
In this first chapter, you have come a very long way. You have become familiar enough with the basic structure of C# to start poking around in the system documentation. You have learned how to work with the IDE to generate a default console application. You can now interact with the user through a few methods of the console object, and you know how to send special sequences, such as tab and newline, to the screen. You know what a string variable is and how to make one. In short, you’re now a programmer. In the next chapter, you will learn how to have the computer change its behavior with branching statements.



  • Write a program that prints your favorite quote to the screen.

  • Write a program that asks for a person’s first name, last name, and middle initial and then writes the name in several formats (first, middle, last), (last, first, middle).

  • Write your own variant of the adventure game. Start by writing a story, and then choose key words to be substituted.

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