Key Checkpoints

Key checkpoints consist of a major checkpoint for the track and a few interim checkpoints.

Major Checkpoint

The major checkpoint concluding an Envision Track is Vision/Scope Approved.

Vision/Scope Approved

Lead Advocacy Group: Product Management

The major checkpoint that concludes an Envision Track is getting approval of a solution vision and scope. This checkpoint signifies that the team and stakeholders agree on the description of the problem or opportunity and with the conceptual solution and delivery approaches. This checkpoint also serves to validate other aspects of a project and conceptual solution.

Interim Checkpoints

The interim checkpoints for an Envision Track are core team organized and vision/scope baselined, as depicted in Figure 7-1.

Envision Track checkpoints

Figure 7-1. Envision Track checkpoints

Core Team Organized

Lead Advocacy Group: Program Management

This checkpoint signifies key team members have been assigned to a project. Typically, the full team is not assembled yet. The initial team often might be playing multiple roles until all members are in place. To make sure it is clear as to who has what role, this information is recorded in a project structure document. A project structure document includes information on how a team is organized and who plays which roles and has specific responsibilities. A project structure document also clarifies the chain of accountability to the customer and designated points of contact that a project team has with the customer. These vary depending on the circumstances of a project.

Vision/Scope Baselined

Lead Advocacy Group: Product Management

At this interim checkpoint, the team believes they have completed the vision/scope document and have circulated it among the extended team, customers, and stakeholders for review and concurrence that it is complete. With such an important document, it usually takes many rounds of iterative discussions to reach concurrence. As defined in Chapter 6, once the reviewers concur that the document is complete, the document is baselined and put under change control. This means that there is no further planned activity to modify this document.

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