
In this chapter you learned how C# can be used to create and explore XML documents. You have discovered the internal structure of XML documents, learned how to create an XML document in the IDE, and learned how to write a program that can navigate through any XML document. You have also learned how you can generate an XML document from scratch or add an element to an existing document.



  • Modify the Adventure Kit game in Chapter 9 so that it uses XML data instead of object serialization to store the adventures.

  • Create an address book or another simple database, using XML technology.

  • Investigate existing XML technologies such as SMIL or SVG, and build a simple subset.

  • Create a new XML language to describe a type of data you frequently work with.

  • Use the XML skills you have learned to read an HTML or XML document and display selected information (perhaps it should switch to a larger font whenever your name is encountered in the document).

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