viewing
Windows Media Library, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Multitasking with the Taskbar, Sizing Things Up, What’s in Store, What’s in Store, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options, Backing Up Licenses, Pan for Gold, Searching for Songs, Using the All Music Option, Using the All Music Option, Make the Grade, Make the Grade, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
adding music to, What’s in Store
Advanced Tag Editor, Make the Grade, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
All Music option, Searching for Songs
monitoring folders, Monitoring Folders and Other Automatic Options
MusicNow., What’s in Store (see )
overview, Backing Up Licenses
personalizing song titles, Using the All Music Option
playlists., Get to Know Windows Media Player (see )
rating songs, Make the Grade
resizing Windows Media Player, Sizing Things Up
searching for songs, Pan for Gold
sorting options, Using the All Music Option
taskbar, Multitasking with the Taskbar
Windows Media Player 9, Losing Yourself in the Music, What’s in Store, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Get to Know Windows Media Player, Getting Information Quickly, Getting Information Quickly, Controlling Playback, Select a Skin, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Visualizing the Music, Sizing Things Up, Sizing Things Up, Sizing Things Up, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Improving Performance, Improving Performance, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists, What’s in Store, Watching DVDS, If Your DVD Won’t Play, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings, Taking Control with Control Panel, Configuring General Options, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options, Enhancing Video Viewing, Enhancing Video Viewing, Save the Music, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist, Audio Quality Options, Use Windows Media Player, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Using the Save Movie Wizard, Pocket PC Viewing
audio quality options, Audio Quality Options
Auto Playlist, Fine-Tuning Your Playlists
bit rate choices, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist
Control Panel, Fine-Tune Audio and Video Settings
Copy Music default options, Save the Music
copying music to portable devices, Use Windows Media Player
dancefloor on desktop, Visualizing the Music, Sizing Things Up
downloading skins, Select a Skin
DVDs, Watching DVDS
general options, Taking Control with Control Panel
graphic equalizers, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options
hardware, What’s in Store
interface, Get to Know Windows Media Player
listening to sound in Creativity Fun Pack, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects
Media Information pane, Sizing Things Up
modes, Controlling Playback
monitors, If Your DVD Won’t Play
multitasking with taskbar, Get to Know Windows Media Player
overview, Losing Yourself in the Music
performance options, Configuring General Options
playback control, Getting Information Quickly
playlists., Get to Know Windows Media Player (see )
Plus! Speaker Enhancement Wizard, Enhancing Video Viewing
pocket PCs, Pocket PC Viewing
Quick Access Panel, Getting Information Quickly
Quiet Mode, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options
Radio Tuner, Improving Performance, Finding Radio Stations on the Internet
searching for media files, Add Static and Synchronized Lyrics
sizing windows and panes, Visualizing the Music
SRS WOW Effects, Adjusting Sounds and Effects Options
upgrading, What’s in Store
variable speeds, Sizing Things Up
video viewing, Enhancing Video Viewing
visualizations, Select a Skin
voice commands, Command Media Player with Your Voice, Improving Performance
watching movies, Using the Save Movie Wizard
Windows Media Player Bonus Pack, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music, Backing Up Licenses, Send Media Player to the System Tray, I Want My MP3
downloading, Select a Skin, Visualizing the Music
License Update Wizard, Backing Up Licenses
MP3 Audio Converter LE, I Want My MP3
system tray, sending Windows Media Player to, Send Media Player to the System Tray
Windows Media Player Bonus Pack Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE, Contemplating Your Conversion Options
Windows Media Profile Editor, Pocket PC Viewing
Windows Messenger., Insert a Picture as an Attachment, E-Mailing Your Shorts, What’s in Store, What’s in Store, What’s in Store, What’s in Store, Don’t Get Left Behind, Don’t Get Left Behind, Obtaining a Passport, Obtaining a Passport, Log on and Make Contact, Adding Contacts, Take Control, Managing Contacts, Managing Contacts, Allowing and Blocking Messages, Personalizing Messenger, IM Me!, IM Me!, IM Me!, IM Me!, Sending E-Mail, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Upgrade to a Newer Version, Get it Now!, Share Experiences in Real Time, Share Experiences in Real Time, Let’s Video!, Collaborate Near or Far, Asking for Help, Asking for Help, Asking for Help
(see also )
add-ins, Asking for Help
adding contacts, Adding Contacts
adding participants, IM Me!
alerts, Asking for Help
blocking and allowing messages, Managing Contacts
collaborating with contacts, Let’s Video!
contacts, defined, What’s in Store
e-mailing messages, IM Me!
e-mailing pictures, Insert a Picture as an Attachment
e-mailing video shorts, E-Mailing Your Shorts
inclusion in contact lists, Managing Contacts
installing, What’s in Store
interface, IM Me!
logging on, Log on and Make Contact
managing contacts, Take Control
MSN Messenger, Upgrade to a Newer Version
overview, What’s in Store
passports, Don’t Get Left Behind, Obtaining a Passport, Obtaining a Passport
personalizing, Allowing and Blocking Messages
profiles, Personalizing Messenger
Remote Assistance, What’s in Store, Collaborate Near or Far, Asking for Help
sending files, Share Experiences in Real Time
sending messages to mobile devices, Get it Now!
upgrading, Sending E-Mail, Upgrade to a Newer Version
video and voice, adding, Share Experiences in Real Time
view, changing, IM Me!
Windows Movie Maker 2, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter, Capturing Moments in Time, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker, Making the Connection, Making the Connection, Making the Connection, Making the Connection, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Import Still Pictures, Import Video Clips, Import Video Clips, Import Video Clips, Merging Clips from Existing Videos, Capturing Video from a VCR, Capturing Video from a VCR, Capturing Video from a VCR, Using a DV Camera, Using a DV Camera, Using a Web Cam, Using an Analog Camera, Using an Analog Camera, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing, Deleting Collections, Creating Collection Folders, Creating Collection Folders, Restore Files, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Having an Effect, Having an Effect, Taking Credit, Use Windows Movie Maker 2
adding titles/credits to movies, Having an Effect
analog cameras, Using a Web Cam
backing up files, Creating Collection Folders
capturing video footage, Making the Connection
coaching with video clips, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
connecting camera to computer, Making the Connection
connecting DV camera to computer, Making the Connection
creating collection folders, Creating Collection Folders
Creativity Fun Pack, Adding Audio Effects, Adding Music Tracks and Sound Effects, Having an Effect, Taking Credit
deleting collections, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
downloading, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker
DV cameras, feeding footage live to computer from, Using a DV Camera
editing footage, Using an Analog Camera, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
existing videos, merging clips from, Import Video Clips
family trees, creating digital, Merging Clips from Existing Videos
interface, Download the Latest Version of Windows Movie Maker
live video feed to computers, Capturing Video from a VCR
movies, saving on CDs, Use Windows Movie Maker 2
organizing files, Letting Automovie Do Its Thing
overview, Capturing Moments in Time
renaming collections, Deleting Collections
restoring files, Restore Files
still pictures from video footage, Import Video Clips
still pictures, importing, Import Still Pictures
Storyboard, adding clips to, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
system sounds, creating, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
transferring footage, preparing computer for, Making the Connection
TV sets, feeding footage live to computer from, Using an Analog Camera
VCRs, capturing video footage from, Capturing Video from a VCR
video CDs as promotional tools, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
video clips, importing, Import Video Clips, Capturing Video from a VCR
Web cams, feeding footage live to computer from, Using a DV Camera
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, View Pictures in Windows XP, Resizing Images, Create a Picture Library, Print and Save Pictures
Photo Printing Wizard, Print and Save Pictures
renaming images, Create a Picture Library
resizing images, Resizing Images
rotating images, View Pictures in Windows XP
Windows Update, Glossary
Windows XP, View Pictures in Windows XP, View Pictures in Windows XP, View Pictures in Windows XP, Use Microsoft Paint, Use Microsoft Paint, Use Image Resizer, Sending a Picture Using Windows Messenger, Use Windows Movie Maker 2, Don’t Get Left Behind, Upgrade to a Newer Version
creating gifts from photographs, Use Image Resizer
Expert Zone, Sending a Picture Using Windows Messenger, Upgrade to a Newer Version
Microsoft Paint, Use Microsoft Paint
PowerToy Image Resizer, Use Microsoft Paint
resizing images, View Pictures in Windows XP
rotating images, View Pictures in Windows XP
saving movies on CDs, Use Windows Movie Maker 2
viewing pictures, View Pictures in Windows XP
Windows Messenger., Don’t Get Left Behind (see )
wizards, Connection Types, Print and Save Pictures, Saving Your Memories, Getting Ready to Voice Your Commands, Backing Up Licenses, Enhancing Video Viewing, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera, Turn Your Project into a Movie, Use Windows Movie Maker 2, Troubleshooting
CD Writing, Use Windows Movie Maker 2
HTML Slide Show, Saving Your Memories
License Update, Backing Up Licenses
Microphone, Getting Ready to Voice Your Commands
Photo Printing, Print and Save Pictures
Plus! Speaker Enhancement, Enhancing Video Viewing
Save Movie, Turn Your Project into a Movie, Troubleshooting
Video Capture, Capture the Moment with a DV Camera
Welcome To The Found New Hardware, Connection Types
WMA (Windows Media Audio) files, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist, I Want My MP3, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
bit rate choices, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist
converting to MP3, I Want My MP3
system sounds, Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition Audio Converter
WMA Lossless, Saving for the Future, Be a Traditionalist
WMA Variable Bit Rate, Be a Traditionalist


Yule Log visualization, Visualizing the Music
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